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Posts posted by TPI

  1. I thought that Politicians world wide were already deep into psycoactive drugs? Do you mean to tell me they're not all drug takers? God forbid!!!!!

    Drugs are not the problem, they never have been, only a very tiny percentage of the population use them, alcohol of course, is the major problem! Legalise the lot and let the pieces fall where they may! The loosers will die and the rest will clean it up! Like always! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  2. The villagers certainly seem amped up by the current plan, perhaps the govt. underestimated the potential resistance this would spark.

    They could rectify the situation by generating some anodyne alternating plans that circuit the areas and switch back to positive ground...

    I'm sure that the resistance that has been sparked by this flow of information at the current time will only amp up the voltage of dispute, even then they are poles apart! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  3. I don't think that anyone should be allowed to by land where he isn't a citizen. I've watched the issues in Ecuador where much is mountainous and good land is scarce. Foreigners including expats have bought so much of the good land that the locals can no longer afford any for themselves.

    There's always some disparity in income with wealthier people seeming to like to buy up land in poorer areas. They often don't care if they get a return on investment until they sell, hoping for appreciation. There's even that dynamic in the US and Canada where there is a lot of land but rich people from big cities buy a farm while they are on vacation and then lease it to a poor farmer on a share crop basis. The word "sharecropper" has always had a negative connotation - meaning a poor farmer.

    When there is more and new demand chasing the same supply of land, prices go up and make it almost impossible for a farmer's children to buy land or for the farmer to increase his holdings. The price shouldn't be based on speculation but rather on what it can produce. That can happen only when the producers are the interested buyers.

    Gasp!! Are you saying that capitalism is a bad thing? Shame on you for thinking about others.....it would never never do in 'merica! whistling.gifwai.gif

  4. "Wallop Namwongphrom of the Chiang Mai Cultural Council said he found the nudity unacceptable.

    Chiang Mai has been known for its cultural heritage and any act of public indecency would tarnish the provincial reputation, Wallop said"

    Chiang Mai! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gifwai.gif Surely you jest!!

    I would've thought it would help tourism.......It sure got my attention!!

  5. saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

    A crime of opportunity...

    Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

    Sadly true.

    A psychyatrist back home, who has seen and heard it all in his cabinet, said:

    Never leave a girl alone with a male parent, neighbour, or friend,...

    In any case where such a male would be trustworthy, a mother or father of a young girl has no way of knowing....

    Now I know why Ron L.Hubbard hated all "shrinks" with a passion, what a sick/demented opinion to hold! Andre, your shrink was/is a very sick unit! bah.gifgigglem.gifwai.gif

  6. saying he did it to satisfy his sudden sexual desire when he was left alone with them.

    A crime of opportunity...

    Can not leave children alone without a responsible female present...men in general should not be trusted with other peoples children...

    Sorry Mr/Ms ggt but! It doesn't seem to be a crime of opportunity, it was a result of careful planning and had happened over a long period of time (my guess). Women are as bad as men when it comes to manhandling babes and children, at least men don't play with a boy child's genitals and laugh when they get a hard on! Watch any group of mothers....! When was the last time you saw a man take his daughter to a toilet and pay very close attention to their genitals in the process? Women do it all of the time saying "It's all right, I'm his mother!"

    If a father was to watch his daughter pee into a toilet the universe would condemn him! sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  7. They government has almost impossible situations on their hands. Past governments and state officials have done little or nothing to correct them and now they are all falling into the General's hands at about the same time. I hope he can resolve them. I don't envy his position.

    He didn't have to take on the role of PM, a poor tradesman always blames his tools!! You reap what you sow and deflecting it back to the previous inept crowd is expected from a particular quarter. He was warned about the impact of Martial Law on the economy by REAL economists and financial experts and he dismissed these as being anti junta and that nobody understood Thainess or the situation in the country.

    There is NOTHING stopping him from stepping down and bringing in a cabinet where he has the experts, the losses occurred in the Thai economy due to the coup have been Staggering if the economic experts outside of Thailand are to be believed.

    Bottom line, it's happening on his watch, he and he alone brought in people like Kobakarn and put his buddies in positions they had no experience in.

    Yes he inherited a mess, but he wanted that position so badly, and now has ultimate control with no accountability with article 44, he has to accept the bad shit along with the good!!

    Hate to disagree but! If you remember he waited for the two camps to come up with a solution and when they didn't, took over! The problem seems to be with the fishing industry, they are so used to living off the labour of slaves that they're finding it impossible to comply! To comply would mean they will have to forgo access to their slave holding islands, no sex for food.....gasp! Can't just kill a troublesome slave! Accountability for what fish we take, no more banned species!! How awful, next they're be wanting to have the Thai Navy stop being the most evil pirates in the south China Sea!!!!


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  8. I've been here 16 years. Nine years in Bangkok and the rest in Phrae....in Oz I couldn't have 11 dogs, 2 bufalo, mobs of fish, turkeys (ready for the table if anyone is interested?), geese and ducks. my lady and I have a couple of rai for bufalo food and we grow a little rice (if we feel like it!) my little kubota tractor runs like a charm, beer is cheap and I go out to a bar with my matesw once a week with the blessings of the lady!

    The weather is exactly like northern Oz so I can't complain too much!

    It's not Vietnam (my home of choice) but it's awfully close. I'll be happy to stay here until I die. thumbsup.gifwai.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    • Like 2
  9. "Great news. Eventually the Thais will invent communicative language teaching and critical thinking."

    That is like when a woman tells you that your are handsome for your age and weight.

    Talk about a back handed comment.

    What do you actually know about education or Thai education specifically?

    Student centered learning is nothing new but it is very hard to correctly adapt to the classroom and curriculum. Communicative approach to language teaching is so last year. Get with it. Those that are proponents of Communicative approach are those without degrees in education or ability to do anything but speak in the target language. There are so many other skills in language development than just communicating. If all you are doing is relying on that, then you must realize that the students need other teachers helping them with the other language skills.

    This article is about a lot more than that. This touches on the role of the teacher, the role of the student. Realizing that collectively your students know more than you do. It is very difficult to show the same results that a standardized test can, so administration tends to think of it is not as essential. This method of education is also very time consuming. Lecturing is the most efficient way to get information out, it also can be the least effective. Balancing your teaching style to combine, task based learning with lecture and rote memorization is probably the most effective.

    I think your reply is both condescending and just plain bitchy.

    There are professionally trained teachers from their own countries teaching English here, and to lump everyone into the one basket and say their opinion is not worth asking, is a bit much.

    The great majority of Thai English students need basic communicative skills, as the current level of English is so poor. It's not bottom of the ASEAN ladder for nothing.

    EFL teachers can do a lot to raise the level. They don't need to be some high falutin' academic to achieve this.

    Thank you, you took the ink out of my pen! Obviously if you have a MA in education and English then I suppose you need to hang it on the line sometime, otherwise, all that time studying will have been a total waste of time and you would've ended up in Thailand! Right? smile.pngwai.gif

  10. No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

    There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

    I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

    You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

    You ignore them and you will be ignored.

    No Costas that's just a bit too trite.

    Mr Costas is correct, although Chidren, grandchildren and great grandchildren sometimes forget, they're always there when you need them! smile.pngwai.gif

  11. The mind boggles. Only in Thailand would they start digging a tunnel without knowing where the exit would be.

    We have a plan:attachicon.gifwe have a plan.jpg

    JOC, is this supposed to be funny?

    Please, explain, as I'm not in a very good mood today and I need a laugh.

    Mr Costos, the joke can be seen two ways; first, if you can see the diagram it's a total nonsense. Second; If you canniot see the diagram it's still very funny because it's so subtle as in...."we have a plan" and then nothing, zero! It's a way of showing that there wasn't any planning to begin with it's merely a plan to get their hands on 6 billion baht!!!!!clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.giffacepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  12. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

    Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

    Mr Neeranam, aren't you drawing a long bow on Mr Costos's comment? Exactly why is it wrong to walk around in the suit that God made for you? Are you suggesting that God, in his infinite wisdom, created a body in his own image, and then is happy that wowsers like yourself are horrified by looking at it?

    Thai culture is wonderful for Thais, the only problem is that nowadays the bastions of truth and modesty say one thing and do another....true hypocrisy wouldn't you say?

    It would appear that Mr Costas, judging by his many posts loves this country, so much so that he's prepared to be lambasted by by some shallow thinking OP's in order for general tone of Thai culture may be improved! wink.pngwai.gif

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  13. But its so much fun! Splashing water like a bunch of <deleted> 5 year olds and drinking all day and then jumping in the car or on the motorbike. So what if hundreds die?

    Yipeeeee! Great fun! While Phrae doesn't seem to have too many drunks the population that I have spoken to are not too happy that the pickups full of laughing wet children are paying the price of the idiots who throw ice at motorbikes!

    These youngsters are not the perp's who kill people1 They stand on the side of the road and throw clean (cold) water on young people who stop and throw water back! Of course there're idiots who spoil things, like the wowsers and grumpy folks on TVF who if they're not satisfied with spoiling their own Songkran are desperatly spoiling others who are punished because they are young! And Thai???

    Don't you miss the water fights at the lights, or stopped in traffic??? thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif And I'm 70!

  14. I would recomend this company as they import second hand engines and gearboxes direct from japan, it might be more reasonable for the lad to just drop in a complete engine and gearbox, something that could be done by your local mechanic?

    If you or your son could call the manager of the company on 081 687 478 (Kuhn Supang) I'm sure she will be able to solve any problems you might have! I've used her company many times before when reconditioning cars for resale and to date have never had any reason to complain.

    Kuhn Supang speaks very good English and of course, Thai. smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

    More information....Khun Supang.....SV Autoparts....081 3455 288. Thanks for listening!tongue.pngwai.gif

    • Like 1
  15. I would recomend this company as they import second hand engines and gearboxes direct from japan, it might be more reasonable for the lad to just drop in a complete engine and gearbox, something that could be done by your local mechanic?

    If you or your son could call the manager of the company on 081 687 478 (Kuhn Supang) I'm sure she will be able to solve any problems you might have! I've used her company many times before when reconditioning cars for resale and to date have never had any reason to complain.

    Kuhn Supang speaks very good English and of course, Thai. smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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