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Posts posted by TPI

  1. My wife and I were limitied to the "farmers bank" and they would only take ALL of our land to secure the loan! My wife(Thai) and I recieve a very generous pension/s from OS....there is not a bank in Thailand that would even consider lending money, their excuse was " what if the country goes broke and you lose your pension" or " that's too complicated for us and we'll have to go to head office, who wont approve it anyway!"

    If you are buying 10 or so rai and your wife is registered as a "farmer" then you have a good chance at the "BAAC" bank! Good luck! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gifclap2.gif

  2. Just wait, this is only the beginning of the problems.

    As in the original post, the big problem that a lot of people do not realise is the problem of saline.

    As the water table keeps dropping the saline concentration increases to the point where wells and bore holes become useless, if salt contamination gets into the farm lands then the land can be barren for more than 10 years!

    I really do not think the Government has given any of this the serious thought that it deserves, but then again, they are just poor farmers anyway right? Who needs them.

    Agreed, in Phrae, the salination of the ground water is starting to become a real problem....I'm not sure of the percentage of solids in the aquifer but it must be pretty high. for the first time the ground water has quite a briney taste and it leaves salt crystals on glass and concrete!

    And I'm only a kilometer from the Yom river....I believe it's the source of the aquifer? sad.pngwai.gif

  3. That piece of land belongs to the most expensive in the country.

    So sell out and move to the better reachable outskirts of bkk sounds like a brilliant idea. Especially since the UK struggles to take good and decent care of its older citizens.

    "Especially since the UK struggles to take good and decent care of its older citizens."

    Are you talking about expats ? If so what more "good and decent care" should be offered by the UK to those who have chosen to spend their later years in Thailand ?

    No, of course not, I meant the elderly still in the UK, the less fortunate ones, in the homes for the elderly where they lack sufficient staff and only get a wash once a week etc. etc.

    C'mon people! Why should retirees not get indexed pensions when they live outside Britian? They earned the pension with their own money, they're entitled to indexing as much as anyone who has not bothered to improve his lifestyle, it's their money after all, it's not a handout from the government!! (not that pollies give a <deleted> about the people that put them there!) bah.gifwai.gif

  4. This man will be very much damned in hell after he dies.

    Well you seemed to have condemned him - don't you think the charges need to be proven.

    After all - plenty of rapes get reported all over the world where the accused didn't do anything at all.

    not long before the ' happens all over the world' comment gets thrown in..... whos gonna throw the T word in for good measure?

    There's always one person willing to make a fool of themselves in an attempt at being a smartass.

    Perhaps you could tell me which countries in the world men don't get falsely accused of rape.

    Happens a lot - especially with mentally ill/scorned women.

    Feel free to use actual facts & figures.

    Hang on hang on! Why would a mother accuse her adult son of rape? To what advantage should it bring? Pedro1 you're a very sick unit to accuse the victim of lying and because "somewhere" in the world some "people " make false accusations! 62 year old poor Thai widows are not renowned for being smartarse enougth to continually accuse 47 year old drunken sons of RAPE!


  5. The problem here is the criminal justice system. This perp should have been in prison. He had a rap sheet a mile long and a lot of it violent.

    It was completely illegal for him to possess a gun or even to live in a home where there was a gun due to his criminal record. No new laws would have stopped him. Criminals don't obey laws.

    He had made his hatred of police clear via the social media.

    If someone decides to walk up to you and shoot you there is little you can do to defend against it.

    Two other police officers immediately shot and killed the perp.

    RIP. It sounds like he was an exceptionally good officer.

    Restricting firearms and reducing the amount of them floating about can only improve the situation......worked in Australia.

    Less about = price up and harder to obtain.

    Can't argue with the basic laws of economics.

    The wheels already been invented, rocket science it ain't duh ! wink.png

    Oooops! Sorry your first premise is not correct, its just that now there're more illegal firearms about....legal firearms have never been a problem in Oz, Check the stats!

    Economics tells us that there isn't a supply problem of legal firearms in Oz!

    The "emergency" laws were prewritten to correct a situation that was created by the government of the day! Led by a psychotic Sydney solicitor!!

  6. The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

    Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

    Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

    Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

    Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

    Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 - a little bit before 1969.

    Are you not an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant? If yes then you or your ancestors were happy enough to take advantage of the wonderful country that us Poms created. A bit hypocritical maybe.

    Have you asked yourself do the Aborigines want you in their country? If they did not, would you leave without a fight? and where would you go?

    Ah! Oz didn't become independant in 1901, that was because it was merely a federation of colonies organised by a British Parliment via a British law! Oz didn't become independant until the 19th of |April 1919! Surprised?? At the opening of the "League of Nations" (after WW1, where Oz, NZ, Canadian and Sth African troops fought as colonial troops under British Generals) only countries whose constitution was not dependant on the laws of another country (as were the 4 "Dominions") could join! Britian only relented when forced to do so by POTUS Woodrow Wilson (the true giver of independance to the 4 countries) who lauded their support for and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men during the "Great War"!

    The embarrassment of the Oz government was even greater when it lost the referendum to change from a monachy to a republic ( part of the referenda was at item 24....to authorise all laws made since 1901!) The problem is/was that laws dependant on the 1901 constitution are in fact, illegal! Because, that constitution was set aside at Independance (19/4/19).

    Many people have challenged the laws, the High Court has been resting on "Precedence at Common Law" as a support of the existing laws.......but its days are numbered!

    PS:- As of the 80's there were officially 278,000 people of part or wholly Aborigine descent in Oz, these people split amongst themselves AUD$ 850.000,000 over and above what they recieved as Oz citizens.....that is what generated people like Pauline Hanson and others to complain to the voters of the unfairness of it all! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  7. Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

    We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

    Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

    We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

    Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

    When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

    Agreed! While it's estimated that there were 300,000 "people" on the continent at the time of the British landing, none of them laid claim to any land.....not in their culture! At the same time the French were literally hot on the heels of the British at Botany Bay! The Spanish and the Portugese had already put a demakation line through Oz in the 16th century and of course noone speaks of the Dutch on the west coast or the Indonesian fisher folk who had been visiting the north and west of Oz for over a thousand years!!

    It's all just money to the lawyers, Eddie Marbo didn't realise what he was unleashing when he set out to own his own land!! Very sad really!!

    Let's set up a date when we'll kill all the lawyers!!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  8. Porky, Pom Pui with a few more pounds.....Fat and and still on the shelf was missing in the insults... over 27 years is considered old here and over 45kg on a Thai bird is Fat for me.

    I laughed at this...but the reality is, this is sad in the extreme...

    How far do you go before you realise you are making an utter fool of yourself ? All the way in LoS coz if you back out and wise up before then you .....lose...... face... can't have that can we ?

    Now now! The bride is only 51 Kg of simpering sweetness, 47 years old and is finally understanding what a farang needs!! You, on the other hand, sound a little young? Women don't mature until early 30's! If you don't believe me ask your father! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  9. If she had shot him there'd be 5 pages about how bad guns are by now.

    RIP to the guy.

    Trying to use this to score points for gun ownership? Really?

    Have a word with yourself.

    We really should get all these knives off the street.

    A case is easily for the more dangerous types of knives being sold in open in places like Thailand yes. But knives actually have other purposes than killing people, while guns only suit one purpose, to kill.

    Unless you cut your steak by firing at it with a machine gun rolleyes.gif

    What! There's another way? The noise is always a problem! (Time to lighten up a bit, life might be short but, you're dead a long time.....smell the flowers.......nobody cares!) smile.pngwai2.gif

  10. She went back twice because she initially "had gone to his apartment in Ramkhamhaeng to do some cleaning to get money for her studies" and I am assuming that she hoped he would behave like a gentleman and continue to provide her with this much-needed income.

    Maybe she hoped that his erratic behaviour was just a temporary thing, and she could continue to work for him, and maybe eventually things might turn into a happy relationship. Her only "mistakes" were wanting to work hard to earn college money from cleaning, and having hope that this big strong man would be a protector.

    Obviously the crimes are attempted murder, extreme bodily harm, imprisonment, torture, sexual assault. The sentence should be life in prison with no chance of release.

    She is probably the luckiest person of the year, her internal injuries were horrific and left untreated for two days, while the monster kept her chained up. I can't imagine how much she must have suffered in those two days. I am so very happy to read that she survived, and all my thoughts and prayers are with her for a swift and comfortable recovery. The strength she showed by escaping despite her injuries, was truly superhuman, a far greater physical feat than the bodybuilder could ever achieve. I believe that her inner strength will help her in the years to come, as she battles to overcome the post-trauma anxieties.

    well said that person! clap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  11. Why do they need Cambodian rats? I've seen big rats in the streets of Bkk, why not eat them?

    When I first came to Thailand I was puzzled by the absence of birds, no birds singing in the mornings, after asking turns out local farmers killed them all, nowadays their economy seems better because the birds can be heard singing in the mornings...

    Thais do not like to do the job of catching them, so either import the catchers or the rats themselves.

    Coincidentally saw a dead one by soi Nerm Plab Wan market yesterday, bigger than my cat!

    On the path, not the stalls.

    Thai's do not like killing things because they are very good Buddhists, that is why fish restaurants have Chinese cooks, the canny Thai's don't want the attached Karma! What! What about road deaths and killing girlfriends and killing yourself with drugs? Oh! That's different!! thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  12. "The rats were contained in a truck hidden behind empty bags of fertiliser" Shouldn't that be 'The rats were contained in a truck hidden behind empty fertiliser bags'? My Thailish not so good!

    Couldn't that mean that the bags where made of fertilizer?

    'The rats were contained in a truck hidden behind empty plastic bags which purpose is to contain fertiliser'?

    The rats were located inside a truck that was hidden behind empty bags made of unknown material, which alleged purpose was to contain fertilizer , not the truck but the bags....i.e. the purpose of the bags was to contain fertilizer, but at this point in time they were empty.


    Please, please, too early in the morning.........my brain hurts! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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