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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Rape is a crime of violence. I find no humour be the perpetrator male or female.

    Imagine yourself in the victims place, having your body viciously violated by someone of the same or opposite sex. No laughing there I would imagine.

    Please Mr Benmart, most of us are aduts, and being adults sometimes we enjoy adult humor.....don't take it so seriously, life is much too short! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  2. Why are you all afraid of article 44?

    What have you done or intend doing to be so afraid of it?

    Or it's because you have to write something against the Prime Minister.

    Don't worry your lives will not change to the slightest but I'm sorry can't help you of being miserable.

    Nobody can more miserable than who enjoys and celebrates at journalists being threatened of summary executions and students and teachers jailed and tortured to death and children being enforced to slavery.(who dared to denunce it is himself in jail)

    Let's hope this will happen to Greece too. Countries don't need democracy , they need discipline, obedience and military dictatorships.

    As some Thai generals said few years ago, 150 000 deaths are a good price to keep the power, I think next time Greeks will protest for lack of job or food , the army should shoot a couple of millions of them. In this way they will go in the perfect path of happiness and "peace" you wish for Thailand.

    For just this once I agree with you, anyone who can be so complacient in front of so much evidence to the contrary must be living on valium? "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely!" thumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

    • Like 1
  3. "The company said it was sorry for causing misunderstanding to the public that the model had committed an indecent act on the fashion stage.
    CentralWorld added the event organizer did not intend to cause the indecent perception and failed to take into account that children might be watching the show.

    The company said it was sorry for causing misunderstanding to the public that the model had committed an indecent act on the fashion stage.
    CentralWorld added the event organizer did not intend to cause the indecent perception and failed to take into account that children might be watching the show."
    So CentralWorld had no idea what the show would contain?
    You believe that? I don't.
    Central are very professional in their marketing, promotions, marketing etc., and there would be no doubt that any event must fit into a set of guidelines which maintains & pushes the image that central are deliberately building and maintaining. So, if you were the store owner or the senior manager responsible, would you just tell an event organizer 'do an event' and with no further discussion whatever? No.
    Blame the event organizer. You accept that comment? I don't
    Wonder if the CentralWorld owners would like their young kids to watch this, on stage, in front of an audience, in a department store?

    All comes down to one word - greed. Greed along with abandonment of ethics.

    In a word.......rubbish! So what if any kid saw a man's bum while having a shower !!! Gosh! What is it with all of the wowsers of the world? Do they really believe that kids don't realise that adults come in 2 types until they're 18! Most normal kids have seen more than their Dad's bum by the time they're 3 0r 4 so what's the problem? Where in the "magic" book does it say that Children are forbidden to ever see their Dad's bum?

    Maybe if you spent more time on your knees forgiving people rather than standing up and judging them the world might be a better place? smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  4. I have seen one in Chiangmai while I was at a garage with my car. Looks to me like a real original M-151 Jeep.

    Only thing modified seem to be the vacuum line they installed for the whippers, but I am not an expert.

    A couple of years ago they were being sold in Vietnam for about US$8000. They appear to be re-worked M151's...If I'd had the money I would have driven one home to Phrae! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  5. Have to agree with other posters here sounds like the blade is on the wrong way round. You are talking about a hand held circular saw?

    According to his original post the blade is cutting in an upward direction, which is correct. So the blade is not the wrong way around.

    Maybe the markings on the blade are wrong - for his machine.

    I just hope he doesn't turn the blade around and start cutting downwards. The first time the blade hits a hard spot that saw will jump out of his hand. It will not be pretty.

    Its got to cut up, just cut some ply and you'll see why! Mr Chickenlegs has got it right!! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  6. Baidu:

    • CONS
      Download protection missed many very-new threats, actively identified them as safe. Behavioral detection flags both good and bad programs. Poor local malware blocking. Identified two valid programs as malware. Antiphishing totally ineffective. Limited options to handle resistant or persistent malware.

    It seems the only way to get rid of Baidu is a HD re format, the problem is that it's solid into facebook and any number of Thai language programs....wifey gets onto the computer and thinks she'll help out?? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  7. Good advice from everyone, but! Work out the size of the lid you need and make a strong timber or steel form (shape of the lid), when you cut your steel reo cut it to fit your form, if you want a very strong very quick drying concrete throw in a half handful of iron fiiings although you'll have to be quick when you trowel off! Good luck! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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