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Posts posted by TPI

  1. These Junta clowns are repeating their 2006 failure. They have silenced all opposition voices with their guns and oppression and now idiotically believe that the dearth of criticism of their ridiculously biased actions is proof of their correctness and vast public support - idiots one and all. This right wing extremist joke is hurtling inevitably towards its deserved demise

    "Examples need to be set that those who commit wrong will be punished, so no future leaders dare repeat these actions. This will create sustainable reconciliation," the NACC member said.

    - Does this line of thinking apply to the Army leaders and the coups they continually inflict upon the nation? Selective justice is no justice at all!

    Reconciliation cannot be forced by one side onto the other at the barrel of a gun.

    What nonsense! Where have guns been used to silence people? Where is the Army on the streets? Barricades? Armed vehicles?

    It was Prayut who commenced paying the rice farmers within 3 days of taking over; not the Yingluck Gov't...they allowed graft & corruption to occur to the tune of Billions of baht.

    Wicha's comment that you quoted is correct;Thai people are entitled to have those who have wronged them, to be punished....that's natural justice!!

    Agree: your only correct statement is in the last line...."Reconciliation cannot be forced by one side onto the other at the barrel of a gun."

    Hear hear! The shin's are collectivly at fault, nationalisation of the entire Shin ediface would be/should be natural justice! sad.pngwai.gif

  2. Interesting to hear the outcome of this story.

    I hope we get an update.

    May Wichai Raksilp Rests in Peace.

    Don't know if we hear an update, but I'm sure the boy and his parents will be punished as they deserve to be.

    The days of being lenient have gone......we are experiencing a new era in Thailand.

    Ah Mr Costos! So you say! We know the boy will walk, the red bull boy walked, the girl who killed those people in the van....walked, the sons of the MAN walked! A pip on the shoulder or 10 million in the bank....your children walk! bah.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  3. The poor general, typical of 'merica to flay someone for being human.....how did it effect his job? did the writer try to sell the secrets? Who won and who lost out of all of this? What can the Justice dept say after agreeing to not prosecute GHW Bush for much worse crimes while director? sad.pngwai.gif

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  4. "If so, you should have offered it with your right hand, or both hands.

    Standard practice, considering where the left hand might have been"

    Don't quite understand the above. Would they not be considering where the right hand might have been if you are right handed?

    to a muslim or a hindu anything to do with the left hand is dirty, it's the hand you wipe your bum with, that's why they cut the right hand off thieves in saudi.....everything they touch is dirty! wink.pngwai.gif

  5. A1Str8, on 03 Jan 2015 - 17:51, said:

    Cypress Hill, on 03 Jan 2015 - 16:01, said:

    The posters with hi so Chinese wives wouldn't be able to buy so completely into the archaic class bullshit of a relatively insignificant and largely unimportant SE Asian developing country if their wives were darker-skinned than they are.

    I guess some people just crave acceptance by the locals more than others

    Hey Cypress.

    When i saw that there's a thread about Thai Chinese, i just knew i was going to stumble on you.

    Tell us a bit more about them please.

    No you've got it wrong.

    I'm no expert on Thai Chinese women but I have what I think are reasonably accurate theories on those who genuinely believe that an association with the Sino Thai females confers some kind of credibility or enhanced status upon them. Such delusion is made all the more laughable because it indicates that those farang men are seeking affirmation or validation from modestly-educated locals whose opinions don't even MATTER to those they aspire to emulate.

    I'm not saying that's the case with a guy who's dating or married to a Sino-Thai - one can't help whom one falls for, right?

    No, I'm taking the piss out of those who'd have us believe that they're cut from better cloth because they start thread on TVF telling everyone that they date females from a group considered by many locals to sit at the top of the food chain.

    You wouldn't happen to know anyone like that, would you?

    Yes mate, I'd be one of those.

    My wife is a 5'10" glamour, former Miss Thailand top 20 possessing unrivaled class and style still at 37 years.

    It's quite funny and satisfying to see the absolute look of envy from all falang and Thai men when we are out together.

    Yep, you "can't help whom one falls for, right?"

    ......it's about what one wants in a life partner and if he's "got it" to get her.

    I can't help thinking you might have been lacking somewhat.

    I can't help thinking that you were born with two penises, nobody get get to be that stupid by pulling only one? biggrin.pngwai.gif

  6. Being married to a Chinese lady from North Vietnam for 50 years I feel that I've something to contribute. Hi-so, Lo-so, if your lady is pretentious, serve you right! Of all of my wife's friends in Oz and o'seas none put on the dog like so called hi-so's in Thailand.....! Their equal is only to be found in S'pore, who, where the rich were born without <deleted> and they get their servants to dump for them! I pity the man who collects a hi-so trophy wife, you will never never measure up! thumbsup.gifbah.gifwai.gif

  7. I should gree with another member in how egoistic and ludicrous does this Thai chairwoman sound:

    - "She said the SME Bank rescued them by extending their repayment periods but the bank still required its debtors to continue paying interest in a timely manner" - How is that supposed to be considered as "Rescued". I assumed that SME Bank had rescued itself from losses;

    - " She also advised tour operators to cut their fees to woo clients for the sake of their survival in Russia's critical time" - Really? How sweet is that. Why would she advise foreign operators to lose money and not the thai hotels,retailers .. etc?

    Is it just me or every time i hear a female representative from thai government giving a comment, it sounds like a comedy show. Or, could it be another Yingluck?

    How about applying the following changes,in order to get any tourists back (not only Russians:

    1) Have a one solid exchange rate for $100,$50,$20... bills , not cheating;

    2) Have the same fee for Thais and foreigners to attend any National Parks, Museums,.. etc;

    3) Allow foreigners to own some properties (land ,house.. etc) legally:

    4) Have more flexible retirement laws ;

    5) Allow foreigners to own businesses legally, on it's own ;

    6) Your choice ...

    I dont really see how 6) is an option. Tee hee hee.

    Also are you not afraid of that it would mean for foreigners to have this much control here? If they make it really easy for all of these things, Thailand would be taken over financially would it not?

    No, otherwise how does the US, UK, EU, Australia, NZ and others function? facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_JFYdwai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7

  8. How sad! The light on the hill! A third bush? HW is accused of organising to kill JFK and brothers, W goes to 2 wars without a cent in the bank and allows a dark and evil VP to control the country and economy! Now they want the man who cheated his brother into the white house to run........god bless america! They're going to need it! sad.pngwai.gif

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  9. Thai Government proves that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Just think how many road deaths there would be if the Thai Government counted more than just those that died at the scene of the accident.

    The same amount?

    No, the govt doesn't count those who die on the way to hospital or in the hospital. In the west casualties are counted up to a year and a day after the actual accident! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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  10. According to Thai language news - the hired coach approached the traffic lights much too fast and then swerved violently to avoid hitting other traffic. In doing so the driver completely lost control and the coach overturned on top of a local school mini bus that was taking children home from the loca school. The dead and seriously injured were in the mini bus - not in the coach which was from Lampang. The driver of the coach has been arrested for reckless driving. Our heartfelt sympathy for all those bereaved and injured.

    It's almost boring the way the Thai establishment just slides over these crashes, only one dead, the driver will get bail, nothing will be done to ensure that the company's buses are all roadworthy or that the drivers are not off the planet with ice or speed mixed with their favourite tipple!

    With no consumer protection laws what can you expect? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  11. how did 55 years of sanctions benefit the Cuban people?

    As usual, the poor people pay the price of the actions by their government(s). I've got mixed feelings about opening up Cuba. It's such an amazing place now (good and bad). If opened up, it will look like Miami. But the poor people there would benefit dramatically. They are treated very poorly by the government there.

    Quick story. Went there and spend a week with a friend and his family who live just outside Havana. When we left, we gave him our portable stereo. Along with a note from us in English and Spanish saying it was a gift. Well...he was arrested on the train trip on the way back to his home town. The police figured there was no way he could afford something like that and probably stole it. They confiscated the stereo and put him jail for a few weeks. Sick.

    We had problems just walking down the street with him and his family. Many times, they'd tell us to meet them somewhere as they didn't want to risk being seen with us and arrested. This was about 10 years ago or so.

    Sanctions definitely didn't help the locals, but neither has the government.


    Same here. Mixed feelings. A lot of Euros and Canadians go to the resort sections of Cuba, and never see behind the facade--the crumbling buildings, people working for the equivalent of $20 per month. Not to mention the official spies assigned to each neighborhood to make sure things never challenge the government. That said, I would like to see the place opened up and much, much stronger ties restored to the US. Like the Philippines (the other external territory that the US gained in the war with Spain), Cuba has not done well on its own, without the Americans. Also like the Philippines, they may now want the US back. The Filipinos just realized it a lot more quickly than the Cubans. Personally, I grew up with a Cuban family as my next door neighbors. They lost everything because of Castro. I mean everything--two factories that made cigars and textiles. They arrived in the US with just a suitcase and built themselves up quickly again. One of their sons went on to become an outfielder for the Philadelphia Phillies in the late 70s early 80s. I think he's a scout with them, now. But there are untold numbers of Cubans who had that happen to them--not to mention some posters on this board, apparently, such as Thailiketoo. It would be nice to see them compensated as well.

    I'm a little confused, many of the contributers seem to think that Cuba and the Philipines just sort of drifted into the US's sphere of influence and now deeply regret not being part of it....something like that? right?

    The facts are that the US forced Spain into a war it couldn't win, there was all sorts of confusion on how the "white ship" came to be sunk! The carpet baggers demanded the US go to war, Teddy R. shouted something like "manifest destiny boys" and gosh! American capitalists of every ilk made a fortune, it was only when castro threw out Batista, the US puppet, that Cubans gained what little freedom they have today! The Philipines were an unofficial colony of the US up until WWII, they fought and won their freedom from both the Japanese and the US by their victories!

    If you don't believe me, watch the Godfather! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  12. Misleading headline....

    TV is taking lessons from Yahoo!rolleyes.gif

    PS for the kids

    If you're going to be late, wear pants or carry knee pads with you.w00t.gif

    Just refuse to crawl. If they manhandle you, that is child abuse for sure and there will be many witnesses. I don't think the teacher or assistant director will use a choke hold to take the kids down, do you?

    Wonder what Thai parents of children involved will do?

    My friend you just don't understand the system here! If the parents find out they'll just say "serves you right" "I told you to hurry up". If you have the time drop by a high school sometime and watch the discipline being metted out, your eyebrows will reach the back of your neck!! wink.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  13. A I understand it there were 3 major waves of aboriginal migration into Australia across a land-bridge in the north-west of the continent, spanning a period of 60 - 20,000 years ago. Each new wave was more technologically advanced and aggressive than the last and pushed the existing tribes south and east. The last descendant of the original tribes, Truganini, died in 1876. The current "ab-original" (first man) tribes are descendant from the second and third waves of invasion. The other 97.5% of the Australian population are a result of the fourth wave of invasion of more technologically advanced and aggressive people, which has been ongoing since 1788.

    As with any invasion, there have been terrible things done by both the invaders and the resistance - of which neither side should be proud. Some of the policies of governments (of politicians now long-dead), though enacted with good intentions, still cause major divisions on both sides of the story.

    Ultimately, the Aboriginal population needs to decide what they want to be:

    • perpetual "special needs" children with government supplied housing, perpetual pensions based on ethnicity, special government funded health programs, special government funded education programs and no responsibility or accountability etc.
    • fully integrated, productive members of the wider community - accepted as just another element in Australia's diverse population
    • a separate, independent nation-within-a-nation, with restrictions on "foreign" entry, its own tribal laws and control over the mineral resources of the land on which they sit

    Currently there are people pushing for each of these agendas and demonizing the broader population via a guilt trip over things their grandparents (or preceding generations) did.

    Well said that man! In order to be considered an aborigine you either have to be 1/32nd or less or to be known in your community as of aboriginal descent! My grandchildren of one of my daughters qualify, when I asked my daughter why she didn't take advantage she replied " I don't want my children to be looked down on as free loading drunks!".

    Many aboriginies work and contribute to the Australian community, colour or education does not count (generally), it's the nature of the person that does count. Unfortunately, many urban and country aboriginies have been institionalised by the Australian "nanny" state welfare departments. These many departments need an aboriginal "problem" as their reason for being ! Who cares how many lives they destroy? thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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