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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Having just come through the airport twice in three days I can tell you that 3 hours might not be enough if you have a mob of chinese tourists in front of you or a couple of A380's that are loading!

    I don't know how they will cope with "cattleclass" arrivals in the future with 2000++ chinese tourists all cramed in with their huge pile of carry on luggage in the immigration hall coupled with the slow handling of the paperwork?? thumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  2. The USA has 737 military bases offshore with 255,000 personnel.

    (that are bankrupting the Country)

    Say what!!!! Why would the US (land of the free) require 255,000 personnel off shore? To protect against who? I guess the "military/industrial" complex needs to keep the legions offshore to protect their interests?? thumbsup.gifbah.gifwai.gif

  3. Sadly, It will not matter. Nobody voting for her cares.

    Nobody voting for her cares BUT, everybody else does. If Obama buries it (or tries to) his legacy may very well be sharing the Martha Stewart suite at club fed with her. Clinton may think her poop don't stink but she also forgets that she's only carrying around 1/4th of the decided voters. With the SC effectively blocking the registration of another 4 million voters, with the media finally starting to mention her wrong doings, with the judge finally calling it a criminal investigation by the FBI, with Bernie announcing that his campaign has only just begun and the full power of The Donald coming down on her, she might just as well start looking into a relocation plan to Rio. (Brazil being a non-extradition country)

    On a side note: I want all of you Clinton supporters to notice that, not once did I refer to you as "Wing-nuts", "Mongoloids", "Uneducated", "Low-brow", "Knuckle-draggers", etc. as I respect your right to believe what you want to believe and I would appreciate the same in reciprocation. Posts calling other people names and addressing them with derogatory labels is uncalled for.

    I really hope the forum mods will take this into account with all future discussions of this political season.

    What will the situation be if POTUS gives her executive clemency? He can't be indicted and she's off the hook? She then becomes Madam President and for good measure gives herself a get out of jail free card!! thumbsup.gifsad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  4. No one is going to be learning much from a 2 day course.

    On the first day they spend 2 hours signing in and opening the seminar, after break they learn to sing a song! Lunch for an hour and a half then they are broken up into teams of, say, 10 people. A very short lesson rotation of about 20 minutes then afternoon break witha chance to buy uniform accoutraments at the stall which is located just outside the hall! Another 20 minute rotation then home at 4 o'clock!

    Next day,opening speeches again until 9 o'clock, then 20 minute rotation and so it goes until 2 pm when we have certificate delivery, 200 photos and away we go!

    The books they're given are as useless as the speeches given to and recieved from the director of what ever branch of government is hosting the seminar!The books are useless because they're English translations of Thai conversations which include all of the polite restateing of position, class, status and job requirements of the speech giver to the speech reciever with a quick statement of the course outcome (It's presented as a text book), not forgetting to say they're learning English so that they can communicate with all ASEAN countries!

    The main lesson is "The procedure of and how to act in a meeting!"

    Useless!! Bah humbug! smile.pngfacepalm.gifwhistling.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  5. I recently went to the hospital for a check up nothing serious and the nurse who took my blood pressure had "Practical Nurse" on her name badge. Can anyone tell me what a "Practical Nurse" is? I thought all nurses were practical.

    wow , where have you been ? practical takes b/p , body temp , changes bed linens , cleans the bed pan mess . all the grunt work . a registered nurse works for the doctor . but you knew this , just looking for attention i feel .

    MNo, in Oz there used to be "enrolled" nurses and "registered " nurses. Enrolled nurses were actually nursing aides, in Thailand they wear yellow! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  6. 40 grams of ice in the possession of "Bua" but yet "Or" is the one put in jail while Bua is not.

    "Next day Bua turned up saying that she needed 5,000 baht in connection with the bust"

    "A day later Bua arrived again and said she needed 15,000 baht"

    To me it seems like this Bua character is in on the extortion with the police in some form.


    Your deduction skills are amazing leaving me feeling somewhat humbled considering the backbreaking research you armchair sleuths put into your theory's.

    Definite candidate for Gumshoe of the month.

    Just saying .......

    Spot on!! facepalm.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  7. The last poster saying no one in Thailand will remember this case in 2 months is dead wrong. Wat Thammakai has many supporters, especially among he red shirts. an all out assault on the temple resulting in violence, injuries and death would play right into the hands of Tammachayo and Thaksin who would run crying crocodile tears to the world about the slaughter of peaceful Buddhist pilgrims.

    The DSI and the government are doing it all right so far, showing the public they are giving the extremely rich abbot every opportunity to defend himself against the very serious charges, now he's played his final card, there is no justice under a junta. Nice try but unfortunately the money transfers tell a similar story regardless of who is in power.

    This case is not going away..

    I'd love to be wrong and this case stays in the limelight, who will say no to more slapstick Thai comedy? clap2.gifcheesy.gifwai2.gifthumbsup.gif

    I'm all for the laughs Thailand is providing, great alternative to the usual Euro/American focused nonsense.coffee1.gif

    You will be wrong and this nonsense pales against the buffoon with aspirations to the presidency in America who' tells it like it is' every day,making up lies with ludicrous claims and impossible actions.

    I think the story is about a man who stole money and is now unwilling to face the result of his own actions, karma is a bitch! How Thai! sad.pngwai.gif

  8. Those caught should just be grateful detention conditions are not reciprocal.

    I met a Thai woman busted in South Korea for working illegally as was full of bile towards the place. Did the police knock her about a bit to get a confession? No. Did the police yell at her at all or make any threats? No. Did they try to extract any money from her on the quiet? No.

    Was she made to sleep on the floor of an overcrowded cell? No, she was put in a dormitory with other Thais. Was she served inedible swill? Well it wasn't very good, but the authorities did serve an approximation of Thai food. Was she given access to a lawyer? Yes. Was she allowed to contact home? Yes. Was an exercise period granted? Yes.

    Was she guilty of what they said she was...? Yes, but that wasn't the point. They are a shower of bastards over there and that's that, apparently. No, she wasn't interested in how Koreans in Thailand could expect to be treated under the same circumstances.

    I left it at that. There is no point in arguing with such a mindset...

    Nothing changes! All pride no shame! thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  9. Arrest warrants issuedcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Come fly with me lets fly fly away.

    Again authorities given wrong doers time to flee.

    Why do Thai authorities give wrong doers warning???

    I know you are unhappy living in this country and have a go at everything Thai when given the chance but please just stop and use your brain before posting rubbish like this.

    Excuse me Mr Johniiey, exactly where does he/she intimate that he/she is unhappy in Thailand? It seems pretty much on the mark considering how often it happens! Why don't you take a headache pill and a cup og tea and have a good lie down?? smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  10. You should never judge a book by its cover, but in cases like this one, that's hard to do. 62? I met a couple of 78 year olds from my army days recently who looked infintely better physically than this creature.

    He looks like what everyone's idea of a pedo should look like, the long sweaty straggly hair doesn't help. Ex/sex pats seem to split into two camps when they arrive in Thailand, one group becomes super obese 'heart attacks waiting to happen', with florid alcohol complexions. The other camp, equally slobby and unfit, regress into 'Gollum' lookalikes, only with requisite gangster tattoos, and worse teeth.

    Sorry to say, but your two descriptions pretty much describe ALL expats over 50 in Thailand.

    and thats saying nothing about nationality and obesity rates.

    I'd be interested to know, what do the good ones look like?

    Me! tongue.pngfacepalm.gifwai.gif

  11. Strikes me as insane in these heady days of elevated rights for minorities, that Minor Attracted Persons are still persecuted. In spite of all the lobbying and attempts throughout the western world to legitimize and respect people desires for sexual activity with children - it is tolerated mainly in liberal Afghanistan(google Bacha Bazi). Perhaps a HRC double bill will give enough time to roll this out properly - after all every other perverted act has gone from illegal status, to tolerated, to legal, to being rammed down our throats at every opportunity and positive discrimination in favor of perverts.

    Your critique is so well thought out, so free of bile and angst, are you hiding something? M'thinks you protest too much! wink.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  12. As stated it means the films WILL be shown, but they WON'T be checked. This is the only reading of the whole article that makes sense. The confusion arises from ambiguity in the meaning of "screening/ to screen" in the headline and first paragraph, which can mean "show" or "check". Whether that ambiguity is deliberate (as click bait) or just bad reporting, is a moot point.

    I've a feeling that they've either seen them already or had some trusted flunky see them, It's not like the military mind to approve something unseen!! Not at all dissimilar to Singapore! wink.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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