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Everything posted by riverhigh

  1. Of course you have never heard of a scooter bag snatching incident during your 60 years in Canada. Who the heck rides a scooter in the Canadian winter? I bet you have never seen a camel bag snatcing incident in Canada either.
  2. A million baht rolex on his insurance claim ... (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Anonymous Brit I wonder why. Embarasment, fraudster identification, ... ???
  3. Absolute rubbish, AGAIN. Did I read correctly, at least 18 months for a crappy visa. For 18 months there should be Thai citizenship or at least a permanent residence certificate. More nonsense from the delusional Thai hi-sos.
  4. My only memory of Phuket was how unhelpful the southern Thais were and their lack of willingness to interact with foreigners unless money was involved. Foreigners treated as cash cows.
  5. I like the marketing strategy promoted by the Minister in that all sex toys will be made from "natural rubber" grown and made in Thailand. None of that foreign synthetic sh$t. Only healthy insertions. Right, Minister? Thailand to the rescue in producing healthy sex toys. Got the members of the world-wide gay / fetish community who can't find a partner covered.
  6. I am in total agreement with the ministry of health, there is absolutely no reason for bars to be open until 4 am. Society should not cater to the greedy bar owners and their alcoholic patrons who add little, if anything, to the well-being of society. I have little time for self-absorbed, boozed-up expats running around in the early hours of the morning causing problems.
  7. New 767 Restaurant to open in Phuket .. You beat me to the punch ... lol. Although one should not laugh at the situation, it was just too good to pass up (smile).
  8. You were doing okay until the last 2 sentences when you associated yourself with the clever and capable people who retired early. Much smarter than the avearage Joe, right? Congratulatios you have just joined me in the "smug" club. (smile).
  9. "Just try saving up! Time to enjoy life when there is opportunity to... I tell you now, it gets less fun as you get older". People who are partially retired with significant funds don't save, they invest. You have to think about that one (smile). As I am slightly older than you I can agree that my fitness level is not getting better. Still in good shape for my age group, do not take medication, and can travel anywhere in the world without medical worries. The problem I see with people who are fully retired at an early age is that they get disconnected from the real world. and find it difficult in adjusting to the digital world and the ever changing regulations facing the expat. Their mental capacity to deal with current day problems, which younger generations can handle with ease, goes down hill. I am amazed at times how many of my friends, who are younger than me, come to me to fix their technical problems. So reliant on other people to fix their problems (smile).
  10. Please read the article first, the above statement is based on facts provided by the familey: "The 61-year-old had spent the last ten years travelling out to Thailand during the winter months, and last year was no different." "Tony said: ‘He goes over there in the winter for three months usually because he can’t stand the cold
  11. Not envious in the least. Many UK expats I have known in the past have retired too early and had to return to the UK broke and destitute. As for myself I have never really retired because of my technical skills. Can always find employment well into my seventies. Great feeling that I will never have to depend on the state for a cheque.
  12. Yes he is a complete idiot and an arrogant one at that. Thinks he's smart by trying to blackmail her with an ethical imvestigatiion. Has a Thai girlfriennd in Nettherlands and one in Thailand, give me a break. Aren't we the clever one? Next!
  13. Not another list of best destination! Here is my top ten list: 1. Sudbury, Canada (in the winter) 2. Buffalo, USA 3. Calcutta, India 4, Cuidad Juarez, Mexico 5, Ciudad Guayana – Venezuela 6, Pietermaritzburg – South Africa 7. Stok-on-Trent, UK 8. Luton, UK 9. Kingston, Jamaica 10. Baltimore, USA After visiting my recommended cities, you will be really glad when you get home.
  14. A New Jersy deli shop worht 112 million dollars must be making some special sandwiches (smile). Must have a great home delivery business. On top of that, some 3.5 million shares in the "deli shop" were transferred to nominees based in Macau after the the share price had "magicallY" risen from $1,25 to $12.99, in just two years. Add to this, the transfer of sheres was made by a citizen of a Carribean island now living in Thailand. What's wrong with this picture, other than everything?Just another quality tourist making his way to Thailand.
  15. Wake me up when they start talking about "Permanent Residence" for pensioners. At the end of the day it's still a visa with few rights, if any, attachrd to it. You still have to bow down to immigrtion who can terminate it on a whim's notice.
  16. The typical moron response: "I'm not paying my bill becuse she didn't treat me right or "I puched him in the face because I didn't like the way he looked at me". Unfortuantely Pattaya is littered with these middle-aged arrogant, self-entitled morons. Most probably the bar shouldn't have served him a drink in his state. All the same, no sympathy for this moron. He will enter the police station as a moron and come out as moron. No learning experience, you can't teach old dogs new tricks.
  17. I don't think this will go down well with twenty-something group who want to pay everyhing with their mobile phone (Apple pay, Google pay, etc.). I was in Germany when all hell broke loose when a twenty something old tourist was told they only accepted cash. Complete melt down ,, smile.
  18. So I guess it will be similar to Cambodia where you pay at passport control. As it may be difficult to get Thai baht in many countries then I guess they will have a 300 Thai Baht equivalent in USD. As to the money going to maintain tourist destinations and to foreign tourists who are involved in accidents, I think there will be heavy commission charge paid to the government and their masters for their onerous task of collecting the entrance fees. Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge.
  19. Oh yes he will !! Oh no he won’t !! As the Thai comedy festival season gets under way. Better get out my flip-flops to enjoy this pantomime. There is no bar of stupidity that the Thai government cannot get under. A real confidence builder!
  20. Google search: Professor Dr. Yong Poovorawan, head of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology at the Faculty Medicine of Chulalongkorn University Hope he is right but then again when I read the words like "Centre of Excellence" I get nervous (smile). Next time I talk to friends I will refer to Pattaya as the "Centre of Excellence" for attracting high quality tourists such as myself.
  21. Interesting times ahead. With recents reports of as much as 30% of aircraft passengers having Covid and originating from China, it will be interesting to see if this will increase the covid cases in Thailand. Currently, there are travel restrictions on travellers coming China, Hong Kong and Macoau imposed by numerous countries. Intesting to see if Thailand will get lumped in with China, Hon Kong and Macaou and thus making it difficult for us expats to travel to our home countries if required. Que, Sera, Sera.
  22. Priorities, priorities! If a Thai saw someone entering your premises and haulingo out your belongings, with the knowledge that you were away, not a word would be said. If a Thai saw a farang being beat up and robbed by a ladyboy, not a word would be said. A farang dry humping a Tha sex worker in public at 4 am, all hell breaks loose. Of course, this would never have happened if the falang had stayed in his home country.
  23. Fantastic news! A sign that Thailand is not bowing down to the unscrupulous people who want to make a baht regardless of the potential damage done to society. Less drunk driving, less time wasted by police dealing with the drunk 2-week millionaires, less noise pollution from the bars, less drunk falangs coming home screaming at the top of their lungs and waking up us good lawing-abiding expats. The list goes on. Thailand and us law-abiding expats deserve better!
  24. "It is worth to invest and benefits a lot of users with cheap passenger fees, although a specific fee and pricing structure were not yet presented. " Surprise, surprise they don't want to discuss pricing ... lol. I doubt Thais will pay Swiss "cheap" prices. This "Pie in the Sky" project has as much chance of being implemented as Thai immigration being considerate of the foreigner's needs.
  25. Form original article: "By emphasizing the place of residence where the alien resides, the owner or occupant must notify to the immigration office within 24 hours under section 38 of the Immigration Act 1979, which is considered an important tool in control Prevent and suppress criminal groups that lurk in various forms. " My interpretation is that immigration was not advised within 24 hours. Although not specifically stated I am specualting that immigration was eventually notified. Unfortunately, this does not bode well for us law abiding expats. All we need now is immigration to demand that we report within 24 hours to our local imnigration office if we travel outside our Thai province. No silver lining here :(.
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