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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. I do my runs in the wee hours of the morning....and try my best to avoid getting run over or down by all the pissheads who are out and about as well....never do the street food thing and frequent the gym about four times a week and some swimming....wish I could find a half way decent bike to ride other than the kidee models I see on the local roads.......not sure if I'm all the healthy, but the doctor always says I'm doing ok for an old fart pushing 70....?

  2. I do my runs in the wee hours of the morning....and try my best to avoid getting run over or down by all the pissheads who are out and about as well....never do the street food thing and frequent the gym about four times a week and some swimming....wish I could find a half way decent bike to ride other than the kidee models I see on the local roads.......not sure if I'm all the healthy, but the doctor always says I'm doing ok for an old fart pushing 70....?

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