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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. Indeed, the politically motivated of any stripe vying for position. Your post makes me think of the way the Labour party turned on itself under Corbyn.
  2. Seem to remember Glastonbury previously had a politician up on the stage giving a speech at what was supposed to be a music festival.
  3. Profound. Her words will echo down the centuries.
  4. Tried to get a Liberal circle jerk going and totally failed.
  5. Truth is exposing the false narrative of the Left. HTH
  6. Yep. They take advantage of the unsophistication of consumers, and the fact that if they bring the monthly payment down to an affordable level the customer thinks he can afford it. The concept of effective interest rate is not understood by consumers, they just think wow! I can afford this pickup.
  7. The BBC like media everywhere seems to have gone woke starting around 2010 and this seems to be supported by the measured increase in the usage of woke politics associated words from then till the present in the media. I would question that it is a majority, on Social Media it seems to be a small minority very good at creating an impression that they are the majority. How is Bluesky doing? Likewise MSM are good at creating the impression that the minority view is the majority view and you must be The Far Right if you are not onboard with the "majority". Look at how the dam broke with that perception with the Brexit vote and then Trump being elected 2016. Actual voting. I would argue the real acid test is if a business "goes woke" it suffers a backlash. People voting with the pound in their pocket i.e. money not empty words. 'Go woke, go broke' is the phase, but in fairness large companies don't actually go broke for one woke misstep. I was a Gillette customer for fourty years until they came out with their anti white male boys will be boys advert. For the record they also did an ad showing a man teaching his trans son to shave. I actually thought that one was touching and not in any way offensive. Lets see how Jaguar do with their woke rebrand. I would sell their shares if I owned them, not because they are trying to make a niche theirs as a marketing strategy for survival, but because they have selected a niche that is smaller and with less spending power than they think (IMO). That said, you do have a point about changing Demographics, but does that represent a current section of the voter base and all that come behind them, or is it just a standalone cohort, with different views on woke being held by following cohorts.
  8. The 'Gang of Four' link brigade.
  9. I very quickly ignored BBC verify and also Reuters "factcheck". Both sides of the political spectrum/conflicts are lying on any given day, but they only ever went after the one sides lies and not the other (their home team).
  10. Doesn't that sentence apply just as much to the Biden voters as Trump voters?
  11. In fairness they have managed to hold out so far apparently with flat tyres on their vehicles, rotten food rations, no artillery shells and virtually no tanks left for months and months [according to Ukranian/Western propaganda] so we should perhaps not underestimate them based on one sided propaganda. Meanwhile the Ukranian army has been decimated in a war of attrition that was about just that, attrition. That's how Russia prosecutes a war. Remember when Ukraine was "winning", but somehow it still hasn't won. Why Ukraine chose Kursk as it's hill to die on is baffling, the Russians have something of a track record in fighting a battle there. Note: The above is an observation, not a defence of Russia's actions, so please all spare me the emotional Slava Ukraini replies.
  12. Somehow they didn't mention what is likely the real reason which is use of family member accounts as mule/money laundering accounts.
  13. It is impossible to have any meaningful discourse with someone of your mindset. Bye.
  14. It is impossible to have any meaningful discourse with someone of your mindset. Bye.
  15. It would be more accurate to askwho were the International Socialists i.e. the RotFront as that leads less room for confusion. Or are you saying the SA were the Socialists as you alluded in another post.
  16. Yes of course, you descend from your great intellectual height every now and then just to put the fools right. You are deluded to the point of psychopathology. It is not us who are mentally ill, it is you who is looking from your own framework that only exists in your head.
  17. I am not "desperate" to shoehorn or Pigeonhole him at all. I was pointing out that he was not what the Left says he was.
  18. What proof, just you saying he said this, that is not proof. You didn't post proof of this. Provide proof. Which speech, which page in Mein Kampf?
  19. I was countering the argument that you posted and thus endorsed: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/ you also posted this: https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists You don't have any arguments of your own.
  20. The assumed intellectual superiority of someone who is too limited to understand how limited he is. All you are doing is telling us how smart you are but with "evidence" that exists only in your head.
  21. Oh don't worry the onlookers on this board are judging who is the idiot in this conversation. Let's just let them judge for themselves.
  22. And I posted arguments from economists who were there that what Hitler actually implemented was de facto control of the means of production. Not what he said, he said a lot of things, but analysis of what he DID.
  23. The US economy will get 5 million Indians in one fell swoop.
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