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Posts posted by TPI

  1. This woman should be hauled in, then jailed for human trafficking.

    Something that Thailand is supposed to be trying to stamp out.

    Thinks she is above the law, having pet policemen in her pocket.

    This whole case is disgusting, and should be stamped on and stopped now.

    She is mearly exercising her "rights" under "Sakdina", the ancient right of people who are Hi-So to be above the law as practiced so often in the Kingdom of Thailand! This "right" was banned in 1932 but old habits are haed to lose, just check out you daily paper to see it used everyday by Hi-So's, real and imagined! thumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  2. Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

    If Ozy women could get over the idea that now they're older than 40 "its" all healed up, and gave a little respect to the person who has supported them for most of their lives and ignored the bitter, twisted sisters at bingo then maybe, just maybe the "old man" might not want to go down the pub or trot off to foreign climes??

    Besides, what's the problem? Older men looking for younger women? Older women looking for younger men? Happens everyday all over the world, these blue nose, guilt ridden wowsers are the bane of people who just want to get on with their lives!

    Why don't they just buy a cat or a turtle? smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  3. Unfortunately somewhat of a disaster as the bottom feeding populist scum such as Hanson & Lambie are gaining seats, plus an additional few, exposed over the past week secretly seeking support from the far right, will enter the Senate and House of Representatives.

    Dear Mr Simple 1, Hanson was trying to bring honesty into politics over 20 years ago when her party recieved 1 million votes but didn't get a seat in parliment (apart from her) during a federal election! the major parties were so frightened that they organised via Mr Abbot, charges that were trumped up and she was jailed! Lo and behold when the dust had settled and her party had disintergrated the Justice department discovered that it had made an "Oooops" so they squashed the conviction and let her out of jail!!

    So much for the noble and honourable major parties, the parties of the most honourable red headed wranger Gillard who voted herself a pension pay rise before she was thrown out of parliment and lets not forget the infamous J. Howard who is suspected of setting up and jailing of Martin Bryant (a person with an IQ of 66)for the terrible killing in Port Arthur Tasmania, just so he could impliment his anti-firearm legislation!!

    If you think I'm a "lefty bottom feeder" look it up, the information is there to see, Gilliard forced to surrender her licence to practice law and Howard who told Tasmanian Justice not to hold either an Inquest into the multiple killings or to even hold an inquiry as to how it came about!

    The Independants are the only way to hold Parliment accountable to the people, not just a "rubber stamp" for the political elite! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  4. As far as I am aware the Bridge still stands or has it been knocked down?

    The original bridge was in a different location than the bridge you'll see today and the jungle hills you may see in the movie are located in Sri Lanka.

    The so-called bridge over the river Kwai, build by the Japanese and slave labour from material sourced from Java stands today in the very same location. If you are discussing the "bridge" built for the nonsense movie, well that's an entirely different story.

    I believe that the "so-called bridge" was destroyed by bombers using radio controled bombs, according to some autobiographical books I have read! I could be wrong but?? smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  5. The National Astrological Research Institute of Thailand

    I have long suspected that there is a confusion between science and superstition in this country.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events

    They actually have an Institute for Astrology? Of course, this is Thailand! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  6. These are the accidents resulting in death that make the news. So many hundreds, or thousands maybe are kept under wraps. We don't have the full story here so all speculation at this point. Mention of a welder but not clear if welding was taking place. I'd put my money on it that there was not permit to work for working in enclosed space or any hot work, or simultaneously carrying out different operations.Equipment not intrinsically safe. Unfortunate for the migrant workers who probably had little or no training and no job task induction. A concern is how the super structure has just opened up like a tin of sardines. Makes me wonder how sea worthy this vessel would have been and to what standards if any it was built to. RIP to the deceased and hope some learnings come from this incident. Wishful thinking though unfortunately.

    In my experience, even when you point out the obvious dangerous practices there will be no change! For instance, even a large fan blowing the fumes out of the hull would have solved the problem at minimal cost bot no one thought of it!

    Why not? Low IQ, vanishing small EQ and absolute lazyness on the part of the supervisor (who should be charged, along with the owner of the yard) maybe, just maybe an inspection by a qualified OH &S inspector hired by the insurance company might be a good idea?? thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  7. The health minister want to decriminalize Yabba, what will be his stance on crimes committed because

    of the use of Yabba and all it's consequents I wonder?......

    The decriminalizing of any recreational drug, has an immediate effect. It removes these drugs from the clandestine

    marketing between criminals and orgnaised crime within the military and police.

    It has at least one other effect. It is no longer romanticized by the young as something desirable because it is forbidden.

    Forbidden fruit is always sweeter.

    How you progress from there is a long hard road of education. People will always take a risk for a rush and as we know, yaba is a very poor man's coke. As we also know, drugs have three main purposes. Stimulation, or inhbibition and medication. Escaping from the boredom and pain of poverty, brought about by lack of education and fair government is a fair avenue.

    Concentrate on education and fair governance and the need for drugs goes away. The desire for them may stay, but that's the human condition.

    Some of us have healthy ways of getting a buzz, from sport and the like, but the peoples of the world 'are' drug takers. Admitting it and dealing with it are better alternatives than sweeping it under the illegal carpet, where the most nefarious networks of drug dealers from street mules to high ranking police are making money and misery from it.

    But what can an ordinary citizen do against the push of the "Organised" police, lawmakers and entrenched "rich" and fellow travellers? Education is the answer, when the poor stop buying because they know that the man selling the stuff to them is the "brother" of the man arresting them then at least some of them will slow down or stop!!

    Oh yeah, I forgot, this is Thailand?? facepalm.gifwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

    And for christs sake don't tell me if I don't like it here to go home......this is home!!

  8. Guests in Thailand should mind their own business and make no negative comments on line about Thailand.

    Go back to your home country and point your finger at all the Immigration and financial problems!

    I really miss common sense...

    Umm! A guest is someone who stays at your cost and is allowed unqualified access to your home? A tourist is someone who has been sold a story to encourage him/her to come to your country and spend as much money as you can squeese out of him/her!

    If the tourist feels that the environment is "unsafe" then they have a "duty of care" to point out the problem in case the locals have missed it! Right??

    That same duty of care requires people to warn others of unsafe conditions eg "There's crocadiles in the swimming pool", or would you rather have them say nothing as you put your children in the pool? facepalm.gifwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  9. I seriously doubt those figures

    It would suggest a high degree of efficiency from the thai authorities

    Even if it only cost 1000 baht to process each individual, 100,000 would mean the government spent 100 million baht on this

    I have a nice calculator I can sell you if you want. It would be 10 million not 100 million

    Please Mr Gandalf, stop taking the medicine! 100x 1000 = 100,000, 100 x 100,000 = 10 million, 1000 x 100,000 = 100 million! OK? biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  10. She illegally removed her time card, which is an internal document documenting time worked) and property of the employer. Nobody forced her to work there, and she should go back to Burma if she doesn't like it. My company's experience with Burmese workers is very bad, eventhough we paid them well in excess of the minimum salary, helped them with everything from WPs to insurance to mobile phone and internet registration, to lending them bikes permanently, getting driver licenses etc so I shed no tears. They also set up illegally businesses reserved for, and in competition with, Thais, don't register with the DBD, pay no tax and are pretty mouthy. Given that, and their historic transgressions that still live strongly among Thais, it is not surprising that there prevails a strong anti sentiment,

    Can I give you a hand with that broad Tar brush? Sir, your comment tags you as Thai.....defending the indefenceable! How dare she complain when we've allowed her to work at all!!!!

    Typical thai lower class comment......."all pride, no shame"! thumbsup.gifsad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  11. Stop them leaving the country clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    Silly bugger thinks they are still here.

    They should be looking in Dubai, not Thailand.

    You know better than the royal Thai police do you?

    Why on earth would they go to Dubai?

    Do you ever watch the Thai news on tv? I recommend it to understand more of what hours on in this country.

    Khun Nearlynam, have you ever heard the idiom "speech is silvern, silence is golden"! Please stop leaping to the defence of anything Thai, we're all human y'know and the RTP have quite a long long history of "looking away" where money is concerned?

    Your education doesn't assist you in understanding sarcasm, just read and try to understand what the previous gentleman was trying to say! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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