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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Well I am still here and the world has not come crashing down. It's a pitty that it's not day light and I could video the comings and goings.

    FIL, who has the best uniform in the village has come back from a short meeting with whoever. He has asked if I can check on the inter net to see what's happening, which I do and there appears to be no warnings, nor are there any on the Ubon Tv chanal. The local radio stations, we only receive 2 stations here, are broadcasting warnings. The villagers are waiting for the father in law to tell them whether to go or stay. The FIL is waiting for the local Governor to make a call. The Governor is waiting for some one higher up to tell him what to do and is listening to the local radio station for up dates. A lot of the villagers have moved their new cars to places they think will be safe.

    Now things have settled a bit and the wife in not in full panic mode, I start to get some answers. The story seems to be this, everyone has been warned at sometime that there is a small rift, I think that's what it's called, running through the area. A warning by the forestry Dept was issued about landslides. The local radio then began to broadcast a warning, but it turned from landslides in the mountains into sink holes and earthquakes. The local Governor hearing the radio warnings sets up the sirens in the 3 villages to warn people to evacuate, the radio station then starts to broadcast that sirens have been set up by the government and when they go off get out. As in any Thai village rumors spread fast and the army is on it's way etc.

    FIL is back, kids are going to bed and the village is turning in for the night. Reminds me of Orson Welles broadcast of war of the worlds.

    Just goes to show zzaa [ think you are from the US ] Thai are very American at heart.

    The whole thing is over as fast as it began. Jim

    I think ZZAA thinks to much. I hope that you have a pleasent night Jim.

  2. I am a farang so have no voice in this debate - the Thais are digging the hole themselves , so let them continue to dig and perhaps cause a fatal collapse , or they can stop digging , which , of course , they will not do because their 'paymaster' won't let them.


    Classic case of "newbie gibberish" - I would love to see your other 6 postings!!! EVERYONE has a voice on a debate as that is what debates are for, you know, debate to get your voice and opinion on a matter over to other people to promote your side of events :blink:.

    Your posting makes no sense at all I'm afraid. What's all this rubbish about digging holes and paymasters???? Sorry, but you will have to do better than this nonsensical rubbish if anyone is to take you seriously, my friend!!! I'm only responding to this to inform you that you will be ridiculed by postings that attempt to make you look clever but in reality only succeed in having the opposite effect!!!:jap:

    Now! Now! Lets be nice to the new guy! I believe his point is that the Thai people have voted this govdernment in so let them bear the brunt of any of their mis-deeds.

    His second point is very clear IMMHO, the Thai voters having taken the "sweeterner" must now continue to support the "paymaster" as they will suffer real damage by his "canvassers" if they stop! Or something like that?:jap:

  3. Hi DMB

    I'll have a guess you are not young, as most of us on the farming forum are on the wrong side of 50. If that's the case don't think you will be around for the selling. As for price that will depend on clone type and how well the trees have been looked after. Think you are looking at 300,000 Baht a rai plus. Who knows what it will be in 30 years or so. Jim

    :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

    Surely you have made a mistake??? ฿3,900 per tree is laughable (฿300,000 divided by 76) try ฿300 on a very good day! :jap:

  4. I dunno....seems like a good deal if the trees are 6-7 years old and you've got a good tapper? I'm trying not to be cynical, some times the're hearts are in the right place, you could always buy it, and then get her to give you a 30 year lease (isufruct) then you can't be ripped off! Either way if the trees are not what you like then you could always put in "Glua kio" (lady finger bananas)?

    Try to look on the bright side, risking a million baht might be cheap....in the long run??;)

  5. I think the book "Men are from Mars etc..." put it in the right perspective, Men are genitically coded to be "hunters" we only see what we're looking at, so to speak, where women are able to take in the whole room from the doorway and be able to describe everyone there and what they're doing!

    I think they put it very well when they pointed out that women have trouble reading maps and men can't find butter in the frige'!

  6. Not enough information.

    Tons per day?

    Haul distance?

    Truck and Trailer 30 ton load for relatively long hauls,

    say more than 300 km

    will be around B1.20 / km ton

    Ten Wheel 16 ton load around B1.50 / km ton

    Therefore B1,000 / ton will buy

    830 km on a Truck & Trailer

    670 km on a Ten Wheeler

    If you use 6 wheel, 4 wheel or pickup truck it will cost you progressively more per unit weight distance, but you may not have enough to fill a big truck in one day.

    Can you refrigerate several days' harvest

    until you have accumulated a full truck load?

    Is there a cold storage warehouse in your area?

    Not that I know anyone doing this,

    it's just the logical solution to shipping a perishable product long distance.

    If you spread a layer of ice into a pile of corn,

    layering it as you add more corn

    cover it with a tarp to minimize air exposure

    and let the cold water run down through the stack

    you could chill a partial load of corn,

    holding it cool several days

    Once you get the corn cobs chilled throughout they will not generate further internal heat by spoilage,

    but warm corn as brought from the field will be very quickly degraded.

    The key is to get it chilled all the way through the cob,

    immediately after picking,

    and not let it get warm again until time to cook.

    Dropping it in an ice water bath is best,

    with a bit of copper sulfate or tannic acid as antimicrobial.

    Sweet Corn shippers in Chiang Mai consolidate many farmers' daily pick onto full truckloads with no apparent effort to chill in advance.

    dam_n good info! Thanks for that.:D

  7. I purchased 3 vines last year from a grower in Issan. the vines are about 4-5 years old with very well developed root structure. As I live in Phrae I didn't think I'd have too much trouble with excess rain!

    Well, I've found that planting in a well drained spot in full sun doesn't hurt them at all, I've used buffalo manure as a fertiliser and the plants are holding their own...the only problem is a leaf eater that hardly lets the new leaves set, I've sprayed quantities of Neem on all 3 and they are seperated about 100 metres from each other to discourage infestation too no avail. Thank God the buffalo's don't like to eat them!

    Best of luck! (all 3 of mine are black type)

  8. Well, some time ago she made it clear that she is NOT "working for Thaksin" it just happened by coincidence that he is her brother and that she is running the campaign trail for the follow up party of the initial TRT founded by her very brother and before her by some brother in law, co incidence, cause they are the most wanted people, the rural folks are just loving them like if they were their national heroes, all of them the Shin' Family is simply just that great brimming with top grade politicians and economists - you see we farang, first it's entirely not our business anyway and then what do we understand of the Thai people, their customs, their culture, their mentality and all this... most of us can't even speak and understand proper Thai, the more how could we assume to understand their very business - even it is so obvious, we simply can't by the way that we aren't thai and those Thai who don't understand, are either members of the Amatia or from opposing camp which wants to destroy the Nation! :rolleyes:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for making it all sooooo clear, what would farang know about anything, most of us can't even read and write in Thai.....how sad!;)

  9. This is like Dictatorship 101! with a minor in nepotism :realangry:

    What part of a majority election victory and the support of additional political parties do you not understand. The PTP has the mandate to act.

    While I'm sure that you believe in the goodness of man and woman with a whole heart I'm a little concerned for your ability to see beyond the voting numbers!

    No arguement! PT won the election, that isn't carte blanche to loot the country like older brother did! You've been here long enough to have seen the double dealing and shenanigans of TRT and their belov'd leader...... no?

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