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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Travel to India, find a girl and marry. As groom you get dowry ! Can even extend later if you want more money. Or go to Nigeria, marry and you never have to work anymore, as your woman do all the working. Dont try to help her, as other husbands will prevent, you doing so. The amazing world of cultures.
  2. You might think different, naive. No problems with that. About the mail, it is like that, well at least in "my country". The monitoring systems, only some people from bank know about what are the monitoring triggers for real. And the LAW of checking is ABOVE privacy law. If you are surprised to find such mail, tell, or you loose. All is set in law and banks are allowed to cut you out. But as said, "my country", a fact. A democracy, they say, but looks more and more like "mein Kampf" This morning red JP Morgan got a fine of 100 million$, as of not checking payments. Even a long period 2014 to 2021 ! Because they were cooperative, they had a discount of 15 % on the fine. Really ! I wonder what would be the bank's profit on not checking, maybe it is way higher, so profitable despite the first fine. JP is not the first one who had fine, there are lots of banks who already had fines, because of this. I ll bet, they sure know what they are doing and maybe having such a first fine is good enough to make billions. It is about billions in payments in that period. So banks are squeezed in that global checking system, but are free to have their own checking systems. And then by laws can do anything to prove, they are checking.
  3. I totally agree with you. Though USA is led by companies, they are in control with big negative impact. The weird story about letting go a murderer on a journalist in exchange for oil. Bringing down Greece by shady contracts. A Blackrock is certainly not a very fine company even a dangerous company, is my personal opinion. Well there are more of those companies and they are in charge of the planet. Today's system we are running, is a complete rotten system. All led by dictators for their own gain.
  4. Cash is free, not much hustle in what you do with it. Electronic is a system of collecting data. They know what you paid for and where and maybe lots of other things, as data. The data is sold and or shared, They know what you are doing with it. They can compare with your income tax, noticing if you are telling the truth and an AI decides fictive, you have to pay more tax or whatever. Cash is gone, so they can raise prices on services to use electronic paying. You are forced then. AI's controlling you all the time. That is the setup with electronic payments. You buy some ammonium nitrate? Guess you will have police force instantly coming to check you. Though that stuf is also fertilizer. Maybe one day, the AI is blocking you to buy beer, as it thinks it is not healthy for you. It sees you are drinking too much. Or you eat tot much red meat or whatever. The beginning of electronic payments looks very nice and should be "easy", but in the long run, it is all about controlling people by AI's. "My country" , banks are randomly checking payments. They MUST show they are checking on payments , otherwise they get fined big time. If you are the lucky one to be checked on a payment, you ll get an email on which you MUST explain, why you bought it and for what. A whole package to answer. Not my personal experience yet, but others have. If you dont comply with the email, you WILL loose your account. You will be on a blacklist and you are out of society. Long live electronic paying, the other side of "easy payment".
  5. Well there are also many many countries who send condolences. How stupid can you act. It was a killer. It shows how hypocrite "leaders"are. You should praise guys like Lasange, Snowden, Navalny and many more.
  6. AH, the Thai CM katana gang moved to Phuket?
  7. You "sleep" with a woman, you pay, it is a hooker You "sleep" with a woman, paying some drinks, it is a slut You surely sleep with a woman, you pay all, it is your wife. You had the opportunity to ask Fred, why he did it. He offered you something to drink and sat down beside you. So why you rejected? Missed opportunity. You are intrigued, but rather drink alone. Nowadays it is easy to meet someone with a gun in his hand, maybe Joe after shooting his lady down, after she was messing all over town. Showed 8,110,048,975Current World Population, all, mostly different.
  8. Mostly there is a source mentioned, but I dont see. However could find it, in the thaiexaminer.
  9. This lifetime I did. Have no clue, if there are any others, have no choice in it, as well. No one can really tell, where you are from and what you are. Women who think they are man, man who are thinking they are woman. Some thinking they are god. You tell me.
  10. The biggest pest on this planet is human. We create all those situations. Almost 9 billion now and counting. Way too much. Lopbuhri has big problem with monkeys, well there are more places. But then we need to catch and release somewhere else. Why, just because they are monkeys? Thanks to tourists, which feed them and attract them to have good live in city and multiplying due to good life. So you all can start whining about monkeys? Ever seen the teeth of a monkey? Or start whining about humans. Kill them, ah ok we do. Any human you meet is a possible threat. You kill them all? No, as we are "human" , whatever it means. The Chinese catch every shark to cut of their vins, for soup ! After that they throw, the still living shark back, to die. Not one but by the thousands. Some dipsticks go with their guns to Africa to shoot some animals, just for fun. We pollute our planet, no problem. 9 million tons of plastic every year in oceans. And then some organisations go fishing it out again. Thailand (not the only one) has created dog problem, but you have humans who are thinking of building the highest tower in BK, then otherwise solve problems. Dogs can bite and in packs they start yapping. Dogs are abused, hit, so then nature kicks in and they defend. Again we are responsible. There are foreigners working and having shelters for dogs in Thailand, but all based on gifts. But wait I see a Chinese in Pattya has a lion as pet ! Wait till he kicks it out on the street ! Dogs gone, humans gone. Same as in USA, pythons are there, thanks to humans ! But USA also kills dogs. You probably knew, coming to and living in Thailand, you had the dogs. So why the f*** you moved to Thailand? You have cobra's , pit vipers, wild elephants, tigers, panters and so on. Kill them all? You live there so accept, do something about it yourself or buzz of.
  11. Well they had hit with it, but they covered. OK sitting with Louis in mind
  12. Brother printers? I guess after some time all devices arent updated with good drivers, they simply let you buy a new one. Same as with all electronic devices. It is good for business, not for your wallet. Im sure they also put in inferior components to last for maybe 4 years (just out of guarantee) and then, buy new one. After some update in W10, cant get my Epson to work anymore. Despite going to site, it is said then, you already has the best drivers, NOT. Found some shizzle , but nope, not working. Even the Epson install CD is not for W10 anymore. Rejected. Yes it is that old. Every time it is windows to kil all. Some talk about durability, but the reality is quite different.
  13. You have enough oil in your engine? You tanked the right petrol? Maybe the petrol at tankstation isnt in right condition, water in petrol? Is there always a spark? Is your sparkplug still good, or has the right setting? Ceramic of sparkplug, no cracks? How it looks , grey-ish would be great, but if black (carbon) not good ignition for burning, setting electrodes. Wet also not good. Is your spark cap onto it still tight on the plug, cable (cracks?) right? Bobine, high voltage for spark still ok? When did it start, you tanked somewhere else then normally? Tankstations do have water catchers separating water from fuel, in case of. Story is not telling if problems started on fresh tanking or a longer period or maybe other tankstation. So what was time interval, still on same tank of petrol? Is there a fuel filter which you checked, replaced? As that one should keep dirt out, but maybe blocked now? Mechanic should have checked that first hand, but he says put STP in it. Makes no sense with a dirty filter then. I was checking on engine, but they say Keihin carb, so not really injector. But STP is cleaning whole system, you have to put it in your tank with the petrol, full tank. If problem is on same tank fil up, then before adding STP maybe drain tank and put new fuel in it.
  14. Yes, it will cost more to produce them, then they value. EU also started with 1 and 2 cents pieces, but very soon after that, they disappeared. Said, as costing too much to make, due to value.
  15. Both of your conclusions are wrong, but my comment is right. I know it from first hand, Thai officers. Have been flabbergasted quite some times, hearing Thai government ways. Another fact Thai officers are moved at least every 4 years. Preventing long time corruption? You have just to work quicker on your schemes. So you could be working in Isaan and then be transferred to Yala. You have to figure it out by yourself how to get there with your stuff. And also have to find a new place to live, yourself ! So dont buy too much and live minimal. And also there goes your real holidays . I thought 20 holidays in a year and when getting older some more. MUST be 0 at end of year, otherwise gone. In "my" country, you could transfer max 5 days, or more but then with a very good reason. But ok going to doctor also cost you that day. It is not excluded. Also if you have to assist your mom or dad to a big hospital. It is Thailand, less or no transportation and you as officer, has car, which you "could afford", to do so. When close by, but you cant when being far away from family. Mostly by connecting to your new station, you could get to know which place to live, what would be available. And as I said, you have wife, kids? YOU, think about it yourself for also moving them or leaving them behind. Even worse when you met a college and you are married. So in a lifetime working (lets say 40 years) you move around a lot with or without out family. There are days, actions and then you need to wear a special kind of color clothes. At least the top. Ridiculous actions, but you have to find it and buy it, with own money, no restitution. And of course MUST wear it on that day. Dont forget as then you are shamed. Monday, is a must uniform day. Heard a lot of things and I wouldnt be an officer in Thai government, but its a job and pays bills. It is up to you. It comes with a lot of crab. Youngsters do leave the job, for that crab. One of the most amazing thing, I thought, would be the wide open burning of chemical/natural drugs and those officers standing around it! Sort of a victory dance. And then smoke is going to,,,? Amazing. Chemical substances normally are burnt with higher temperature to really crack it down to CO2 and water. And then still the smoke is washed out.
  16. But still it is ok to inhale smoke/smog for years, nothing doing on that, even increasing. Still it is ok to use pesticides, which are used in Thailand, some of them forbidden in western countries, on vegetables. Increasing cancer with that. Still not pro active to fight for water shortage in country. Still not solved the problems in South Thailand. No, you better think/dream about a new highest tower of the world in BK. Why not tax the marihuana with 20%? Money in the box !
  17. Depends on what Thai you are. A government worker in many occasions dont have day off. Government decide their workers have to go to ceremonies or other activities. No day free at all. Like planting mangrove trees or ceremonies about remembering/honoring kings or attend a public open wide burning of drugs ! It is also government workers rarely get paid for overtime working. Yes, they do ! Married couples in government, they can be split up, wife working then in north and man working in south of Thailand. Not really being compensated for this. Or by the "free" days? Rare, as they have to do other things for government. Common Thai, could be the same, as "free day" means people go out shop and eat in restaurants, so no free day there. Work, generating income on that special day. They get compensated? Probably not. Working 6 days a week for 12 hours, for low money. So Bob, get your things right if you want to complain. Who are you to say, days have to be limited? Yes departments close, but mostly it is NOT a happy day off for Thai officers. You only thing it is inconveniënt for you. Thailand has total different culture. Gathering, on your "holiday" , where you must go, not getting paid anything. You even pay your own travelling costs. And of course appear in special white uniform.
  18. If the main pump sucks in air due to low level in tank, it will be noticeable in pump running. Also when pump isnt right and has cavitation in it (creating "air" bubbles), should be noticeable. The pump will be pulsing Depending on how pipe lines run, maybe displaced and in some areas going up, then air concentrate in the upper sections of pipeline. Houses in lower sections of pipe line will not have, or less, problems, as air will travel up in pipeline. Also with a pump running and transporting, there could be somewhere a break in pipeline or a gasket not right. By ejecteur working air can be sucked in. You already noticed air coming out by disconnecting feeder line to house and meter running like crazy. That is correct, the meter is not designed for that, it is for water. You like to know, then OMF is right, you could place a spyglass (transparent pipe) to see it. You want to prevent it happening then VN is right. However the vertical pipe with auto bleed should be IN FRONT (inlet meter) of the meter. You can also put the meter in a U construction of 50 cm(?), the air will go up in it and remains in system before meter. However that can pile up all air in system, it has to get out somewhere to unload the system of air. So combined would be the best. Of course if you create those things, the main water supply has to be shut down, as you are working BEFORE meter.
  19. I would have lived in Sorsogon city if the woman was true. Was already busy with buying a house, but you come up on owing land, you cant More things happend with the woman and so all ended then. I really loved that place, clear air and easy living. OK when it get to 17:00 , it gets a little busy then on roads. Legazpi has an airport and also a very nice town, though it is close to a volcano. Been to Bohol, Palawan and also visited the island Borocay. Big white (main) sandy beach, but sand is hard. But also parts with fluffy white sand. The rest is like a Pattaya on an island. Completely touristic. I was in a hotel way in the back of the island (Artista Beach villa), way past all tourist things Dont know if still working as i see on google maps, permanently closed, but on other (booking ) sites still available. First plane, then boat (only to leave by bathing through water, or locals getting you out) SO be aware to have some small money in your pocket to pay them. They carry you out of of the boat and your luggage. DOnt know if it has improved, as I speak of 2007. Have visited several parts of the Phil up to 2013. Nice country, Ya, ok Manila. like a BK, dont care much about that. The part Caloocan where I was , was doable. Ok checked visum SRRV and has changed, as also pay tax on pension and other income. They even have same table as Thailand for tax, only baht is then pesos. https://www.bir.gov.ph/index.php/tax-information/income-tax.html/#it_rates You do have a lifetime visum SRRV, but annual costs are 360$, beginning with a first 1400$. https://pra.gov.ph/srrv/ But you can do all , no more immigration every year, no 90days reports, work if you want. And it seems you can join in in healthcare services, way lower prices then in Thailand. You can study expat experience https://nomadicfire.com/philippines-health-insurance-for-expats#how-to-get-philippine-health-insurance-for-300 https://nomadicfire.com/philippines-retirement-visa
  20. The saying goes , hide in plain sight, So that didnt work.
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