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Posts posted by TPI

  1. stupid thing is that the police actually did their jobs, ie, traffic cops, highway cops etc and started to issue fines(legal ones) to all those that did not obey the traffic laws (red lights, indicators, giving way, having a licence, being old enough, speeding, driving/riding while using a mobile phone, driving on the wrong side/wrong way, crossing double lines, using the wrong lanes etc) and confiscated cars/bikes if not paid they would make an absolute fortune and be able to pay the police a decent wage. The police are never on the roads unless they need tea money, they do not stop people doing the wrong thing, they will not come out to a house when they are called to an offence being committed, they refuse to do anything that is any type of work or in the heat of the day/rain, maybe they need to be taught how to actually be police and what their duties involve. Also why in the hell do they drive those stupid single/twin cab trucks and not proper police cars, they are heaps of sh*t and seem to be used by everyone else to do any moving they need done.

    Dear Mr CJ, can you imagine how terrible this country would be if everybody did their job to the best of their ability?

    Whereas now everything is easy, a small fine here and there isn't a problem, things get done eventually (sometime) and we all cruise along into the furure! Didn't we all come here to get away from the stupifying "nana" states that the outside world has become? For mine, I hope that the Junta stays forever, that the RTA never changes and that government officers continue in their bizarre way to keep the country with only one foot in the grave! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  2. I suppose there will be a flurry of suitcases leaving Thailand,the contents

    to be deposited overseas.in HK,Switzerland,Singapore.

    These people must have been very confident that they were untouchable

    up to the very last minute,as they did not do very much to hide there ill gotten


    Its going to be interesting to see what happens if/when they end up in court,

    regards Worgeordie

    "its going to be interesting........!" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.giffacepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif No chance!

  3. Yea, there are a lot of tough nuts to crack. Still doing nothing can lead to more deaths like this. What to do to protect the police officer when faced with a perceived threat to their or another's life? Agree that teaching children right from wrong is a difficult task...that's if they even listen and heed. I would think mandating toy guns be made of bright colored plastic would not hurt. If one child's life is spared then it's a win. As pointed out, real guns could be made or coated with bright color. Criminals are always coming up with new ideas but the case here addresses children's toys. If an adult points a brightly colored gun...well, police take the age and intent into consideration in the split second decision. Bright colored weapon in hand of child - use non legal shot or means. Bright colored weapon in hand of an adult - if judged to be reasonable doubt, I certainly would not find the officer was not justified in stopping the threat by letal force.

    Please, don't use that hackneyed phrase "if it saves one childs life" ! The parents allowed the 12 year old boy to have an imitaion pistol in the playground (probably belonged to Dad?). The police responded to a real threat and acted according to their training, only an act by the 12 year old could have saved his life.

    Don't blame the police or the toy, the boy thought he was in a movie (perhaps?) and paid the penalty, he could have been "train surfing" and suffered the same fate! Kismet......? sad.pngsad.pngwai.gif

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  4. Some time ago when talking with a Thai friend who is in a position of some prominence within the civil administration network he let it slip that a certain gentleman who suffers from a chronic ongoing ear affliction was rather heavily involved in somewhat disruptive and aggressive acts in the South as was a ''political crusader who had donated ground for a public park in Bangkok in the past and who had been a somewhat controversial M.P. too who was recently seen carrying a lamp to light the way to the path of democracy? Well that's what the said character claimed anyway.

    Now was the controversial ex M.P. perhaps seeking a refund on his past ''investments'' due to poor returns, perhaps a chronically ill person was or is trying to scramble back into favour along with consolidating his errant sons police position thus these recent starling revelations concerning a flexible renta cop?

    Indeed it is a tangled web of deceit, dishonesty and intrigue along with mysterious deaths too.


    Well well, hope springs eternal? Could it be arranged to hang both of these miscreants and the sons of one in the aforementioned "public " park, between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm of course?? thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  5. No explanations required. It's a disaster.

    Disregard the rubbish in the first few photos. It was after some sort of mass function, and they were cleaning up the garbage as I was taking the photos.

    However, the holes weren't made in a night and the sandbags appear to be permanent.

    Wow! It's a pity no one can hack those photo's onto the TAT website????wink.pngwai.gif

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OP your problem lies in the fact that as pig-headed as you are, you think yourself above the rules of the school.

    If the school says you should wear that which they provide - presumably free of charge - and yet you don't, yes, you do lose out in the popularity contest in which you seem to think you are.

    Griping because someone else obeys the rules is childish and really does show that you are less of a person that the teacher who obeyed the rules.

    So the message here is obey. Don't think too much do what you're told. Forgive me but how exactly does blind obedience make one a better person? Maybe you could school us on the finer points of good moral character?

    Dear Mr toooa, It's not about the teacher! It's a little like the army........you know "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir!" They pay the money, you entertain a class.....what's the problem? Calm down, chill out, it'll all be over one day thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  7. Anything that can be hit by meteors etc can hold organic life just like earth.

    They bring water that is trapped in salt crystals tiny droplets at a time. These combine to form bodies of water that absorb into certain strata I believe which contain amino acids. the building blocks of life.

    It is absurd and quite arrogant for some people to disbelieve that there is other life out there.

    The universe and even our solar system is absolutely teaming with life.

    Amino acids are not found in strata of rock unless they were put there by plants. Amino acids ARE the building blocks of life. They are also the exclusive product of life and do not exist without a living source to provide them. The Organic compounds they have found on the comet are not as complex as amino acids. The definition of Organic in chemistry is still ambiguous. By one definition Methane (CH4) is organic since it contains carbon. Methane is found in the atmosphere of Jupiter - no big deal. Other definitions require that an organic compound contain linked carbon atoms to form a carbon chain such as is found in sugars or fossil fuels. So far the only source of carbon chains is the by-product of living systems. Scientists with the comet project are hoping to find complex carbon molecules so that they can fill the huge, enormous, gigantic, gaping-hole-question in the whole evolution theory: where did the organic compounds come from that led to spontaneous generation of life? It is kind of a chicken and egg question. If life requires organic compounds but organic compounds require previously existing life - that means that the first living thing had to be made by intelligent design OR it was an accident that resulted from ingredients that fell from the sky eons ago. The evolutionists are "praying" they find complex carbon chains in space because not finding them would absolutely devastate their theory. When you push the top evolutionists right to the wall about the beginning of the whole evolutionary story - they are forced to guess that the ingredients fell from the sky or else were placed here by amazingly advanced beings (and how is that so different from the advanced being that some call God?). Of course if these compounds for life came from comets and asteroids then we have to ask: so how did they get on the comet or asteroid? So the "solution" to the evolutionary quandary is really just a path to a much bigger conundrum. I have met some truly awe inspiring minds in science. People who make my paltry 145 IQ look retarded. They have all come to the conclusion that life does exist beyond the human sphere - and at least one of those beings is the one who created life on Earth. Call that being what ever you will, but if he has a preference as to what we call him - it would probably be a good idea for us to find that out. My Tee Rak and I have different ideas in that regard but I love her and respect her enough to join her in pushing Krathong into the water and walking around the Wat three times, and she joins me at church and we love to compare notes afterwards. We play together nicely. Evolutionists are like secular "Muslims" however. They do not play well with others and often hope to see those who do not agree with them in a headless state. Some of the vilest diatribes I have heard come from evolutionists who bully those who dare to question them about the roots of their doctrine. I wonder if my comments will generate any today?

    Nope! Don't think so, while your 'arguement' has value doesn't it just "Kick the can down the road " ? wink.pngwai.gif

  8. Bell 212 is a very trusted and field proven bird.

    It was a variation on this same aircraft that had a hard landing two days ago--a Bell 205B, I think.

    The deaths in this crash go to show how lucky the 15 passengers in the previous crash really were.

    A real loss to so many families.

    I hope they are performing their scheduled maintenance on these aircraft. I am guessing the Thais have their own version of the FAA to investigate.

    Like i said before on a previous post,MAINTENANCE is an ugly word in Thailand.

    Stop assuming. After all the other crashes I would say maintenance has been upgraded.


  9. Sheesh! Who really cares if an 80 year old man goes to jail for life! Someone has made an accusation.........gasp! It must be investigated to the fullest extent of the law so that there is absolutely no chance of a guilty person getting away with it!

    Mr 1979 grow up! You had a mindless rant and were called on it. Rather than "man" up and say that you might have over reacted you continued the rant, only as you went further into it you cooled down somewhat!

    It wasn't even an interesting read. sad.pngcoffee1.gifwai.gif

  10. You miss the point. He has never been charged or convicted. Unless someone comes forth with conclusive evidence, he should be given the benefit of the doubt - like anyone else should be. Have you ever heard of the presumption of innocence?

    I've heard of it and am also familiar with quite a traditional idea called "justice"; have you heard of this?

    Rape or sexual assault is a traumatic experience for the victim and, because of it, a lot of the victims will suffer in silence not willing to come forward. These are the people that you called 'parasites' in your first post. You see I think that you come from a misogynist school of thought where women are kind of thought of as inferior people who were probably asking to be raped anyway and should just shut up and go away.

    Steady on mate! My brother was accused by his daughter of molestation, she was 13, he went through hell knowing that the more he protested his innocence the worse it would be for him!

    She retracted her statement on the steps of the courthouse, her excuse was, he promised not to get involved with another woman for 5 years after her mother ran away with a 19 year old boy but he only waited 3 years!

    Where is your justice? Mr G is only supporting the idea that without evidence any accusation is merely hot air and might only be for self agridisment!

    Calm down. sad.pngwai.gif

  11. There actually are useful rules for safety and self-defense, but they don't begin with how to handle a gun. That's a much more advanced topic that ought to be taught to legal owners by qualified instructors in an appropriate environment. Otherwise

    1. Be aware at all times of possible threats in your immediate environment. Avoid environments that include a high probability of threats, and avoid behaviors that invite threats or impedes your awareness.

    2. When faced with an imminent threat:

    a. Make lots of noise and run away. Literally. If that isn't possible

    b. Surrender your valuables rather than risk bodily harm. But

    c. If bodily harm is imminent (This is where proper [CCW and other] training come in.) then

    Go into all out, no holds barred aggression until the threat is eliminated. Your only objective becomes stop the threat as quickly as possible without sustaining any damage or immediate future risk to yourself. Martial arts teach this. Legitimate gun classes teach this. They also teach awareness of the relevant laws should you cripple or kill someone in self-defense. And good luck to all you righteous folks who say you would rather die than harm another person. I hope you are never faced with the choice.


  12. "Teeranan explained that shooters must realise that if the wall behind them is strong, then the bullet may be deflected and hit other people, and if the wall is thin, then the bullet can go through it and hurt people behind it."

    Shouldn't that be the wall in "front of them"?

    Or have some people really got no idea which end of the gun they should be pointing with?

    Or, as the whole programme seems to be just sensationalist, opportunist, "look at me, aren't i cool", macho man posing, are they demonstrating trick shots?

    It appears that what Teeranan is talking about is common sense IF you have to handle a firearm. Nobody is required to be trained when buying a firearm, which in itself is crazy!

    Non owners and those who are not or have never been competent with a firearm should watch the show for their own protection, if someone is handling a firearm nearby and not handling it safely then it's time to "bug out"!

    Even if you have a firearm and you confront a person who has a knife remember, if they are within 8 yards/meters they can kill you before you can stop them! Keep your distance! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  13. Sensing a huge SNAFU coming our way.. Better stock up some cash wink.png

    May I suggest doing a balance check, with proof, or an electronic passbook update before the fun starts ?

    From what I've seen and heard it's not fun to have a dispute with a Thai bank who seem to operate the old fairground rule of ' fallen darts not returned ' so any documentary evidence might help if the event of something going wrong.

    I don't think there is any need for you to start suggesting to the gullible that Thai banks are going to be robbing their customers money.

    Surely you jest? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

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  14. I'll say it again , until they make companies pay heavily for this kind of life threatening incident ,nothing will change

    Ive been dealing with kind of shit for the past 12 years working in Asia and it annoys me no end that due to the corruption in the construction industry people , mainly foreign workers die. The problem being many construction companies have political "Partners" or board members

    Look around, when was the last time you saw any safety equipment on a Thai construction site outside of BKK? There is no penalty for workers dying on the job so who cares, they're Burmese anyway!


    The new hospital in Phrae!

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