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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. Just take the short trip down to The corner of Soi 3 on any given Saturday or Sunday from 12:00 pm onwards....the meatballs are to die for and the mashed potatoes are the bonus......????

    The Mexican food is pretty over the top as well....IMHO...?


  2. You might be on to something....Pattaya is just an open sewer and an accident waiting to happen.....sooner than later....your best bet is to get out of town and leave it to the rest of us clowns pretending to live in paradise....?

  3. I got a size large smile out of this tale....many years back I got hood winked into a similar situation....the "outlaws" of Udon got me in the corner and demanded 1 million baht Sin Sod......I guess when I burst out loud laughing it scared them.....I did a counter offer of ZERO.....and got on the next plane back to BKK.....lucky me....and never looked back......????

  4. so super over weight Ian could not see this coming?

    sorry to say, just look at the body language and expression on this wife's face in all the photos.

    in the first 30 seconds you hear him say "... I was looking for a place with rule of law..."

    are you completely clueless? everything in this video is what I found on google seven years ago on the first day researching Thailand. He must have never done a moments research.

    I am sure Ian has a big heart, loved his wife and is a good and trusting person.

    But you must have a healthy dose of paranoia to survive in Thailand.

    Don't get married! Don't "buy" land. Assume nothing.

    "so super over weight Ian could not see this coming?" - guessing you look like the Greek god Adonis? "People who live in glass houses......."

    actually yes, i am very good looking. i grew up in Hollywood, that is why i can see this shit a mile away. I don't fall in love with the first beautiful girl I meet in Thailand because I have been with beautiful girls all my life.

    I am not trying to experience something I never have before. I feel really badly for the guys who are suddenly for the first time in their lives "handsome". it is like a powerful drug. and you just want the lie to go on and on.


    Geez, can smell your BS all the way here in Pattaya....most probably lost your false teeth in the glass.....beauty is in the eye of the beholder, drop the mirror and get on with life...?

  5. Reminds me...I just saw a guy who was about 300 pounds with a skinny Thai gal coming out of the movies....he had the she loves me so very much look in his eyes and a very large STUPID tattoo on his forehead.....?

    See them all the time here in Pattaya and just get the biggest laugh.....?

    What circus do these guys come from.....oh well, back to my coin operated lady and keep on truck'n

  6. I'm out and about at the 4AM hour seven days a week and believe me, except for last night, the place has been jumping....New Plaza Soi, Made in Thailand, Tim Bar, Kiss restaurant always packed and noisy at that early hour.....and the traffic on 2nd Road is a mess...?

    Sort of afraid of the coming HIGH season...could be a ball buster????

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