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Everything posted by riverhigh

  1. Caught the low-end "foreign" drug courier. Job well-done, Bangkok drug problem solved! How about the Thai connection ... oops my bad .... no such thing as a Thai drug dealer or crooked Thai enforcement. Let me do my sincerest "sorry" and "wai" for bringing such shame on this forum.
  2. Here we go again, the "sorry" and "wai" used by hi-so / celebrity Thais to get out of jail. A real confidence booster for the Thai justice system.
  3. This is part of Thai culture concerning the lesser of two evils, so to speak. Its based on the need for Thai students to go to school in places where there is lack of transport or the distance to schools is far. See it as an incentive to go to school and teaching resposibility of looking after a motorcyle ... smile. As to the helmet part of your comment, it is not possible to fine +/- 13yr old without a license. Like it or not this is the way it is and always remember Thailand is for Thais. Similar to me you are just a guest.
  4. From the original article: "Mr. Martin was reportedly confused and refused to give a statement to the press." Also, from the original article you can see Mr, Martin, nicley pressed shirt and trousers, stone-faced sitting calmly in a chair. Of course he wants to play the role of a confused and spooked old-fart. And so do the police want you to think that he is spooked and confused and, hence, the reason why they have not charged him. It is not in the best interests of the police to let the Thai justice system run its natural course while there is still time for money negotaition. There is a reaon why the police put in their report that "Ms. Savitree Seesun, 25, who (at time of accident) was offering food to a monk on the side of the road". They are going to put the screws on him when the negotiations start at the police station. I doubt very much that he will be charged with anything if he can come up with the money. Before you expat sympathsizers get your hump up, remember it could have been you crossing the street or driving your vehicle while this selfish $%$!! was crashing into you while trying to escape the police.
  5. Love the thumbnail photo of the two journalists doing a dramatic and sincere wai. They should be given an academy award. No wnder they were only fined 5,000 baht. After seeing that photo I am positive they will never "unknowingly" break the law again.
  6. Looking at the photo I feel like I'm in a high-end seafood restaurant on Walking Street. Two waiters in white explaining the seadood menu,
  7. Agree. But even more so in this case. My understanding is that Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and emphysema doesn't happen ovenight. I have freinds who suffer from similar conditions and refuse to change their lifestyle and get help. 77 years old, fixed in his own world, wants to live in warm climate, doesn't want to change, hoping negative things will just go away by themselves. I have more sympathy for his daughter. Just my opinion and I could be 100% wrong in this matter.
  8. "The order is related to this case involving the suicide of a Kyrgyzstan national in Pattaya who had allegedly been tricked into prostitution" Give me break! A chief of police fired because of a foreign woman tricked into prostitution and subsequently commited suicide. The journalist is got to be joking. Us readers of Asean Now may not be the sharpest tools in the shed but we are not that stupid.
  9. Mission accomplished, got your attention. Why spoil a great story with facts .... 555.
  10. I think you have to read the full article linked to Pattaya News before making a comment. IMHO the words "strange circumstances" is an understatement. Not sure what the relevance of the statement that the owner was staying with her two student nephews visiting Thailand has to the death of the Krygystani woman. The female owner mentioned that the she gave the Krygystani woman one of her rooms as a favor to her ex-girlfriend. Begs the question if whether the owner, ex-girlfriend and Krygystani woman are lesbians. Jealous lovers? Had to throw that one in to add to the intrigue (smile).
  11. Another question I would be asking is he on meds. Has he a history of mental illness or mental disorders? It is not uncommon in Europe for individuals who are not suitable for travel to be granted a passport based on their human rights. If this is the case then his embassy is morally obligated to get involved and disclose all information. Governsments issuing passports to the mentally ill must be held responsible for their actions.
  12. So what you mean is if I lose a whole lot of weight, buy some black shorts, I too can look like a 20 - 25 year old drug addict, I'm on top of it, I'm tired of loking my age of between 65 and death.
  13. Hello All, the reason I'm late to posting to this article is that I just got back from Berlin, Germany using Scoot. It took 13 hours 20 minutes to get to Singapoe. No videos, no complementary snacks or refreshments. Not even a bottle of water, My uderstanding was that for long haul flights such as this one airlines were obiliged to provide some form of nourishment to their passengesrs. Apparently not! The Nottingham man has my sympothy and I can relate to his anxiiety. For those who say he should deal with it and move on should take a course in empathy. The same people who would be scraming to the rooftops if this situation happened to them.
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