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Posts posted by bobroper

  1. For the past three years, I have been using True internet 12Mbps and as I travel frequently within Thailand, have been considering purchasing one of TrueMove's aircards.

    I have been looking at the following:

    Power Surf III 21Mbps B1,990.

    Ultra Surf 42Mbps B3,990.

    Any recommendations, comments, suggestions on the above would be appreciated.

    Apologies if this has been discussed before.

  2. Just as future reference, a thai citizen can always enter Thailand on an expired passport. A Thai citizen can not be refused entry.


    Thanks samran. Was already aware of this but not until after my wife had entered Thailand on her British passport.

    We will be travelling to say Penang or KL with my wife exiting Thailand on her British passport, using her Thai passport at immigration to obtain the necessary Malaysian visa and return on her Thai passport.

    Thanks for your help gentlemen.

  3. Good morning.

    My wife entered Thailand in January of this year on her British passport and is currently on a 12 months visa (reporting every 90 days).

    She has recently obtained a new Thai passport.

    In order for her to cancel her visa in her British passport, can she leave Thailand (say a visa run) on her British passport and return on her Thai passport or failing that, what is the correct procedure?

    My wife will of course will need to use her British passport in the future.

  4. Some months ago I asked a question as to why a particular website does not refresh. The site in question is:


    The best time to test this site is say after 2pm when the site is busy.

    I have cleared the cache, deleted temporary files, etc, etc. but to no avail.

    Unfortunately, I did not get a solution from any of you.

    Every time I use this site, I have to change my ISP to the UK and have no problems atall in refreshing the page.

    Recently, I used my friend's PC at a different location and she too had the same problem.

    We are both with True.

    I believe it is something simple, but what is it?

    Any expert advice would be appreciated.

  5. I don't understand, what is a Thai bank code.

    When I used to live in the UK, at times I sent money thru WU. Branch to Branch and the receiver just needs to show his/her passport/ID card.

    Admittedly, the exchange rate is not exciting.

  6. Understand that dingdang. It would be a permanent upgrade but that wasn't my question.

    Increasing internet speed from 9Mbps to 12Mbps to watch live programmes as occasionally, I do get buffering problems.

    Yes or no?

  7. For some while I have been using internet speed of 9Mbps and have had no problems with True.

    With the upcoming Wimbledon tennis and England vs Italy tomorrow evening, would it be advisable to request True to increase my speed to 12Mbps? In other words, a faster internet connection to watch live programmes.

    Watching live programmes in the past, I have had no problems, although having said, the occasional buffering problems.


  8. Thanks for the replies but unfortunately none of them have solved the problem.

    I find now that if I hit the refresh button, the same page appears and then hit it a second time, the pages is refreshed. I find this rather strange as this is the only website where I have this problem.

  9. And does Ctrl + F5 help ? This bypasses the Cache and reloads the page in Internet Explorer.

    Tried that - no joy.

    Did you try in firefox or chrome browser?

    Same - no joy. I'm sure it's something to do with my True internet setup as I have no problem with the site when I use a UK server (Myexpat net)

  10. Many of these sites use others along the way, like google.analyitics etc.

    Does it hang on the refresh, with one of these showing at the bottom of the page?

    No, it doesn't hang on refresh, it either stays on the same page or sometimes goes to a previous page.

    None of the above names are shown.

  11. I posted this same topic some months ago but I'm afraid to date, I still cannot refresh this UK website having tried all available possible fixes that you guys supplied.


    This is the ONLY website I cannot refresh.

    If I use my expat network, which is a UK based server, I have no problems in refreshing this site, although can be intermittent at times.

    So that leaves my True internet and I think possibly that may be the cause of the problem.

    The best time to refresh and therefore test this website is when the UK market opens 1400hrs our time.

    Are there any experts that can assist me in resolving the above?

    Thank you.

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