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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Why do they get to appeal? The land titles are illegal. Oh I guess an opportunity to present a bigger brown envelope to make this problem go away. TIT

    I think they call this "due process of law".

    As this is now all out in the open, it will be difficult to wrap it in a brown envelope.

    I hope this yet another sign that Thailand is gradually moving towards a more civilised society.

    In your dreams

    I have no idea where you originate from but tell me and I will provide provide evidence of grubby corruption within your "perfect" country.

    Sir, your thainess is showing, pleae resist the urge to defend Thailand no matter what! While corruption is everywhere it is a flower that blooms in Thailand better than many parts of the world!

    It becomes really really boring when Thai's raise the banner of "Sakdina/ 3 seals" in every discussion on anything Thai!! sad.pngfacepalm.gifwai.gif

  2. My objections are ......confessions, attempted suicides ,retract confessions, dark rooms and torture and DNA when there is no DNA for the defense to examine .....now if someone is to be triad and convicted or not, we don't need these phrases before we start castrating people now don't we?

    And even in clear cases, these people are sick to be treated as such........as much as i pray the Good Lord my children and us will be spared of this evil.!

    Oh I see, they're sick and need understanding and compassion? Of course the GL will protect you because you pray a lot.....right! I used to worry about people like you, now I realise that some people need to be victims in order to have something to pray about! sad.pngblink.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  3. The nonsense that they call the judicial system here puts young mothers (18-34) away for up to 8 years for having very small amounts of yaba, with no chance of probation! Teenagers, the scions of so called "Hi-so" families can murder and flee and the system leans backward to give them the benefit of the doubt!

    And you all thought that Sakdina/3 seals was done away with in 1932! Ha!whistling.gifsad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  4. Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

    "Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

    Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

    Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

    If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

    Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

    It's frustrating when you can't cuddle your grandchildren in public or walk into a store with them holding your hand! With regard to the brit, If we were in an Islamic country there would be no offense! This culture frowns on it and wishes physical harm onto people that do no physical harm to their victims! Some people are very sick units and I don't mean the "pedo's"! sad.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  5. I always love it how the rich and famous are released on bail even after they have been found guilty and convicted.

    What was the point of the trial exactly?

    Just think how it looks to the world when 5 policemen are found guilty of murder and then they are released on bail until their appeal is heard!! Of course they wont try and influence the witnesses??? laugh.pngfacepalm.gifwhistling.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  6. Where I live in rural Khampaeng Phet probably 95% of Thai females smile with/for/at me.

    Very few of them want anything from me. I get this in the shops, on the street, almost anywhere.

    They range from young girls to grannies.

    Perhaps it is the attitude I have in smiling first or smiling back, making poor jokes in my poor Thai (being partly deaf doesn't help me much either) and generally enjoying life the best that I can.

    Well strike me lucky! I've the same experience, when you give people a genuine smile.......gosh! They smile back! Poor jokes about yourself are a big help as Thai men wouldn't do that in a fit! Face you know! Feel good about yourself, ask women old and young... "are you married yet?" with a big grin and they'll come back with some quip in Thai that'll have everyone laughing!

    And, you're right, being partly deaf is a big help, sometimes it doesn't help to hear everything!! laugh.pngthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  7. Thanks for the PDF.

    Most of this information is already collected, so a waste of everybodies time.

    Also very badly designed try writing any province longer than Surin in the province field, and I really don't know how I can fit Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor in the mothers name field.

    Not to mention her titles! And what about dad's names? The general obviously has two penises! biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  8. BBL has been offering chip cards for a while. But they would work only at BBL ATMs, that why I declined. Will they now work at all ATMs across banks and even countries?


    i have have a Bangkok Bank Be1st Debit card for over 3 years NOT a Credt card a Debit card......and i have sucessfully used the card to withdraw funds in Malaysia, Singapore. and Vietnam.

    From local bank ATMs in those countries which have an agrement with Bangkok Bank to honor Be1st cards.

    That was one of the reasons I applied for a Be1st card. when i opened my account.

    That was not there chip card. It was a normal mag strip Visa debit card and yes usable everywhere and can be used until end of 2019 or expiration date.

    Bangkok Bank advising all chip cards from Thai banks are usable in there ATM's nationwide so they must have converted all now.

    They offer both normal four digit PIN and now 6 digit PIN Union Pay Smart versions - and both are usable overseas if ATM allows.

    I don't mean to be pedantic, but!

    There = a particular place, a position - put the radio there.

    Their = relating to the person - that is their radio. "......are usuable in their ATM's nationwide"

    Just trying to help! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  9. ^^^ What does Hillary have experience from? Has she ever run a government or a business? She was lame enough to say that she would put Bill in charge of the economy! Bill, who inherited a growing economy but handed it off going into recession when he left.

    What CEO experience does Hillary have?

    BTW can you name the two people who are running for POTUS who AREN'T being investigated by the FBI? smile.png

    Trump and Bernie! Is that enough? thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  10. Hillary hasn't even finished off the lame old socialist Bernie yet. That's how weak she is. She can't even get the Dems behind her.

    She is certainly weak now, and that is in spite of having every credential, every deep pocket, and every democratic party resource at his disposal. <deleted>, she even has Henry Kissinger, Mr. Republican foreign policy icon at her side as bff singing her praises. Yet, she is having trouble closing the deal, just as she had against Obama.

    Everyone knows she would lose badly in any nomination battle against Obama again, or against her Husband, which would be a landslide. Both Bill or Barrack would clean the floor with Trump.

    She is horribly flawed in terms of character, and that is the conflict. It all boils down to competence for me. I'd rather have someone even-tempered driving the bus who has experience, than a new driver with an unstable disposition.

    Youi're right! Bernie is the only reasonable person to be POTUS! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  11. Loser.

    Along with all those who watched the whole affair on television and online.

    and along with all those LOSERS who have failed repeatedly in western relationships and then set-up shop in thailand and refuse to accept the reality

    of thailand.........NOTHING is real...........perceived love,acceptance etc etc!

    Awwww! having a bad episode are we? Yes, we all know that life, in general, is an excreta sandwich but still we soldier on......love is what it has always been, losers are losers sometime but especially when they kill people because they got a promotion and the "loser" didn't!

    I'll never understand why the BiB didn't shoot him out of hand, he was guilty! Or, were they trying to save him because he was a "Doctor"? sad.pngfacepalm.gifwai.gif

  12. Why is it whenever someone wants to dress up some Thai bashing they throw in the word "culture" and think they've made some clever, insightful comment?

    Could easily be someone passing a disabled vehicle.

    One can only wonder how the culture of some bored farang results in childish posts.

    If the vehicle was disabled then they would have diverted traffic! My guess is is that you're Thai? The culture of Thailand is to make some excuse for the stupid actions of its citizens....everytime! That's why they're in the political pickle they're in now!! smile.pngwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  13. Can't wait for October when Putin drops a bombshell that validates Trump and sinks Hillary. Watch for Putin to say Russia penetrated Clinton's computer server and then offers proof. Bye-bye Hillary and the Democrats.

    Just imagine if H is disowned by her party T thinks he's got the election and then.....................B comes riding to the rescue as a third party candidate!!! whistling.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifbiggrin.pngwai.gif

  14. A reasonable question to ask would be "How likely is it that thre well-trained and well-co-ordinated team of cheats got caught on their first attempt?

    All my experience of living in Thailand and teaching in Thailand suggests that the 3 spies and the 3 students who got caught are the tip of a very large iceberg.

    I have only encountered 2 Thai doctors who are not incompetent, and one of those is a bad-tempered SOB with all the bedside manner of a dung-beetle, I include the senior clinicians at 2 very high-profile hospitals in Bangkok under the over-arching banner of incompetence.

    So, Are they incompetent because the standard of medical education and training in Thailand is wonderful, or because examinations are genuine assessments of knowledge and ability? Or because they aren't?


    Actually, I think you'll find that most doctors here have had further qualifications and experience from the US, UK etc. I've been here 12 years and never met an incompetent doctor. However, the doctors I've encountered in Europe are usually from Africa and India and do not compare to the highly skilled doctors here... Perhaps you should review which hospitals or clinics you are using??

    Actually Mr Claffey, I think you should stop taking the medicine! In nearly 20 years here the best diagnostician you will find is your local Chemist! The dr's here are "take some of this medicine I've been given by the travelling salesman and come back tomorrow". Chemists listen, explain and discuss.....then offer the cure, they all speak English and they all know how the drugs work, unlike the doctors!! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  15. It's an old Iridium container used in industry for sure. Very unlikely but not impossible that the 'pill' is still inside. Still got the locks and blocks on the ends.

    Not active in itself just a container that looks pretty beat up. Carry handle is missing so most likely empty and no danger unless you drop it on your toes, because it is heavy.

    Even if the pill is inside it's not dangerous to touch or carry, that's what it was designed for. It's used with a wind out tube mechanism to get the 'pill' in the correct position for doing Gamma radiography not x-ray radiography.

    Mainly used on pipework and not too thick steel welds. Used to be standard practice to carry in your car or works van when travelling around if the vehicle is fitted with the approved safe box and appropriate stickers.

    Thanks for the info! wai.gif

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