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Everything posted by statman78

  1. Being a US citizen here in Thailand with a retirement extension I love the fact that I don’t need an income letter from my embassy. I simply go to my bank, get a 12 month statement, highlight the monthly transfers and present it to immigration along with a bank letter and a copy of my bank book. No issues and no need to travel to Bangkok or the consulate in Chiang Mai.
  2. The full article has more details. If Thailand buys weapons from another country then that country will be required to import Thai goods. The example given shows that the other country must commit to import goods in excess of the value of the arms purchase. That is how it can help the thai economy.
  3. Based on experience. When the country started to open up after Covid the airport was understaffed. There were hugh lines at immigration, extremely long lines to check in and at times over a hour wait to claim luggage. After living in Thailand for a number of years I see that the officials in Thailand are reactionary not proactive. Just look at how they handle the annual flooding and extreme air pollution. The government does star addressing issues until the start to happen. I hope this is not the case this time since I fly on a monthly basis. I always hope for the best but plan for the worst.
  4. The new terminal may be ready to go but I doubt if they have enough people to handle an increase in passengers. They definitely need to add people at the check-in counters, immigration and baggage handlers. it will be nice if they eliminate the bus gates. I fly between Chiang Rai and Bangkok every month and 30-40% of the time I end up at a bus gate either upon arrival or departure.
  5. We used A Solar. They have offices throughout Thailand. We contacted the office in Chiang Mai
  6. Thanks for the correction on the number. in January both the Bangkok English newspaper and Reuters both reported that Prawit was selected as a candidate for prime minister for his party Www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailands-ruling-party-picks-veteran-kingmaker-prawit-pm-candidate-2023-01-27 It was also reported on April 5. www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/who-are-main-candidates-thailands-next-leader-2023-04-05/
  7. I agree with you. Any party with a minimum number of elected members in the assembly (I think it’s 10) can nominate a person to be PM. During the first round of voting there were 188 votes against Pita. Add in the majority of senators and Prawit has enough votes. Things will get ugly then. If this happens I can see a vote of no confidence happening later this year which would probably pass. After that I’m not sure what happens
  8. A passport type photo works. Chiang Rai immigration requires that a man has a shirt with a collar. No t-shirts.
  9. As others have mentioned, the pool pump uses a lot of electricity. Our pool pump is on a time and we run it for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon and that is enough for us. We also added a solar panel system for our entire house. Our bills during the hot months were close to 6000 baht. Last month our bill was only 2100 baht. Well worth the money. Based on the savings we are seeing the system will pay for itself in about 7 years.
  10. Thanks for the info. I’ll talk to them and see what type of visa they originally had when they entered Thailand. ballpoint, very good information. I did not know that a non-imm b could be extended but your experience proves that it can.
  11. There is an American couple renting a house from us here in Thailand. Both currently have valid work permits. They would like to retire and stay in Thailand. I am thinking that they need to cancel their work permits and obtain a non-o visa here in Thailand. Then near the end of the 90 days they could apply for retirement extensions. They meet the age requirement. Since they have work permits now there is no problem for them to open bank accounts and deposit 800,000 baht. They told me that if each one needed an account with 800,000 they can do it. A couple of questions. 1. Do they need to leave Thailand and enter visa exempt or can they switch from the work permit to a non-o while staying in Thailand? 2. Does each person need an account with 800,000 baht or can one of them get the retirement extension and the other stay in Thailand as a spouse of a retiree? 3. Are there other options? Thanks in advance for your help
  12. I’m not sure about Thailand but most countries only allow you to have one valid visa. Once your O-A is approved your O visa would most likely be cancelled.
  13. I was told by my doctor that I will not need surgery again. Cataracts grow on the natural lens. During cataract surgery the original lens is removed and an artificial one is put in its place. The cataract does not grow on the artificial lens. If your vision is not perfect you can use glasses or I was told it is possible to do some reshaping of the new artificial lens to improve vision.
  14. I fly Thai Smile every month from Chiang Rai to Bangkok and return. Reasonable prices along with good service. I hope it continues. The flights usually only have a few empty seats.
  15. My left eye sight was perfect before the cataract took over. I did not need glasses. After surgery it is back to where it was. Before surgery my right eye was useless. I could only tell light from dark and could see movement. This was due to a combination of the cataract and nerve damage due to glaucoma. I still had the cataract removed and my sight in the right eye is at about 50% due to the nerve damage.
  16. I had a follow up exam the following day after surgery and was told that my vision was at 90%. After the first day I did get some more improvement but my vision was almost perfect on the day after.
  17. MJCM, your procedure sounds exactly like what I experienced last year. The only discomfort was during the injection which you also mentioned. My procedure was around 99k per eye at Rutnin Eye Hospital. It was the best thing I ever did.
  18. This should come as no surprise. When the coup leaders developed the constitution they gave these unelected senators, which they appointed, the power to vote for the prime minister. At the time I remember comments suggesting that this was needed because the general population might not elect the “right” people.
  19. From what I read, the vote for PM will take place in July
  20. This past December in arrived back in Thailand from a holiday in Egypt. I have a retirement extension and used my re-entry permit. I submitted my 90 day report online in March and it was accepted.
  21. In Thailand we have used a number of shipping services. We found the most reliable to be Thai Post EMS.
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