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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. Sleep??. You can have all you want when you are dead!!!?

    But on a serious note...try not eating any food after about 3 pm.....food signal your body that it should be in the wake-up mode.....stay off the piss and try to do some Buddhist chants....works wonders.....and put the mind at ease....???

  2. This thread has nothing to do with Thai logic. It's about an anal retentive farang and his fed-up landlord. Why do some people have to be so melodramatic?

    Must have pissed on your corn flakes....??

    Where is the logic in thinking the microwave had anything to do with the high water bill???

    You're talking about ONE PERSON. How does that translate to the other 60 million plus?

    And the implication that farang are ALL amazingly logical.

    Probably a case of language rather than logic and apparently losing one whiny tenant is worth the loss of rent.

    I really wish it was that simple.....I've seen how she deals with other folks in the building....always a shit storm, but it is want it is....so just move on and let karma do the job.....now that is logical thinking, eh???

  3. Thats remember me how i nearly got scammed a decade ago....

    When i moved to Bkk, i wanted to rent a condo. The owner saw I was completely new here.

    The owner claimed the condo didnt have a water meter. But he claimed i would spend as much in water than i would spend in electricity.

    By example, if my electricity bill was 3000 baht, i should pay 3000 baht in water as well. A net total of 6000 baht.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Of course I declined his offer. i was new but not that stupidlaugh.png

    @OP, if i was you, i would ask for a refund for all the previous months you have been cheated!!!

    I think the real shit storm will be when I ask for my deposit back....???

    that will be for sure.

    " oh, you cracked the wall"....: you damaged here...damaged there.....the bird poo on the roof...what a load of bull...

    .just hope that you got no pets with you now.

    you can say goodbye to your deposit or even worse pay 'compensation' to these Sca_ _ _ _ s....


    I took photos of the entire joint before I moved in....like that will make any difference.....just hope for the best and expect the worst....lol...?

  4. Today was no different...get my bill and it says I used 194 units of water for the month. Last month it was 94 and the month before that 28. So I tell the lady I lease from that something is not right, maybe she is reading the meter wrong??. She looks at me like I just escaped from the mental ward and says, "Maybe you are using the microwave too much????" <deleted>??? She tells me not to worry, next month will be lower as the rate will drop to 9 baht a unit.

    Water from the water company costs around 35B/unit. The official rate for electricity is just over 4B/unit, though some businesses may pay more. So 9B/unit is probably not a water price. It is probably a (high) electricity price.

    This may explain the comment about the microwave: it's your electricity bill.

    Nope, she made sure that I understood the rates....currently 10 baht per unit for water.?

  5. Thats remember me how i nearly got scammed a decade ago....

    When i moved to Bkk, i wanted to rent a condo. The owner saw I was completely new here.

    The owner claimed the condo didnt have a water meter. But he claimed i would spend as much in water than i would spend in electricity.

    By example, if my electricity bill was 3000 baht, i should pay 3000 baht in water as well. A net total of 6000 baht.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Of course I declined his offer. i was new but not that stupidlaugh.png

    @OP, if i was you, i would ask for a refund for all the previous months you have been cheated!!!

    I think the real shit storm will be when I ask for my deposit back....???

  6. well...one man's meat is another man's poison...

    here is not for me... I would not say that here is Paradise..

    again, different people define the same word differently...

    like what i read in other topic in this forum....

    some guys enjoy it here sooooo much....cos the girls are cheap... I am not this type..

    I think its a case of the 'grass is always greener' somewhere else, life is what you make it. I come from a cold and damp climate, I hate the cold, there is more to Thailand than "cheap girls" Here I can play golf nearly every day of the year if I so wish. No Thailand is not perfect, but neither is my homeland, and Europe is getting worse by the day. Each to his own I suppose, hope you find your paradise back in your own country.

    My grass is greener because of all the water I've been using....NOT!!!!?

  7. "194 units of water"

    "Last month it was 94 and the month before that 28."

    Do you know that ONE unit of water is a meter cube. Even 28 unit is a lot of water, with 94 unit you would easily fill a swiming pool!

    Unless she is talking about electricity bill, you have been cheated from the begining, time for you to leave!

    I use the shower down by the pool on a daily basis...?

    194 cubic meter, or 194.000 liter....

    Maybe you take shower too much cheesy.gif

  8. I have a condo I lease in Pattaya and when it comes time to pay the water and electric bill, it always seems to be a shit storm in the making.....?

    Today was no different...get my bill and it says I used 194 units of water for the month. Last month it was 94 and the month before that 28. So I tell the lady I lease from that something is not right, maybe she is reading the meter wrong??. She looks at me like I just escaped from the mental ward and says, "Maybe you are using the microwave too much????" &lt;deleted&gt;??? She tells me not to worry, next month will be lower as the rate will drop to 9 baht a unit. I tell her when my lease is up I'll be moving out, can't stand the BS with the water, must be a leak in the pipes. She says, OK, up to you. Does not give a rip on way or the other, even though the condo complex is about 60 per cent full. I'm still laughing about the microwave comment, no logic what so ever...and pretty typical for the Thai folks I meet here in Pattaya on a daily basis...??

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