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Everything posted by riverhigh

  1. From the original article it appears that the Swede had set up a fake bank account to withdrawl funds to escape Thailand. Also, interesting was that he was arrested for coming to Thailand to commit crimes against foreigners and Thais. Unforunately, this provides ammunition for Thai immigration to continue the 90 day-report, TM 30's, etc and encourage strict adherence to carrying your original passport to prevent foreigners from creating fake mobile PP photos and visa stamps. Potentially more regulation to monitor and control the falang in the name of safety of the Thai citizen. This is not good news for us law abiding expats.
  2. I do not doubt what you are saying. But you are talking about domestic flights and hotels. What we are discussing here is raids conducted by immigration officers with far reaching powers.
  3. Not doubting that you have been stopped multiple time on the highways and showing your DL was sufficient. But here we are talking about immigration officers not traffic cops. Different departments, different objectives.
  4. Taking a mobile phot of your front page and visa page is not the problem. It's whether the Thai Immigration officer will accept. You have no recourse if he doesn't.
  5. If you are referring to the following post that you highly recommended: "Some years ago an Immigration Dept Major General was quoted as saying that it's OK to just carry phoiocopies of passport/visa." This is not proof that a law exists. This is an opinion. As metioned in my response, the Dept Major General may well have said it but Thai officials are notorious for changing their minds tha next day (smile). Until the law / regulation is published in the Royal Thai Gazzette it's just words. Yours truly, Slick (smile)
  6. This may be true but Thai officials are notorious for changing their minds tha next day (smile). Until the law / regulation is published in the Royal Thai Gazzette it's just words.
  7. Once again, please provide the link to the Thai law or immigration regulation backing up your understanding of the requirement of foreigners reqiured to carry their passport. Until I see the regulation linked to a Thai govermnment website I will default to the law that you are required to show your proper National ID. Just because the immigration officers accepted copies, mobile photos, etc. of your passport on the tree town raids it does not mean they will do the same on future raids. In future raids they can fine you or lock you up in a cell at there discretion if you don't have your passport. If you can't show your passport it's up to the immigration officer how to apply the law. You have no recourse.
  8. Please provide the link to the Thai law or immigration regulation stating that immigration is lawfully required to give you reasonable time (notice) to produce your passport . I will save you the time, there is none. However, I will provide you with a link to a reputable source on what has happened in the past to foreigners caught in a raid; “So, do you need to carry a passport in Thailand? Yes, there is a requirement for all tourists to carry their passports in Thailand at all times. Thai authorities might request to show a passport during raids on nightclubs, at roadblocks, and on other occasions. It is possible to get around Thailand without carrying a passport, but there is a risk of 2000 Baht fine for not having a passport with you.” https://www.thaizer.com/carrying-your-passport-in-thailand/#:~:text=“By law%2C you must carry,produce their passport upon request.
  9. BS posting. The immigration clearly says that they will accept pics of passport and visa stamp in phone. Which I always keep. They can check validity of your passport and visa using their mobile phone. Please provide the link to the Thai law or immigration regulation stating that immigration is lawfully required to accept pics and visa stamp on your phone. I will save you the time, there is none. However, I will provide you with a link to a reputable source on what has happened in the past to foreigners caught in a raid; “So, do you need to carry a passport in Thailand? Yes, there is a requirement for all tourists to carry their passports in Thailand at all times. Thai authorities might request to show a passport during raids on nightclubs, at roadblocks, and on other occasions. It is possible to get around Thailand without carrying a passport, but there is a risk of 2000 Baht fine for not having a passport with you.” https://www.thaizer.com/carrying-your-passport-in-thailand/#:~:text=“By law%2C you must carry,produce their passport upon request.
  10. Crapt!! The thought of accidentally losing or damaging my passport to follow the letter of the law is a real pain. The cost and time involved in replacing the passport is significant. Unfortunately Thai lowmakers do not take this into consideration when making regulations. TIT.
  11. Agree, If you plan to travel for extensive periods of time owning a condo is a much better option than owning a single detached house. In this case the Dane needed three detached houses to maintain his lifestyle ... Hmmm ... no home security set up .... ????
  12. Why all the damage to the properties ??? Like most readers on this thread I am very suspicious of the victims not knowing what took place. I doubt very much that the Thai wife and her relative don't know whar happened. The jungle network works very well in a small village. Hmmmm ... no mention of a property insurance claim ... ????
  13. From the original article: "the aforementioned pickup truck (showed) no sign of slowing down. Instead, he continued to drive away with his face blank. like nothing happened... " If true, this guy is an outright sociopath and should have his driving lisence terminated immediately and be subsequently jailed. Don't blame this one on Thai culture or lack of driving laws. 5 months ago I went to a Thai "only" driving school for my motor cycle licence. I had to pass a Thai proficiency test orally and in writing before I was accepted. There were ample videos and exam questions regarding the importance of coming to a full stop at a red traffic light and giving way to pedestrians.
  14. This paragraph says it all: "With 2023 predicted to be a year of falling GDP in many countries including Europe and China, the kingdom is very much dependent on its critical foreign tourism industry to boost its economic performance and drive another year of similar growth to his year." Thailand being reliant on exports will have to diversify and increase domestic consumption to make up for the shorfall in exports. This will be very difficult for Thailand as this will require the Hi-So Thais sharing their wealth and empowering the lower class.
  15. The alcohol control committee has my full support. There is no need whatsoever for people to be drinking in bars until 4 am. These self-absorbed baby adults running around, shouting and playing loud music without consideration for anyone else. The good people who get up early in the mourning to go to work and contribute to society should not be deprived of a good night's sleep.
  16. I am not a fan of the self-appointed faashion police brigade. Don't want to see a hard working medical professional fired because of a so-called dress code violation enforced by an over-zealous "pen-pushing" hospital administraton clerk. I think expats on a one-year visa should think twice before siding with the hospital administrators. Just imagine going to imigration to renew your one-year visa and the senior admistratator doesn't lilke the way you dress or look, and decides to cancel your renewal at his dicretion. It is generally understood his word is final.
  17. Don't smoke the stuff, don't take drugs ... no interest interest in socialising with self-absorbed stoners spouting the benefits of weed. For the most part, I find these people boring when they go into their own little bubble when under the influence, While weed may have some minimal medical benefits for the most part it has become a business selling a recreational drug of choice. It creates jobs and as the Thai prime minister stated there is no turning back. Too much money involved. Personally, I don't need the weed "crutch" to enjoy life, I have better things to spend my money on.
  18. President Xi Jinping is not helping himself by showing his true colors to the world. Removing any doubt that there are problems between Thailand and China. Most probably not happy with Thailand playing one super power against another to Thailand's benefit under the guise of neutrality.
  19. Missing from the Asean Now article was the comment reported in original Daily News article that similar incidents has been reported in the past. This brings into question whether Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittipraphat had acted decisively. It appears that without the video clip emerging from the social media nothing would have happened. As a foreigner these incidents don't build confidence in the Thai punk police force. Hopefully I will never have to deal with them.
  20. In defense of the owner it may have been later in the Monday afternoon that he noticed that the French tourist had not checked out of resort as per reservation. The owner never signed up to baby sit his guests or keep track of their whereabouts. Keep in mind the tourist left the resort with just his phone and sunglasses which to me would indicate he was going for a stroll around the local area, not a hike in the jungle during rain seson.
  21. "Retired Working for You" did an excellent YouTube video on this Long Term Visa. For certain retirees it may make business sense. Personally, I am only interested in Permanent Residencey in order to get away from the Thai immigration and their BS. Under current regulations I will never qualify for permanent residency as a retiree. To qualify I need to have a work permit and paying taxes for 3 years to be even considered.
  22. "She said the rape had set in motion a chain of events that would alter the course of her life taking her to the very depths of despair. She lost her friends, job, and self-esteem and gained nothing but the wish to end her life. She said it was little short of a miracle, that she was still alive." This means absolutely nothing to me. This does not answer whether she was raped or not. This could be statement from delusional indivisual living in a fantasy world. Where are the facts and evidence - medical records, relationship beween man and woman, character assessments, time and place where the rape took place.
  23. From the article: "Their dogs (Rottweilers) were allegedly chasing after kids and motorbikes" I have zero tolerance for this German's behaviour when it comes to the safety of children. This self-absorbed piece of garbage needs to be locked up, fined and deported. The Thai police and rescue workers have my sympathy for having to deal with this piece of garbage.
  24. From the original article: "He is a 30-year-old British man who recently arrived in Thailand with tourist visa. He stays at a resort nearby. He said he joined in a party but he cannot remember anything else. He also said he wants to bring everyone to meet with god.” After reading the above, one can understand why the Thai authorities are treating this more than just a mouthy Brit who thinks he owns the world and the right to do and behave like he wishes. They want to test him for drugs and rightly so. From personal experience, I went out with a girlfriend on drugs, from my home country, who attacked me unprovoked. True, in hindsight there was no good reason, other than the kinky sex (smile), for me to go out with her. Regardless of whether the Brit is playing smart and trying to use the "I got drugged at a party, I'm not responsible" get out of jail card, he needs to be taken off the streets. Let's say you are walking down the steet and he comes up to you naked and punches you in the face because you look at him funny and don't agree with him to meet with God. His rights ends, when yours begin.
  25. That's a releif! After 13 years of performing charity work in other provinces (since Feb 2009), I am glad Mr. Seemaek is in custody. Not uncommon for Thais to move to province where police have little interest in crimes conducted outside their jurisdiction. Especially against foreigners unless, as most probably as in this case, there is big money involved.
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