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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. I really can’t follow your ‘logic’. If a person told a lie and four persons confirmed that that person told a lie, then it’s probably true that that person told a lie. Is that simple enough for you? And didn’t you get the part that even Faux News confirmed it? That to me alone is enough evidence.
  2. Trump denies a lot of things. But even Faux News confirmed it: https://vietfactcheck.org/2020/09/25/did-trump-really-call-members-of-the-military-losers/ Claim: On Sept. 3, The Atlantic published an article claiming that President Trump called members of the American military that have died, or captured, in wars, “losers” and “suckers.” Rating: This claim is MOSTLY TRUE. Although Trump has denied making those statements, a number of other news outlets, including Fox News, have confirmed The Atlantic’s reporting. In addition, there is a video of Trump calling the late Senator John McCain a “loser” for being captured during the Vietnam War.
  3. President bone spurs also called dead US soldiers ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’. He’s a real class act. It’s a mystery to me how anyone in the military could even consider to vote for Trump.
  4. That doesn’t stop some posters here from worshipping him like the second coming of Christ.
  5. That is not entirely true: everyone who agrees with him or kisses his ample behind can say whatever they want, no matter how racist, anti-semitic or homophobe it is, just as long as they don’t say anything bad about Trump.
  6. Putin to visit Donbas, not clear yet when or where. Keeping my fingers crossed for that one Ukrainian sniper who will be able to take him out.
  7. This absolutely vile p.o.s. deserves a long stint in jail and all his money and assets taken away from him.
  8. Here’s a scary prospect: ‘Putin’s private warlord is plotting power grab, Wagner defector warns.’ That guy Prigozhin really gives me the creeps. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/putin-s-private-warlord-is-plotting-power-grab-wagner-defector-warns-6v7spmtp5
  9. Another one of your if’s. Do you see any indication that NATO is about to cut down or stop the aid they’re sending to Ukraine? I mean, other than the Republican Putin fan boys and their counterparts (i.e. Victor Orban) in Europe? NATO knows very well that Ukraine is fighting a very important battle for them, and that if they stop helping Ukraine, Russia will probably win and then have its hands free to find another target. Russia needs to be stopped and Ukraine can do it, but only with NATO’s help.
  10. Apparently Putin fell down the stairs and soiled himself. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11494595/Vladimir-Putin-fell-stairs-home-soiled-himself.html
  11. I wish Putin’s daddy had ‘pulled out’ about 71 years ago. Then there would be no Putin and maybe we wouldn’t have this problem right now.
  12. You could very well be right. Whoever it was, this is probably their idea of “subtle”.
  13. Putin fan boys/trolls/shills/FSB (take your pick) apparently have nothing better to do: “Ukrainian embassies receive ‘bloody packages’ containing animal eyes” https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-embassies-receive-bloody-packages-containing-animal-eyes-kyiv-2022-12-02/
  14. Russia’s shortage of munitions (exacerbated by logistic challenges) is likely one of the main factors currently limiting Russia’s potential to restart effective, large scale offensive ground operations.
  15. Kremlin’s internal polling shows that more than half of Russians now favor negotiations with Ukraine, while only 25% still support the war. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/11/30/make-peace-not-war
  16. Russians are not learning from their mistakes. Hope they continue down this path and keep sacrificing huge numbers of troops on insignificant objectives.
  17. You’re absolutely right. Over the years, I have lived in Chiang Mai a few times. At first, it was still possible to ride a bicycle there, even on busy roads. Now I don’t do that anymore, it’s way too dangerous, even if you are constantly cautious and have eyes in the back of your head. Having said that, it is still possible to ride a bike on quiet back roads not far from Chiang Mai. There’s not much traffic there, you don’t feel like you have a bull’s eye on your back all the time, and it’s really quite enjoyable to ride between the green rice fields. Until the burning season starts, that is.
  18. How should I know which weapons they used? But suppose they used western weapons, you said to expect an unpleasant response. Hence my question: unpleasant for whom?
  19. “Methanus apologized to Palmer, saying he was unaware that the victim was a foreign tourist.” What difference does it make that the victim was a foreign tourist? Had the victim been Thai, he wouldn’t have apologized?
  20. ‘Every second felt like an eternity’: inside the torture chambers of Ukraine’s occupied northeast. Horrific stories of survivors of rape and torture in Russian prisons in occupied territory. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-torture-balakiya-izyum-kharkiv-b2221357.html
  21. Wagner group recruits prisoners in Africa to fight against Ukraine. They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel now. Dozens of men held in custody by Central African Republic’s army and police for crimes such as rape and murder have been recruited by Wagner’s local wing of militants, commonly known as “black Russians”. And Russia accused Ukraine of hiring mercenaries….. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/media-russias-wagner-group-recruits-prisoners-in-africa-to-fight-against-ukraine
  22. As far as I know, Ukraine has never expressed any intention to invade Russia. But nothing stops them from giving the Russians a taste of their own medicine, destroy a few power stations and gas and water mains here and there, so they start feeling the same pain they are inflicting upon Ukraine. Maybe it will helpt to create a bit more discontent among the Russian population about what Vlad is doing and the consequences it has for mother Russia and its inhabitants.
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