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Posts posted by TPI

  1. This is a Lady-Boy, not a girl!..... Soi 6 is a growing place for Lady-Boys, and that's OK. If that is your choice, then by all means go there and try. But Lady-Boys should be told to get off the streets, and operate in Lady Boy areas such as Soi 6, and clubs around Pattaya and Walking Street. Lady-Boys should NOT be allowed to operate on the beach areas. If a person wishes to link with a Lady-Boy then they know where to go to find them. But it should NOT be the beach areas!

    A disappointed swain perhaps? whistling.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  2. What the difference between him marrying a girl of legal age with her parents consent vs the senior citizen foreigners here in Thailand married to or dating girls young enough to be their granddaughters.

    Nothing at all, at least he knows her virtue is intact, the parents have probly been contracted since she was about 12 or 13 to guard her daughter for him. He would have paid for her education and clothing plus an horonium since that time!

    It's the Asian way and has worked for a couple of thousand years! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  3. Why not put 20 baht on each can and use this as tax and put it into a health care system, especially as the way Thai people are going, obesity is getting out of hand.

    That's a bit, not sure if that's the proper word for it though, counterproductive? You basically upcharge them to continue indulging and then get said money and more back in healthcare once they require said assistance, pretty much giving them no repercussion to their actions. As you know, obesity for most everybody is simply a chain of bad decisions day in and day out, I don't see any reason why one would need to ''punish' the rest of the population with a tax that ends up helping said behaviour...I certainly would have many better fields in mind to spend said money on.

    So Diet drinks will remain the same price?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but iirc we are only talking about sugar cane-sugar, Diet drinks don't contain that kind of sugar....so they shouldn't be affected by it per se?

    Well, it seems that they don't use cane sugar either. They have been using corn frutrose for some years in all of their drinks. hence the obesity problem! Like margerine spread it's all tied into larger profits and to hell with the customers! sad.pngwai.gif

  4. ...for whatever reason.....'justice does not live here anymore'......

    ...sick...disgusting hypocrites......

    For a nation that seems preoccupied with saving face, Thailand seems not know shame at all.

    Thai men....all pride, no shame! Yet if you appear to "shame" someone they'll kill you! It's a bit like the way that they poison dogs that frighten them, not because the dog is wild or vicious but because the dog made the man lose "face" to himself and so had to die......badly! wink.pngwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  5. Are Africans not fond of brown rice and the obvious nutritional benefits it offers?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Most asians think that brown rice is only fit for pigs. Even in the bangkok hilton the prisoners complained that the farang were getting white rice while they had to exist on the "inferior" brown rice!

    So, the government agreed with them now they get white rice as well!

    We are surrounded by idiots!! facepalm.gifwhistling.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  6. soap and toothpaste make a lot of gluey gunk. mixed in: some of your partner's super - strong black hairs.

    the reason i was asking where the pipe drains to is: only sewer - plumbed connections need 's - traps'. they are to prevent foul gas to emit back up through your plumbing.

    so, solution #1: eliminate the 'smart - trap' and replace it with a proper 's' trap.


    #2: do away with the trap altogether and put up with the stink...

    you can keep the basin plug in to alleviate.

    a lot of free advice for you to contemplate - or ignore.

    I've done a bit of plumbing here, the residue of toothpaste and soap plus the hair bits can take a bit of moving! There is no real reason for the trap, it doesn't keep the smells out and its only function is to stop the pipe from blocking up further down the system. Better to remove the trap altogether and replace it with a 90 degree elbow. Chock dee! wai.gif

  7. What is going on in 'merica? I can understand how idiots get elected in Oz, people generally don't give a s#@t!

    America was for years the slightly tarnished "light on the hill" for most Ozy's, nowadays it's a laughing stock! On one side you've got the nominee from hell and on the otherside, Trump! Are the american people so drugged out that they can't see the absurdity of the process? They allow a nominee's brother to decide an election and so place an idiot in the top job, and then allow a man because of his skin colour and nothing else worth a damn in the same job!!

    16 years wasted, Imagine if Gore had actually got in? Would people have been so willing to have a black postus if that had been the case??

    IMMHO it is time for the US to write in Bernie or the Libertine candidate for the election, at least the American people smarter than an 8 year old will have a real choice rather than this "dog's breakfast!"


  8. Of course CDC should not be involved. it would be like the directors of a movie being on the movie review panel.

    CDC formulate the charter and others debate the pro's and con's of it.

    Good to see televised open debate on the subject though. Open televised debate had been sorely lacking with previous governments so much so they absolutely refused to debate anything. It was an illusion of democracy if you will.

    Ohhh Jamie, I can't for the life of me understand how you can today say "Good to see televised open debate" . with just 2 weeks before the election and only 2 televised platforms to talk about issues.

    And the current laws framing any opinion's that the junta can interpret as "ride, unnationalistic, false, or causing trouble and disturbing peace" then these people can be GAOLED!!!!!!!

    Do you seriously believe the information and opportunity to discuss the draft is fair? or is it ramming the junta line down the country's throat?

    And lastly do you think it ok when a vote yes = military power and a vote no = military power?

    The EC has traveled about the world on tax payers expense to look at how other counties run referendums, and this B______T is what they come up with.....

    You know for a fact this would not fly back in OZ but you back the military riding over the people as they see fit, Where is your Aussie tradition of a fair go?

    Do you remember the last time the government used the military to ride over the people of Australia? Yeah mate, bloody Eureka stockade!!!

    Wear is your national pride?

    Careful mate! While Ozy's are famous for stating their opinion we're not in Collingwood now, the mango's who run the place have very little patience with those who are percieved to not agree wholeheartly with their view!

    Just a whisper in your shell like! wink.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  9. ....Thai men...if you interviewed them in their native tongue have ready access to Thai women 18 years and younger. They cannot figure out why all these foolish falang men show up to dine on their rejects.

    You got it---Thai men quite assuredly believe that Thai women older than 20 years of age are used up, over the hill.

    Lotsa cultural reasons what drives The Game in muang. Like trying to separate a hair ball that your cat spewed up on your floor mat.

    A Gay friend of mine, married to a Vietnamese man of the same persuasion, said that in his experience Thai men have penises like little black sticks, he was amazed that they could even father children? Maybe that's why they like very young girls and discard the mothers of their children?? Lack of ?? wink.pngthumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  10. What is it about these people that they can't handle an insult? It's words for %$ sake. In more sane countries and cultures, we realize that people get worked up and blurt things out or flip the bird. Then we reciprocate appropriately -- and that's not by getting a shotgun and blowing the person away, with the exception of some nut cases who do that. It seems the incidents of violence in Thailand have risen greatly over the past few years. Does that possibly indicate there are some very serious potholes in the road to happiness?

    "Serious potholes"......yawning chasms would be the most reasonable conjecture? Isn't it wonderful to be able to sit on the sidelines and watch the circus come to town, knowing full well that all it takes is an airline ticket to leave it all behind? thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  11. How long would it take a shuttle bus to go from Victory Monument to Ekkamai during rush hour?

    Why would anyone in their right mind do that? Does BTS ring any bells?

    Or the MRT to Chatuchuck Park or the BTS to Mor Chit if they're going to Mor Chit Bus terminal! Of course that might overload the already crowded BTS as how many people can you cram into 3 carriages? wink.pngwai.gif

  12. One has to ask, "will it ever change?", of course not, there is no incentive to either change or to even modify the system! Most young people seem to want to get on the gravy chain as soon as they can....it's not difficult, pay a senior officer a couple of hunderd thousand baht and you're in!

    The salary is low but medicine and hospitals for your family are free, you're a government officer not a public servant and you can hold out your hand when the bonuses are handed out! What's the problem?? smile.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  13. Plutojames,

    Any chance you are over-thinking this one?

    I don't think so, the attitude of the thais that think about it at all, probably less than 1%, is that that is the way farang act, if it makes you happy , why not? What really pulls my chain is the mealy mouthed ultrahypocritical wowsers on this forum who complain about someone else having their own kind of fun! What difference does it make to you or yours what tourists do on a resort island? If you feel "demeaned" then I suggest you find a friendly shrink to tell your troubles to! The rest of us human beings will continue our lives probably regretting we were not a party to either end of the celebration of life! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  14. Isn't the Minister of Tourism and the anti-alcohol lobby doing their best to shut Thailand down to partying ?

    I'm sure this will be more than compensated for by quality tourists forsaking Paris, Rome, NYC etc.

    She's doing a great job in my opinion. Far too much partying going on these days.

    Why do young people these days love "partying"?

    The current youth generation all seem obsessed with spending their Friday/Saturday nights attending parties or 'whore-houses' as they should be known drinking like there is tomorrow and showing zero respect for the bodies of themselves or others. I'd like to know why young people do this to themselves. Why does socializing for them have to involve turning into wild animals and shattering ones moral compasses. These young people should have more dignity and pride in themselves. Instead they are ruining their future by spending their weekends attending whore houses. Why is this young people? Why can't you just go to the cinema/shops/restaurant or try lawn bowling like I do? It's a great way to let of steam!

    I agree, youth is wasted on the young! Better they should learn to knit! For god's sake don't stop the crackdown on alcohol purchases or lewd behaviour or so called "fun"....be sensible, visit a waterfall or a Wat! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

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