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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Do yourself a favour....spend the extra money and go on a REAL airline, If the seats were any closer together you wouldn't be able to lower the table, as it is, leather seats do not make up for the terrible food, the expensive soft drinks or the "plug in" entertainment modules! If you're Thai you might have just enough room to put on your seatbelt & God help you if you get a window or middle seat!

    I flew with them a dozen times before I woke up to the fact that sitting in an aircraft for 9-1\2 hours, sitting in a seat that you can't adjust back, that's right, vertical all the way! is not worth the few dollars you save! INMHO :jap:

  2. I used to fly with Jet Star/AA a lot , I don't think that they even pretend to give value for money....seat spacing is for dieting biafrens and the food isn't fit to be called swill. Of course I'm upset, everyone is jampacked in, getting booked in is always a problem and the waiting area is away in the boonies and does the lower (not cheap) price mean that all products sold on the airline come at a premium price??

    Bah! Humbug! A pox on all their houses!

  3. As an added thought, my specialist in Oz said that the problem is not caused by the tongue or nose or anything that you can have control of....he showed me the problem...my problem was caused by a flap of skin that dropped over the esophagus from the back of my throat, which he said was caused by smoking! (100 a day!) I stopped and the problem solved itself, sort of?:blink:

  4. I found that my sleep problems were caused by smoking, smoking and smoking! Whilst I didn't have "chronic fatigue" (hyperactive thyroid!) I was waking up to 90 times a night, choking etc.

    After a couple of years on the "machine" I found that a wife/girlfriend who pushes you onto your side when you start to snore, cutting down on overeating and drinking, giving up cigarettes and sleeping on your side seems to solve my problems!

    I don't know if this regime will work for you but after 6 heart attacks I had to do something?

    Good luck!:)

  5. Unless Thailand is willing to adopt some practices followed in Western education, the teachers will not be able to influence the areas which are in desperate need of development. There are a large number of reoccurring problems in Western/Thai classrooms, and unless they are addressed from the top-down, no real improvements are possible.

    The fear of failure is a real motivator, but the system for failing students is just a sham here. Students are obviously pushed on through the grades regardless of the academic achievements. Most of the good, certified western teachers I meet over here complain endlessly about this issue.

    A much larger difference which continually create problems in "farang-led" classrooms is that westerner students are taught and encouraged to be individualistic and act as free-thinkers. Thais typically do not value those sorts of skills, and in fact they are discouraged subtly and overtly. Raising one's hand in class is often seen a sign that that student doesn't understand - something which is terribly embarrassing in the group-think environment.

    Of course, the west doesn't have a corner on education and they're not doing everything correctly, but there has been a LOT of good work done in the last 30 or 40 years which has not been adopted here in the Land of Smiles.

    Hear him, hear him! Well said Sir!

    Western teachers will have a"pink fit" when they first enter a Thai teachers room! "What's for lunch" is the only thing on a Thai teachers mind! They all think that the students are stupid because they don't understand the lessons and the Thai teachers couldn't be bothered explaining anything to them!

    It's bound to fail!

  6. Being a Brit and loving my morning cuppa, ive finnally worked out the best way from a jug kettle, as soon as the hot light comes on, pour half a cup, this will get rid of any ants and the cooler water in the dispensing tube, then pick the kettle up and shake it a little, when the heating light comes on and goes to hot, make your tea, or when the heating light comes on, open the top so it near boils,

    Milk is a matter of choice too, i use foremost low fat uht, and lipton teabags, Its good enough for me, although we brought 200 tetly tea bags from uk last year, well, thats a different story!!!

    Not that the English would know anything about making a cup of tea! We cultured Australian's know that in order to have a "Good" cup or pot of tea first you need a clean cup! Not something that you bought over from "Blighty" and haven't washed since Grandpapa gave it to you in '52...While I commend your use of Lipton yellow label teabags surely you can't be serious about using "Foremost low fat UHT" milk! :bah::bah:

    A "Wise " person might consider a full cream milk like "Meiji" as it doesn't have any flavour enhancers like sugar or vanilla flavoring, unlike "foremost" (American for insect urine). Using a large urn that heats the water to 100 degrees C, fill the cup and allow to steep for up to 5 minutes, remove tea bag and add a small dolop of milk, stir, enjoy! It also helps to clean your teeth after you have your morning cup of tea! ;):D

  7. I don't want to protect the banks because after all they as well the insurance companies are the modern highway robbers but comparing the fees in Thailand to the fees in Germany for example is definitely harmless. In Germany they started without any fees many years back but now you pay for every transaction doesn't matter from where to where. Even talking money from the ATM cost you money. That's why they can build all those office palaces, pay their executives big bonuses and loose our money in questionable investments which again are bailed out by the tax payers. :bah:

    This is the greatest BS ever! If you are 2 dumb to have your account at the right bank in Germany than you pay. However there are several german banks that do not charge a single penny for worldwide!!! Atm transaction, even if you use your german Visa card with the ATM in Thailand (Bank will refund the 150 baht).

    Your last comment tops everything! It is stupid people like you that allow banks to built sumptous offices ONLY because YOU do not compare prices. Germany has a perfectly functioning retail banking system, which is the most efficient and cheapest system of the world. READ again I said retail banking not investment banking.

    All very well "sunshine" if you happen to have access to a German bank! Some of us non- European's have to live with what we've got! Pour some water (or beer) on you anger and allow others to comment on the greedy miserable miserly bottom feeders that pass themselves off as human beings who, since they have been invented have done nothing but sow war and famine throughout the world! God curse all bankers! :annoyed:

  8. I can only help you with the snake...it could be a "Paradise Tree snake", it's very similar to the "Golden Tree snake" the difference being in the scales! the Golden Tree snake has scales with black edges, some are completely black while the Paradise Tree snake has scales that , towards the back have red or orange spots in the middle changing to light green towards the tail. this snake is very rare!

    I hope that this helps? Whatever you do don't kill it! :jap:

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