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Posts posted by TPI

  1. I've always thought that larb moo might go well in a sarnie...also moo daeng ain't half bad...with plenty of mayo...

    howz about a larb moo taco?...it's already got a nice cilantro garnish...

    rip up some fresh corn tortillas an' toss into the gaeng som for a taste treat...

    som tam ice cream?...

    Green Jackfruit curry with chilli sauce between toast is my favourite breakfast.

    I suppose som tam ice cream would be ok if it had lots and lots of pra ra??? licklips.gif

  2. Russian language is more than a little tricky and I completely understand why a company would want to use Russians for the job of Russian tour guides. Lets not lose sight of the fact that many Thai laws are there to benefit certain Thai's more than others.

    We can't expect Thai's to learn all the languages that visit Thailand as effectively as is necessary, if the general level of competence in English is anything to go on then look out.

    Its a shame these people will have to bail themselves out. They have had a terrible past and for many I imagine its a holiday of a lifetime.

    Dear Pui,

    Go for a trip to China...they have guides for almost every nationality. They realise, like Thailand should, that tourists come in all shapes and sizes and having language specialists makes good commercial sense!

    I have never seen a country like it for value adding to a tour! wai.gif

  3. I feel comfortable in Thailand specially if the government doesn't join the 'the terrorists are coming' paranoia and start wars like the USA.

    "There isn't and there wasn't a terrorist threat. So stop calling the Thai authorities idiots.

    Thailand didn't wanted to make arrests of some Lebanese people on behalf of Israel. In Thailand you aren't a criminal just because Israel and the USA calling you so and Thailand don't want get involved in that conflict, because they have 'friends' or good ties to both sides.

    As result we got that alarmist and fear mongering warning by the US embassy to get everyone in line for the war of terror.

    Now we have an arrest but no charges to remain diplomatic and to please both sides - the enemies and the friends of that Lebanese resistance group.

    Only a moron would assume that that public warning saved him and made a terrorist attack impossible, If there was ever something planned like this it would happen anyway."


    Get a grip! What is it...11 Embassies have given warnings and the daily papers are asking people to look out for a suspect! Do us all a favour and don't turn on your computer until you're sober,ok?

  4. My friend and I intend to take up fly fishing as soon as we can find out where the best places are near Phrae! I've heard that "climbing perch" are pretty willing, that is energetic! Any opinions?

  5. Just imagine if the Thai govt passed a new immigration rule that offered a work permit and a one year cost free visa to farangs that volunteer to teach for FREE and no more than 10 hours per week in any public high school....i suspect you'd get a lot of volunteers of older retired farangs that are bored and would like to try and help a bunch of poor kids...but when the govt discourages volunteers by requiring a work permit and hassling the people who are offering to help it is no wonder that most schools have NO native speakers to help teach the kids to give it a shot...it makes no difference if you have an american or aussie or brit type accent...the key is to get the kids to try and speak ANY version of english...who cares if they have an accent as long as they can make themselves understood?

    Such a huge potential of FREE native/english speakers just sitting there untapped because the govt won't change a few policies with the stroke of a pen. Would they all be great teachers? Of course not but would you rather have something than nothing? Most Thai public schools have NO native speakers because they have no budget to hire them and do not want to deprive a thai english teacher of a job. Use volunteers and let the thai english teachers sit in the class and HELP him teach the kids?? No job loss, no face loss...benefiicary the thai kids who at least get to TRY and communicate with a farang english speaker in english.

    Well said, that man. Hear hear!

  6. I think that everyone seems to be missing the point! Speaking English for 4 hours a week and that on a Monday morning is a bit like urinating into a wetsuit, it gives a nice warm feeling but nobody notices! The Director will not give his Monday speech in English nor will the teachers give their first four lessons in English. The English grammar lessons, all through the week will be given in Thai and the farang English teacher will put on an entertaining 50 minutes hoping that some English will sink in!

    While French grammar and sentence structure is very similar to Thai hardly any students take it as an elective...could it be that there is no incentive to learn any foreign languages as there is nowhere in the media or in everyday life where it's useful?

    Until Thai's start to travel extensively throughout the world or the region they will never have a reason to have a second (European) language.

  7. BJK, my friend and I do mean "my friend" do you realise that ฿3m will last you ten (10) years @ 25000 a month?, to add to your pile there's any amount of part time and full time teaching in Thailand that pays around 35K a month plus accommodation and lunch!

    If you ask around you'll find that everyone that has started a business in the "land of smiles" will have a horror story for you!

    Come here, cruise for a while, don't just settle for Phuket, there's many places here that blow the island to the weeds for liveability...don't forget, keep your hands in your pocket!

  8. Does the current government have anything on the agenda apart from Mr T? Like running the country for the benefit of all citizens of Thailand or is that in the next parliamnet?

    Based on the now clear facts that they chose to arrange a new passport for Thaksin during the same period that they could have been doing something other than strutting around in Burberry boots and taking photos of flooding while they completely mismanaged a crisis, you would have to say no, they don't really have any sort of an idea on anything other than

    1. giveaways so people will keep liking them and not protest

    2. sweeping all political stuff under the rug so that Thaksin can come back*

    3. * well except the stuff that the people did against the red shirts...for some reason that's valid and worth persuing...for reconciliation. But the stuff the red shirts did, THaksin's rampant theft, etc etc - that is the bit that needs to be forgotten. For 'reconciliation'

    They are as useless as TRT 2 and PPP. Mind you, was anyone expecting anything different?

    What stuff did the people do against the redshirts? Didn't they shoot themselves and in any case aren't they all buffaloes in the pay of Thaksin, as the Salims on their social media pages remind us so often (forgetting that most of their quite recent ancestors were sweating it out in Klong Toey or some benighted Swatow rice paddy).

    Do I detect a note of frustration (the childish Burberry gag, and they were Chinese knock offs anyway unlike Korn's wife's real Chanel boots) that things aren't quite playing out in the "right' way, and there's some frustration this government is doing rather well, certainly well enough to improve on the last election? Yingluck in particular - hated though she is by many in the Sino Thai middle class - is doing particularly well.I bet the old elite is somewhat pissed off and is thinking hard about timing of a suitable judicial intervention.A coup looks too problematic even for the chimps who organised the last fiasco.

    Of course they could cock it up on the Thaksin return issue.Lying by Surapong doesn't help and the amart enemy is still rabid (e.g Prayuth/LM).

    By the way Steve what happened to the intelligence and wit? Your last post could have been from one of thev knuckle dragging usual suspects?

    Ah "Jayboy", still pumping up the peons...you read a lot like "Lord Ha ha", one can just catch a glimpse of your oft worn sneer! Keep up the good work, when they succeed in pardoning your beloved hero your name will be up there in lights, and wont you feel so proud that an "anti sino" has put one over the polygot elite?

    Humbug! :bah:

  9. A hot spot for the sex trade?

    " "It was a "must see" part of the Bangkok culture for visitors to Thailand." <deleted>........

    The seady side of Thailand is a must see for visitors...... Isn't prostitution ilegal in Thailand? This article seems to be promoting the ilegal activity. Come to Thailand and visit our bargirls. Nope I think the Dancing man option is a better idea promoting the real cultural heart of Thailand.

    "Chooka"...takeit easy! You can't be a part of the baby boomer generation where overt sexual acts by women in a commercial setting would be impossible in Ozy land! They're working girls "working", they could be collecting fares on the red bus, they could be working in a paddi field...they're not. Foreign women love to see sexy shows, you know it! Let the culture vultures have their Khon theatre let us slobs have our 30 minutes....Jeeez luise! ;)

  10. My First wife of 33 years (Chinese/Vietnamese) and my 2nd wife (Thai) of 12 years are both "top" women...it looks as if you've landed on your feet! Two things to remember...(1) If you get drunk, don't beat her & (2) don't backdoor her with a mia Noi or a Gik!

    These are the 2 things that drive Thai ladies beserk. In my experience an awful lot of Thai women in their late twenties to early fifties are looking keenly at farangs as a "next" husband! ;)

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