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Posts posted by KevinHunt

  1. Took is world famous in Chiang Mai. :D

    Great music. Thanks for reminding me, I haven't been for a while.

    The latest rumour is that Country Joe and The Fish are coming to Guitarman soon.

    I'm not sure which it is, but either Country Joe or The Fish may not make it though. Hopefully, it's not just the Fish.  :)

  2. So she does fancy you, after all.... :D

    I do actually have a now 'not so secret' admirer at one of my regular haunts.

    A couple of weeks ago the lady concerned was a little bit drunk, and it became very clear that she had been hiding her affection for me. I became the centre of her world for the evening and she was so besotted with me it was almost embarrassing. :D  

    There was one small snag - she wasn't the most attractive looking girl in the bar. To give you some sort of idea as to her looks, the owner of the bar had nick-named her Walter, whereas I had nicknamed her Tommy. His reason was that he thought she looked like Walter Mathau, whereas I thought she looked more like the Liverpool FC great of the seventies Tommy "Hard man" Smith, sometimes referred to as "the Anfield Iron". In the right light, she also had a hint of Arthur Mullard in her.


                    King Arthur

    Still, she's a nice girl, and it's nice to find that the old magnetism is still there. :)

    A classic video of the Great Arthur Mullard and Hylda Baker (she's better looking than my secret admirer!!)

  3. I went by AIS main office today to inquire about Kevin's deal.

    Yup, buy a wireless router for 5240 B, get 15 GB for 499 B/month.

    My guess is it is a business plan to target SME's like Kevin.

    Okay, you've established that I didn't get a good deal just because she fancies me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't fancy me anyway, does it? :)

    PS I just remembered - I paid 4,900 for the router!! She definitely fancies me. :D

    But of course she fancies you, what young lass would not? :D

    (4900 B + 7% VAT= 5243 :D )

    Actually , my router was 4900 total, for those that are interested.

    I agree with Thaifan2 - crazy pricing system. It's all over the place. :D

    It was a smart move to give me a good deal though - all that free advertising on TV, not to mention being tied up with the (in)famous Red Lion. Well done, that girl.

  4. I went by AIS main office today to inquire about Kevin's deal.

    Yup, buy a wireless router for 5240 B, get 15 GB for 499 B/month.

    My guess is it is a business plan to target SME's like Kevin.

    Okay, you've established that I didn't get a good deal just because she fancies me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't fancy me anyway, does it? :)

    PS I just remembered - I paid 4,900 for the router!! She definitely fancies me. :D

  5. The color of the light is less important than the fact whether you are alone or in a big group with other cars.

    If there is a big group passing the lights together with me, then I just go with them or stop with them. This usually means jumping the first seconds of red light.

    If there are no other vehicles around me, I carefully look for the traffic crossing my way and go if I can, no matter if the lights are red or green.

    This also applies when I'm the first one who starts after the lights turn green. Sometimes there are still cars crossing who jumped the red light. Be careful!

    Quite right, they are the unwritten rules of Thai driving. The only one that annoys me are the guys tail-gating the red light who end up blocking the intersection for the guys who have green. This happens every day at the lights coming into town just after Nawarat Bridge, in front of the Governor's House. That is why I always make a point of being in the left-most lane which normally only has Bikes and Tuk-tuks. If I'm lucky, I can still squeeze past while the light is still green!!??  :)

  6. Kevin, you recently announced your internet. Can you give the date and location where you picked up this promotion? AIS 3G is available at a number of places, and the info given to me (see above) was at Central KAD Suan Kaew



    AIS office on the corner of Thapae/Kamphengdin Rd, about 5th of January. I bought a router too, so that may have something to do with it. A guy came to the pub tonight and said he got 15gb for 799b but that was a few months ago?!!

  7. Coffee and donuts? Superbowl? How about an enema and some geriatric tablets to go with that?

    Is there a traditional Superbowl venue in town.

    Draft Beer (watery)

    Chips and salsa (stale)

    Pop-corn (cold)

    Multiple big-screen TVs -loud! (The Who are playing at half-time)

    Throw in some spicy chicken wings and you're all set.

    LOL, If you come down I'll personally water down your drinks. What do you prefer, tap or bottled water?

    And if you ask real nice, I'll mikrowave sime popcorn now that way they'll be cold and soggy by monday.

    "Putting this up for a friend so I hope I am not breaking any rules."

    Don't you mean "your friend" will?

  8. Red means stop. Go figure. :D


    You and I BOTH know that is only a generalization in Thailand, Kevin. If you try and stop, then you can be sure that someone in the truck behind you didn't plan on stopping. I'm ALWAYS worried when approaching a stale green light that might change to red. Invariably the cars and bikes behind you speed up in hopes of making it through. Then, there are the guys on scooters who always jump the red light before it turns to green. It's a disaster waiting to happen and I see it all the time. In fact, if there is any amount of traffic on the road there will ALWAYS be a group of vehicles trailing through a red light long after it changed from green.

    Yes, stopping for a red light can be dangerous. I sometimes stop for green lights, especially late at night. Even if a light has been green for 10 seconds or more, at night, a group of young kids on bikes may come roaring through.

    Don't take green for granted after midnight. :D

     It's a disaster happening!!! 

  9. Kevin,

    Do you know how much you would have to pay per MB if you go over your 15 GB?

    I think it could be something like 2 baht per MB. That would be 2000 baht per GB? The only saving factor is that they will shut your account down once you reach your credit limit.

    I'm not positive about the above, but you might want to check.


    EDIT*** I just checked a very old brochre (the brochure is not correct anymore) and it was 1 baht per MB after the package is used up. That is still 1000 baht per GB.

    "I am having to download movies to up my usage!!"

  10. I don't know how Kevin got such a good deal he's not sponsoring them is he :D

    I got the 2gb package which costs me 1,100 including tax etc, they also give me 500mb free for the 1st six months.

    After seeing what others pay, I rang AIS yesterday to make sure that my package was correct. The guy told me that I have 15gb for 499, just as I thought. They obviously know a VIP when they see one. :)

    Hi Kevin.

    Are you sure you're using AIS 3G? I thought you mentioned somewhere that you offer free internet in your establishment, and one would think that even 15 GB would be swallowed up by customers in no time at all. Or maybe this package is for personal use?

    Also, do you have a modem or a USB stick? And if so, how much did it cost your during the promotional period? Just curious :D



    Of course I'm sure. Didn't you see my previous post? I have a router which cost just under 5000 baht. 15gb is quite enough for the pub, not many customers use it  - 2-3 a day maybe. I am having to download movies to up my usage!!

  11. The Lucky Disco may be one of the most grim and miserable nightspots in Chiang Mai, if not the world, but I've never considered it to be violent. Never felt threatened there by anyone or thing except my own thirst for more alcohol than could be reasonalbly required by anyone. The food on top nearly makes up for the disaster below. But I still try and avoid it unless desperate.

    It sounds like a down-market version of Spiceys. :)

  12. I don't know how Kevin got such a good deal he's not sponsoring them is he :D

    I got the 2gb package which costs me 1,100 including tax etc, they also give me 500mb free for the 1st six months.

    After seeing what others pay, I rang AIS yesterday to make sure that my package was correct. The guy told me that I have 15gb for 499, just as I thought. They obviously know a VIP when they see one. :)

  13. I believe gotlost posted that he is on a AIS 3G 30gb package for 1500bht a month.

    Yes I am. BUT! it is not available any more. It was available for the first 90 days and I was fortunate that I signed up then. They jacked the rates up afterwords. As long as I pay my 1500baht before 14:34 hrs on the 28th of each month AIS will let me keep it. I just payed again on the 27th and I'm good to go. We shall see.

    My normal use is less than 5GB a month, I have never gone over 6. I surf. emails and form. Very few if any downloads except for updates.

    My package(!!?) is 499b for 15gb. I only signed up recently, so it looks like I'm getting a good deal.

  14. .... this was at a disco with the security joining in on the 'fun'...not out on the street... regardless, i get your point...but get mine that thai are a bunch of pussies when it comes to fighting, everyone and there brother jumps in to beat on a farang at the drop of a hat... i don't know how it is where you're from, but that shit is far and few between in america...of course it happens, but it's not the norm...in thailand it's the rule.

    point taken but as i have said earlier, i dont think the op has told the full story

    I was at the Lucky early one morning when some pissed up backpacker decided to kick off. Before I got a chance to lamp the <deleted>, security had him out of the door and gone.

    I am a regular and if security know you, they will always look after you. So I think you're full of shit.

    My guess is you acted like a <deleted> somehow, got called out on it and gobbed off.

    Never a wise thing to do in Thailand.

    I would suggest you never go back there. They'll only piss in your drinks from now on anyway.

    Guilty until proven innocent.

    Are you a frequent <deleted> lamper? 

  15. 2 tickets in nearly 7 years - both deserved.

    I would guess that the odds of getting an ticket for an offense you didn't commit would far exceed the odds of getting a  ticket for an offense you did commit, by a factor of 100 or more.

    Not in my case, of course. :)

    If you get stopped, I am told and are offered the 500 baht route....., suggest you offer 250 for a ticket to the policeman's ball....

    The Police don't have balls here...

    Q. Do you want tickets for the Policeman's Ball?

    A. No, I can't dance.

    A. It's not a dance, it's a raffle!!

    (The old one's are the best.)

  16. 697292624.png

    Speedtest on Thai Visa. Red Lion Night bazaar.

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 3067 kbps (383.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 275 kbps (34.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 303 ms

    29/01/2010 14:38:25

  17. try bangkok ! 500 baht minimum. Or you can discuss it for 30 mins and get away with 200.

    Or obey the law.

    Doesnt make a difference brother. Obey it, break it, they will fine you eventually either way.

    I didn't think that was true of Chiang Mai. I don't know of anyone being fined for a traffic offense that they didn't commit. Do you? I was actually done once for not wearing a seat belt!!! Fair enough.

  18. I wasn't saying that her actions were correct, only that I wouldn't have noticed it because I wouldn't have been hanging around waiting for 10 baht. As I said, assuming the service was okay (which is what the OP said), I probably would have left another 20 baht or so - a trifling amount to me. Some people like to convert it into percentages to make it sound a lot, but it's still only 30 baht. I like to tip, as a means of helping these generally low-paid workers.

    The underlined section of your comment is what i believe the thread is about Kevin - the actions of the woman and whether or not she was right. Fail to see how all the other stuff about your tipping habits comes into it, fascinating though it is.

    Fair do's. Sorry about that, but 'fascinating' is my middle name! :)
  19. Personally, I wouldn't have been waiting around for 10 baht change.

    I usually tip anyway, so probably would have left another 20 baht besides.

    By walking away. or worse, adding to the amount that she kept, you are rewarding bad behavior. Unless of course you feel it is not a problem to take what does not belong to you. In that case, perhaps you can start providing drinks on the house next time a customer frequents your establishment.

    You can start with water

    I wasn't saying that her actions were correct, only that I wouldn't have noticed it because I wouldn't have been hanging around waiting for 10 baht. As I said, assuming the service was okay (which is what the OP said), I probably would have left another 20 baht or so - a trifling amount to me. Some people like to convert it into percentages to make it sound a lot, but it's still only 30 baht. I like to tip, as a means of helping these generally low-paid workers. 

    One way or another, I can't see the point in getting the slightest bit bothered about 10 baht. Principles, or not.

    If you would like a free glass of water at The Red Lion all you have to do is ask - contrary to popular belief nobody has ever been refused free water. :)

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