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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. The only one acting outside the law was Trump, by taking (highly) classified documents to Mar-a-Lago and hiding them from the authorities.
  2. If you think losing by 7 million votes is a close election….
  3. A missile intended to shoot down a Russian missile. If the Russians hadn’t fired that missile at Ukraine, there would have been no need for Ukraine to fire their anti-missile missile.
  4. Can add that to the more than 30,000 lies Trump told during his four years as president. And the countless more lies he told after getting slaughtered in the election by Joe Biden. And you would have to be a very, very bad presidential candidate indeed to get slaughtered by 7 million votes by someone like Joe Biden.
  5. I don’t watch CNN. I have seen what Trump has done, and what he says, the way he speaks. Trump is a 100% narcissist.
  6. Truly selfless leader? You mean the biggest narcissist that ever lived, who only cares about two things: his ego and his bank account.
  7. I really hope Trump becomes the Republican nominee. The man is rubbing more and more people the wrong way, even quite a few Republicans are getting sick and tired of him repeating the same old drivel and election lies over and over again. Must be a walk in the park for whatever Democrat is going against The Donald in 2024.
  8. Two Russian missiles hit NATO member Poland, killing at least two people. The sh*t may have just hit the fan…..
  9. After arriving in Indonesia for G20, Russian foreign minister Lavrov was taken to the hospital. Of course Lavrov dismissed this as fake news. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-14/ap-newsalert-indonesian-officials-russian-foreign-minister-sergey-lavrov-taken-to-hospital-after-arriving-for-g-20-summit-in ****Disallowed link removed****
  10. How come Putin never bothered to visit the ‘liberated’ areas that were annexed by Russia? Maybe because he’s too much of a coward, unlike Zelensky.
  11. Indeed, I get quite emotional every time I see videos like this. And I really don’t care what those cowards on Fox are showing. I do know that Putin and his cronies were rooting hard for that ‘big red wave’ (and Prigozhin had been deploying his army of trolls for months to that end), but fortunately they didn’t get their way. Disaster averted. Two more years until the next potential disaster.
  12. So good to see all the videos of people being ecstatically happy to be liberated from the Russian oppressors. Russia and Putin keep maintaining it’s their territory, though. Completely bonkers.
  13. Banksy doing his art on the wall of a destroyed house near Kyiv: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1bqL6MsMu/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=09ca451a-f26a-4307-a043-8ec8c1094665
  14. I saw footage of large stockpiles of ammo/shells left behind as well. Same thing happened around Lyman. It just shows that the Russian army is not nearly as good as everyone thought. Discipline is apparently very low, moral as well, and they don’t seem to give a toss if they have to leave all their equipment behind and run like hell to save their lives. Mind you, the commanding officers seem to be the first ones to haul @ss when the going gets tough, so they don’t exactly set a good example for their troops.
  15. Yeah, Kherson is liberated by Ukrainian troops! This was the kind of reception the Russians expected to get. What a monumental error of judgement the Russians made there, and it’s going to haunt them for decades to come.
  16. Why shouldn’t they complain about their decisions? I just said that people usually don’t become billionaires by giving a toss about anyone but themselves. In my opinion, this is just another example of a selfish and greedy billionaire who wants more and more and more money, just because he can. I find that quite despicable.
  17. I can imagine it must feel so incredibly good to get rid of the Russian oppressors. I live in The Netherlands and have family who lived through five years of German occupation in WWII, and they told me it was one of the happiest moments of their lives to see English or Canadian troops arrive in their villages and towns, knowing that the horrors of the German occupation were finally over. Here’s hoping the Ukrainians manage to kick the Russian army all the way back to their own country, where they belong.
  18. I never said he would, and I don’t expect he will. People usually do not become billionaires by giving a toss about anyone but themselves.
  19. Apparently all Russian troops and equipment have now been withdrawn from Cherson.
  20. Unfortunately it’s not just this guy. All those a-hole fascist pundits on Russian TV are trying to top each other in extremist talking points. Goebbels was a peace loving pacifist compared to some of these idiots.
  21. It’s not only that $8. It’s $5 more here, and $7 more there, and so on and so forth. It all adds up to having to pay a lot more money for everything, and I’m pretty sure a lot of companies are using this crisis to jack up their prices more than necessary, they see it as an opportunity to squeeze a little more money out of us consumers. This billionaire’s plan to have to pay an extra 300 baht per room falls in that category, in my opinion, and I’m sick of being taken advantage of. Many (big) companies are making record profits, and it all goes to ridiculously high bonuses for CEO’s and managers, and to shareholders. And the average Joe gets screwed.
  22. What with the high inflation and prices skyrocketing, some of us do need to be a little careful how and where we spend our money. So when a billionaire suggests raising hotel prices with 300 baht, with all the price gouging I see going on around me already, I tend to get somewhat suspicious about the motives of said billionaire.
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