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Posts posted by TPI

  1. hmm, got me worried now....i can see the logic of those drivers wanting to get back to bkk asap to collect another busload.

    i will be going tuesday night, but my priority will be to check out the escape window, maybe wear my bike helmet on the coach...and make sure i dont see any whisky near the drivers seat...haha

    You think you're joking don't you? You can only book a month in advance...30 days ago every bus too and from CM was sold out! Last year they killed 1600 people and injured 32,000 in 5 days in the land of smiles!

    Best of luck! violin.gifwai.gif

  2. I for one, think it is an excellent idea. Most countries in Europe have a couple of weeks workplace-training, where the students try their skills in a choosen workplace. Non paid. It gives the young Thais a change to test their abilities and be part of society and show some much needed responsibility (saving energy). As it not rocketscience, I am sure that the students under supervision from either teachers or people doing cleaning now, will do an excellent job. BTW vocational students here do normally not end up working in 7/11, most of them end up in the autoindustry on quite good salaries.

    (With apologies to Dylan)...... 'twenty years of schooling and they put you on the air con cleaning day shift'....!

    What about all those government officials at inactive posts........surely they'd appreciate doing something for a change?

    Now that's the best comment in weeks...those poor people sitting in the building hawkers center drinking coffee and reading a newspaper, it's the only thing these "inactive ones" are good at...doing nothing! angry.png

  3. Miracle 1: An enchanting 2-hour immigration cue after a 14-hour long-haul flight to help you acclimatize to the tropical climate;

    Miracle 2: A charming taxi driver whose vehicle's meter doesn't work, but who graciously offers you a special fare of just 800 Baht for getting you from Suvarnabhumi to Sukhumvit Road;

    Miracle 3: A friendly city inspector who alerts you that you've dropped a cigarette butt (although you don't smoke), but agress to let you off this time for a humble contribution of only 2,000 Baht;

    Miracle 4: As you intend to visit the magnificent Grand Palace, a concerned local assures you that it is closed today and offers to instead take you to a "government-owned" jewelry store that has a fantastic price promotion going on "only today and only once a year";

    ...and many more such miracles in Amazing Thailand!

    Cynic cowboy.gif

  4. Holding oneself to a few moral guidlelines does wonders to basically eliminating the threat of HIV.

    Especially if you are married to someone with similar conviction.

    That's the same kind of attitude that Jehovah Witnesseses probably had during the tainted blood scandals in Canada, UK, France, Japan, etc.

    Acts 15:29: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell.

    People contracting HIV from blood transfusions. If only they had higher moral guidelines to stay away from blood! I mean, didn't they read the bible?

    It seems logical that the writer was referring to animal blood in the diet, blood transfusions didn't exist nor was it thought of in those days. Some "Christians" make you wonder at their sanity!

  5. The temple in Lop Buri will only take HIV people for 2 months. I asked why and they told me they don't last more than that...2 ovens going flat chat! A room with a huge pyramid of bags of powdered bone, 2 mummified naked corpses on tables outside, lines of school children (primary) being told what its all about...this is what should happen in every province!sad.png

  6. Yeah, seriously! If a young lady dresses like a harlot, who's to blame? In case of most body being revealed, almost any touch would be inappropriate. But the lecturer should have known better. Get a girl somewhere else, not at your work place...

    Khun Sandpaper, what sort of misogynist are you? "Dresses like a harlot"? The female students are in university uniform! Does this make all female students harlots?? angry.png

    • Like 1
  7. Antenna's use magic! Really! if you dangle a piece of wire (an earth wire is a good idea) out of your upper floor window down near the router antenna and attach the wire to your computer antenna you might be surprised by how effective it is in gathering in the signal!

    Of course the easiest way to improve your signal and save your life as well is to earth your computer with a length of wire that attaches to your computer on one end and the other end (bare wire in both cases) is pushed into the earth near a wet spot! A dry spot will do only not as well.

    Anything that radiates a radio signal or receives one just loves to be earthed! It also gets rid of that electric tingle you feel if you touch your computer box, makes the computer work better as well.

    Remember! if you use the "cantenna" reflector you wont get any signal behind the reflector, or not much! Happy pottering!

  8. If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

    Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

    Maaate! The transport dept. has said that if any taxi refuses to take you then contact the transport dept and give them the taxi number. When the owner of the cab goes to re- register the cab he will be fined B500 for every occurance! So it's up to you to report the taxi, pretty poor but that's all she wrote!

  9. I can echo that story...I went to renew my retirement visa at Nan, the young officer insisted that my wife/partner show her ID card as well. He then told me I wouldn't get an extension next time as I was living with a Thai woman and should have a marriage visa! My Lady had a private talk to him, It seems the problem was that it was close to Xmas and I hadn't bought a gift! "Gosh! did you just drop that thousand baht note?" problem solved.

  10. I've tried to get a permit to reload .38 and 9mm ammo. I needed to get approval from the provincial Pol. Gen. not a hope as the BIB have that sown up, they consider wad cutters as "practice" ammo? Generally the ammo is reasonable, B1300 for 50 (.38Sp) 9mm cheaper. I didn't think there would be much demand as most shooters are pretty well heeled and can afford to get their pistols worked in the US?

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