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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Looks like your wish is coming true: “Ukrainian forces struck a power plant in multiple attacks on Russia’s Kursk region on Tuesday, causing some electricity outages, a local governor said.” https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-kursk-strikes/ukraines-forces-strike-power-plant-in-russias-kursk-region-governor-idUKL1N32P2OZ
  2. There should be a warning when you enter Thailand, like those warnings on cigarette packs: “Traffic in Thailand is deadly!” But wow, that idiot car driver didn’t even slow down one fraction. Hope they catch him and throw the book at him.
  3. A real bank or money transfer service would NEVER ask for that, so beware. I use Wise as well and last time I sent money to Thailand I also got questions, for instance if I had actually met the person I was sending money to. If I get any more question, I’m going to switch to another service.
  4. You don’t seem to understand that Trump is the rot.
  5. What God would be with a proven traitor, liar, adulterer and fraudster?
  6. So what? They still received $180 billion worth in today’s currency and I’m quite sure it helped the Russians defeat the Germans on the eastern front in the end. Without that aid I’m not at all sure the Russians would have been able to do that.
  7. Even if ‘we’ inflamed the situation by a few misjudged decisions, that doesn’t give Russia the right to do what it is doing now. And perhaps the problem is that not enough people see yet that Putin and his cronies (especially that creep Prigozhin) really ARE the devil incarnate. Didn’t you get what they wanted to do to Ukraine and its people? Ukraine had no right to exist anyway, and Ukrainians were subhumans who needed to be eradicated. Think ‘the final solution’ from WWII (or ‘die Endlösung’ in German, if you will), that’s pretty much what Russia wanted to do with the Ukrainians. What the Russian army and its allies are doing in Ukraine is absolutely horrendous, committing the most vile and disgusting war crimes on a daily basis. And this is not done by an out of control army, but very obviously because the soldiers have been ordered to behave like thugs, and to rape, torture and kill indiscriminately. So yes, Putin really is the devil incarnate, and the sooner everyone starts to recognize that as a fact, the better it will be.
  8. China invaded Tibet. Do you see any signs that Tibet is about to get its independence back?
  9. That is indeed the official CCP party line. Fortunately, not many outside of China buy into that obvious BS.
  10. Of course it is. But that won’t stop Trump saying he doesn’t know who Fuentes is. He would deny knowing Mike Pence. And his MAGA crowd would believe him.
  11. Can’t find a link for this yet (have a link to a Dutch newspaper, but I’m guessing that’s pretty useless), but apparently today, in his meeting with mothers of Russian soldiers, Putin said: “don’t believe everything you see on tv, a lot of it is fake. The internet is full of lies, don’t trust it”. He’s not wrong there, but I’m pretty sure he forgot to add that pretty much all of the information coming from the Kremlin or Russian media is utter BS, nothing but lies, misinformation, fake news and hysterical warmongering rubbish.
  12. Chinese media are state controlled, so they will publish any tripe the authorities tell them to. And China is not exactly very popular with their neighbors anyway, after claiming almost the entire South China Sea as Chinese territorial waters. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and The Philippines are certainly no friends of China.
  13. But that’s the trouble with extremists: they can see the evil in others, but not in themselves or others just like them.
  14. Maybe next time they can reserve one of those glass cages for Putin, like they have in Italian courts when a mafia capo stands trial. I’m sure the other heads of state would feel a lot better/safer.
  15. So the facts you mention automatically disqualify Reed from commenting on anything related to these matters?
  16. One would hope that some day soon Russia will themselves get the same treatment like they are inflicting upon Ukraine now. Let’s see how the average Russian likes to spend a winter without heat, water or other amenities, and if they still support Putin and his evil regime. It is utterly cowardly what Russia is doing now, evil and barbarian, and beyond contempt. May all those responsible for these atrocities die a quick and horrible death and then spend eternity being spit roasted over a nice hot fire in hell.
  17. Just one more of the many heinous war crimes committed by the Russian Orcs.
  18. At fairs and live shows outdoors I have quite often seen people put their little (grand)children right in front of the huge speakers, probably so they can ‘hear better’. They have absolutely no idea that they are damaging their children’s hearing beyond repair.
  19. You mean prior to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, with a view to ‘denazify’ the country and kill as many Ukrainians as possible, since they had no right to have their own country anyway? You mean prior to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, which was the start of the war and also the start of an endless and ongoing string of war crimes committed by the Russians? Was that what you meant?
  20. You know he hires only the best people, he said so himself. And then fires them a day/week/month later for disagreeing with him, and stiffs them with the bill.
  21. I’m not disagreeing with you that the man is hilariously dumb, but think the blame here lies with his lawyers, who are obviously not particularly bright either, to say the least. Last week they were even sanctioned for filing a frivolous lawsuit, they’re going to have to pay tens of thousands of dollars in fines.
  22. The first train in nine months leaves Kyiv for Kherson. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/19/world/europe/train-kyiv-kherson-ukraine.html
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