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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Just a male peacock, so what is the problem? It can have attitudes, however it is single. https://birdwatchingbuzz.com/are-peacocks-aggressive/
  2. FInally, they used tasers. Now do it way more faster.
  3. SO logically it is time to increase people on this planet, that is the main cause of all. This year Tsingtao virus? Last virus we also named after a beer.
  4. It has gone wrong on reactors in USA, Russia and Japan. USA poor equipment and operators not knowing how to act. Russia , ruptures in cooling system and explosions. Japan , earthquake and tsunami, giving problems. But many countries are starting to pick it up. Germany shut down, but will start again, im sure. Especially now with climate change. And of course Ukrainian war. Russian gas to zero(NOT). All EU is still buying gas from Russia. UK is now building a monster of powerplant, Hinkley. And more to come. plans. They started in 2017, still not done and costs rose from 25 billion to 50 billion £ and a 3 year delay. SO why not Thailand? They will have too. Maybe also do some infra structure to have it all work properly. "My country" faces now problems with that and costs lots of effort and money to change. But will take years. They just made the decision, after 8 years!! of renewing the submarines. From France, I hope they didnt forget about the engines. The first new one will be ready in 2034 !! All is waiting on nuclear fusion. In the mean time Bill Gates also decided to built a nucleair plant. Sodium liquid cooled ! Well at least no pressurized water cooling system, however sodium is highly flammable with air and has an explosive burning when in contact with water. I hope they keep the water out. You have to exchange the heat to water at one point for making steam. But they did already in past, so all will be well, or not?
  5. If an airco isnt getting the heat out of the room, then it only gives a cool blow in front. The heat stays in and mixes again with air. What it does, it takes out moist. Damp is getting less and you can sweat again and evaporate it, cooling YOU down. Would be my opinion. IN the meantime it is getting out moist, it gives a cool blow in front, but temp will not go down overall.
  6. THat show was called "Hardcore Pawn", a terrible family and show to watch.
  7. I keep the blade as is, dont grind and it works. Only the lock nut of the machine turns loose at times. Then I have to re tighten again. Im amazed there is no blocking pin in it, which prevent that. Though it is a Makita. Im aware it could cut easier when sharpened, but works fine for me. Not only rocks can fly away. Last year I had a Malaysian pit viper flying in the air. The mower hit it and the snake was flying a meter high through the air! After it landed, it did one attack towards me and then sat down. So could study it and found out it was pit viper.(checked internet) Amazing it happend and I hope, never to encounter this again. So be aware, not only rocks are flying. The snake? No blood but complete groggy, put it on a rake and moved it. Scarry situation but could do it. No I didnt check if bones were broken or so.
  8. Originals: All set on this album as cover with Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart
  9. OK ending with gentle song, as they can be real loud
  10. Genetic high cholesterol, harsh. At least you already lost 5 kg, so keep up. New medicine, I guess you read also about that medicine and yes it says replacement for statines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bempedoic_acid However there are again side effects, as is with many medicines. I wonder if you could call it medicines, they work one way and destroy other way. At least pay attention on your body, changes.
  11. My Thai 57 yo wife has the same, periods of being aware of grey hair and starts to pul. Seeing in drain pit of shower "a lot of hair". Trying everything on hair, but "no" result. Now she treats her hair with bergamot. Drinking butterfly pea water to try the color will get in her hair, making more dark. But nope. I think however, menopause, so a hormone issue. You also see with women (after being) pregnant loosing hair and thin hair, also due to hormone issues. As said by transam, maybe a hormone replacement treat. Men can have same problems with, they call it andro pause, the male version. We also arent free of lack of hormones. It can give many issues for both sexes.
  12. Well not really. It is politics and friends. They make the choice. I came upon this video, watched it and then you can see it is like that. It is about what happened and one project was frozen totally. Thorium reactors with molten salt cooling. The guy, Kirk Sorensen, loves talking, he keeps straight on for 36 minutes, but interesting. The guy is a promoter for thorium reactors. The man first behind those reactors was Alvin Weinberg, but he was just put aside with his invention, cracked down. however thorium has many pro's. You can hold it in your hand, no problem of radiation. So the Gates fast reactor plant is approved by Biden then. All depends on presidents and their blurry visions If you see the problems with sodium reactors and the development, you should scratch your head. As they have done test with this reactor again in Santa Susanna, having unwanted sodium oxide in the system ! How is that possible with a closed system? That is another movie on youtube about that reactor in the late 50 ties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-NKdWV5SCg However another movie about it in Idaho 1951, which was said fist working one. Both with sodium liquid. Interesting they had 3 layered pipes for the liquid with a purge of argon gas. Funny to hear in the interview movie with the guys who worked there. They ordered 3 iron chambers , specially made and tested in Chicago. They werent right?! So they asked a worker, workers were just local handy men, if he could make at least 2. He did and they worked. They would kill you now for doing so. But otherwise they had to wait again for 3 months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KncekYvqyWs SO they were a that time already careful with it, well you must. Now they are going to try it again. Liquid sodium gives best performances, however ...pure sodium! Not real pressure on cooling, like the common reactors as they are water cooled. So what is Gates going to do? Also bend some rules? There are some problems with airplanes, not according to rules.
  13. Fact is, you are going to die and all is left behind. IF you have a buck load of money, maybe think of spending on something worthwhile, giving. I dont think, hard to find a "project" in Thailand, is difficult. Just look around and you will see. Maybe give elderly people a rollator?! Maybe buy a computer for a school? Though im not Jeff Bezos rich, I helped out sending money to Thailand for repairing for mom's roof. No, they didnt ask, I just decided to do so. Surprised them. OK the surprise was, the amount. Couldnt have mom spend all her savings on the roof with nothing left. I didnt have to do so, but wanted. It is just up to you.
  14. Instead of a wooden dick, an iron dick. I am iron man !
  15. Why not try some more colors?
  16. I understand the way you are discussing, it is not new to me. Typical for a group associated christian.
  17. He choose a site (Russian). If you want to say something at his position, then better think twice. ***FLAME REMOVED*** With this statement, he totally let down and is grieving Ukraine people. What you want more to be said? How dumb can you be. Imagine, moslims take over half of Vatican city. Then he is holding a white flag? Of course.(NOT)
  18. welcome to EU, they dont care, you being illegal. Also you can work, dont need any visa or else. Easy finding work in restaurants, bars or many other branches. You want to apply for (refugee) visum, you are welcome to do so. Though a bit crowded line. If you pick the right country, they will assist you with money, housing, language, work and so on.
  19. Well thats the best thing we could do, just live by the day and make it worthwhile, while we can. Im already out of the rush society, but feeling bored. Years are adding up and it will not go down. Have to make up my decision to live in Thailand. And if I compare nowadays pro's and cons, maybe better in Thailand then "my country". I understood Thailand is now hot, my Thai wife is even complaining about it. However here it is 8 degrees, clouded. SO I do the same to her, it is cold hahaha. Probably the place where she lives also will have less effect of bombing, however moslims arent happy and now and then some explosions, but still enough far away.
  20. The girls didnt hear about onlyfans? Saw this week in docu, a woman did 250000 $ in ONE month ! Meaning only doing some chats, posing in special way, make pic, selling underwear, anything but having sex. Just from their luxury house, bedroom. They are not whining at #metoo. Pimp why would you need one?
  21. If you read about what they are today, then the Japanese received bombs were just fire crackers. Fatman was 22 kT and now they have 455 kT to 800 kT, just a "little" increase in power. In that time there were only 2 of them, now there are 12512 of them. USA and Russia leaders with a whopping amount of resp. 5244 and 5889 pieces. And that is already a way lower number then the 80 ties, when they had 70000 pieces. Just some numbers to be found, you will never know what they really have. Imagine, in Yellowstone park there is the biggest mega volcano, could it be activated by dropping that bomb 800 kT? And I think to myself, what a wonderful world, o yeaaaaah.
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