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Everything posted by riverhigh

  1. Thaksin doesn't understand boundries. Politics and BOT must be kept separate. The primary justification for an independent BOT is that it's necessary to insulate system from short-term political pressures. Without a degree of autonomy, the BOT would be influenced by corrupt election-focused politicians.
  2. “Call out! A Russian man sped out of an alley and crashed into the victims’ motorcycle. The foreigner refused to pay compensation and dared the victims to take the matter to court if they wanted the money.” If this statement is true, this is an act of utter arrogance and intimidation. This behaviour may be the norm in Russia but he forgets, or refuses to accept, that he is a guest of Thailand. Stupid man if he goes to Thai court, it will not turn out well. I have no sympathy for him if he gets shaken down, deported, and black listed.
  3. Photo: The way the Egyptian (?) is slouching on the white vehicle, and talking on the phone, it appears he is fairly confident that he can pay his way out. Money for the boys in brown and, hopefully, a sizeable check for the Thai lady. The way of Thailand. If the money is right, he can walk free.
  4. Thanks for creating the photo, saves me time reading the article. IMHO, the barrier couldn't have been any clearer!! As usual we get the expat community from the "nanny states" compaining that the Thai authorities could have done a better job of securing the area. The foreigner knowingly ignored the barrier and died for his mistake. R.I.P.
  5. The reality of living the dream life in Thailand. As no details of the accident are given, we are expected to beleive it was incredible "bad luck" that caused the accident as reported by his unbiased freind. The follwing sales pitches to garner your sympathy and hopefully your money. - "The 33 year old, who has dedicated his life to setting up teaching gigs for British teachers keen to spread the English language abroad, is now facing a gruelling battle for recovery after a horrific crash." - "Davis’ selfless work has touched countless lives but it’s his own life that hangs in the balance now" Call me callous but these words are empty and can genrated using "AI" software. Doesn't show what he has actually done to deserve such a glowing testimonial.
  6. The condominium management, the security guards and Thai woman have my sympathy. Only a month ago this young gym rat nearly pushed me over from behind inorder to stop the automatic door from closing. Young, impatient, seen him before .... he meant no harm. Daily event people rusing through the automatic door without using their access card to save those precious seconds ... makes life difficult for Condominium security. IMHO lets focus on the sick arrogant pervert stalker. The fact that he did not live there and entered illegally with no valid reason, and then after touching the Thai woman without consent exited the building in secret, is proof enough of his guilt. Hope the information the Thai woman provided the police will be sufficient to apprehend this sick arrogant pervert stalker.
  7. Drunk 55 to 65 old man. Your typical "man baby" that finds his way to Pattaya. Will have forgotten what had exactly happened by the next morning (recollections may vary vastly when alcohol is involved). Most probably will be up and about drinking in the next couple of weeks. Untrainable toddler!
  8. Virtual signaling. It's a photo from the Ministry of Public Health on congratulating themselves for enforcing the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. I guess in their minds "the eight-month gruelling interegaion review procces" of the Act was like enforcing it. I guess they want their faces out there showing that the are doing something and who needs to be paid off. Just joking. Just joking.
  9. Good point but most probably in the tourist's world there are only two genders male and female. I am not a big fan of self geneder identification and personalized pronouns. After a few drinks I may see myself "sexy man", however, 99.99 % of the population will see me as an unattractive old geezer ... just stating the facts ... lol.
  10. Looking at the video the allegedly intoxicated man was on a public street and announced he was on his way home. Then the idiot owner ? left his shop and confronted him, trying to show him who was the boss man. If the idiot owner had stayed in his shop, shut his mouth, and not come out on the street to confront him, the outcome may have been very different.
  11. If you are on a one year visa that can be teminated on the whim of a bureaucrat, you are not a resisednt. You neither have the rights nor the representation of a resident. You are merely a glorified holiday maker on an extended visa. This is not taxes this is a unjustified money grab.
  12. Looking at the photo it appears he is relatively short and is suffering from short man syndrome. Trying to act tough by taking control of the situation by not co-operating with the police. I'm sure he will be using the Kiwi defense that he was fearful for his life being threatened by the corrupt police. It was an act of sel defense at the check-point. Silly little boy.
  13. I simply don't care what happens to them. As professional athletes in a relatively dangerous contact sport, they let themselves down and everyone around them. IMHO youth cannot be used as an excuse.
  14. "Dr Thandao Chandam claims she was kicked in the back by 45 year old Urs. Niphit (her lawyer) emphasised that forensic examinations confirmed Dr Thandao’s injuries." VS.. "The court extended the benefit of the doubt to the 45 year old Swiss expat. They (his lawyers) explained that David slipped on the steps and accidentally struck Dr Thandao. Based on Mr. Urs past altercations I doubt very miuch that he slipped. The dog ate my homework defense. Hopefully there are x-rays, etc that can prove otherwise.
  15. Hmmm... why the specific amount of 2,000 baht? Sounds like the foreign men were trying to sell the Thai something and demanded 2000 baht, which he rightfully turned down. All the same it's veiled extortion under the pretence of selling products/services which is illegal. If so, the foreign duo need to be fined, jailed and then deported with a life time ban.
  16. Unfortunately these two bad apples make life difficult for us, the majority of law abiding expats, in the form of draconian immigration regulations. Every time this happens it justifies their position of not giving us retiress permanent residence. Have to renew visa every year at the discretion of immigration. Have to report every ninety days. Have to get a certificate of residence for minor transactions. Have to show passport ... the list goes on. The reason they didn't renew their visas wasn't because of the money it was because they didn't want to be picked up for fraud. That simple!
  17. I live in both Bangkok and Pattaya. Last year I took a PM2.5 readings of my Pattaya residence, cloese to the ocean, and my Bangkok residence. Although my Bangkok residence was close to a park/cemetry, the PM2.5 was 3 1/2 times higher than my Pattaya residence. Polution in Bangkok is no joke!! It has been raining consistently the past few weeks in Bangkok and most Bangkokians brush it off as seasonal weather caused by climate change. Few are willing to make the connection between climate change and pollution. Using the phrase "climate change" makes it easier to ignore the pollution.
  18. Never liked the idea of changeing Jomtien beach road to a one way street. Change made to accomodate the parking of SUV's and large vehicles. Sign of the times .....
  19. I despise and hate his friend. Letting the situation escalate. What a piece of S$&t. !! You don't need friends like him. Dump and shame him asap.
  20. 2 am in the morning, after a night of drinking. What coud go wrong? So the Russian thought he could play the "deaf" victim card to explain that this was all about "verbal misunderstanding". The photo shows otherwise. Not a good optics for the Russian.
  21. Always the gimmicky visas, never the visa that the foreigner wants. In light of the new tax proposals there should be permanent residence for retirees. Always wanting the golden egg but not the golden goose that lays the egg!
  22. Almost?? It was scripted! Here we go again adults playing musical chairs, just a matter of time before the constitutional court stops the music. Not impressed!
  23. He should be embarrassed posting his photo on social media and admitting to playing the slots. He definitely gets his investment advise from Goldman Sachs. Get rich, play the slots.
  24. Most probably he thought that after 7 years his theft records would be espunged. He thought wrong. Being in excile for seven years he may have thought he had done his time for his crime. Wrong.
  25. No idea what happened! All I heard was a hysterical Thai woman throwing a baby tantrum.
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