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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. Excellent news! I welcome anything that counters the moves to transform Pattaya into a boring family destination, and having the world's largest international Hooter's is a step in the right direction. Now, if we could also get a casino and a race track `a la Happy Valley in Hong Kong we will be golden.

    And hey, since I just found out that I'm psychic I fully expect this to happen.biggrin.png

    Well, might be worth the change in scenery....will be like a vacation....?


  2. My only thought was that the construction was not done by Thais.....the site in Pattaya was only a hole in the ground a month or so ago and now they are ready to open????

    Just another spot in the road to amuse and abuse me.....bring on the chicken wings!!!!???

    Oops, once again one of my photos is upside down??? Anyone have a clue why this happens???



  3. Go to the 5th floor level at Terminal 21...Blue Spice has a nice lunch buffet run by Centre Point Hotel.....use to be about 485 baht....check it out...food is pretty good on most days..?

    I did the Sunday brunch today...520 baht out the door...drinks included...? Sorry for the upside down post....can't seem to get things upright from my iPad...??



  4. I think I get your point. Thai politics doesn't really impact my life, so I tend to ignore it. If anything, I follow US politics...mostly for entertainment. Now that's maddeningly frustrating because I can understand clearly what's going on (unlike farangs following Thai politics). If I was living back in the USA and had to deal with US politics on a regular basis, I'd probably drown myself in the toilet bowl.

    Ha, ha,...I tried to drown myself in a nearby pond at the golf course, but could not keep me head down there either..? Politics in the U.S. Is nothing to get worked up about....just a clown car of folks trying to amuse the masses.....??

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