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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. There are never any provocative questions. Everybody is carefully selected and all questions are vetted beforehand, so as not to inconvenience Putin. It’s all for show.
  2. When you drink lots of beer or khao lao, you can hold it for a long time, but once you had that first pee, it’s like the floodgates have opened and you have to go every ten minutes or so.
  3. You really don’t have any clue what marxism or socialism is, do you? Calling Democrats ‘the radical left’ is completely ridiculous. But you’re parroting Trump and MTG and all those other MAGA idiots quite nicely.
  4. You’re trying to play the blame game, but you don’t have a leg to stand on, as has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions in this thread already. And as for twisting the facts: pot -> kettle.
  5. If you want to discuss avoiding the deaths of innocent population of Ukraine, I suggest you take it up with your guy Putin. He’s the one that decided to invade Ukraine, remember? His army is the one committing war crimes on a daily basis. Putin and his cronies say Ukraine has no right to even exist, and they want to kill as many Ukrainians as they can.
  6. I totally agree. But people see it’s a very profitable system for those who benefit from it, so rather than turning against it, it’s easier to (try to) become a part of it.
  7. Because those at the top rake in the most money and have total control and power over the whole system. It’s like the RTP. Nobody joins because they want to ‘protect and serve’, and ‘uphold the law’. They just want a piece of the pie, and the smart ones climb up through the ranks and get themselves a bigger and bigger piece of the pie. Here’s a little story, to give you an idea of the kind of money we’re talking about. Around 2011/2012, a group of about ten burglars broke into the house of the deputy minister of transportation in Bangkok. The minister and his wife were out for the evening, there were only a few servants. Couple days later, the culprits were caught, together with most of the money they took, about 100 million baht in cash. And here’s the kicker: they told the police they had only been able to take about 10% of the cash that was present at the house, 100 million baht was all they could carry. So it seems like the good minister had about a billion baht in cash in his house. That’s about $30 million. Of course the money was long gone when the police went to take a look. Another interesting bit of gossip was that the burglars were hired by some of the minister’s ‘colleagues’, because he had refused to share the loot with them. I’m not sure how much of this is true, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it’s pretty close to the truth.
  8. There’s a slight difference between bending the truth a little on occasion (Merkel), and knowingly, willingly and constantly spreading propaganda, lies and misinformation (Kremlin, Putin and his cronies). There is also a slight difference between a democratically chosen and sane leader, and a war mongering lunatic dictator with a huge inferiority complex and even bigger delusions of grandeur.
  9. Why do all those clowns keep repeating the same nonsense? I would be very surprised if there is even one person in Thailand who believes that BS. EVERYBODY knows these people are corrupt to the bone, and the higher up you go, all the way to the top, the more corrupt they are.
  10. What’s even worse, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, or Alternative for Germany), the party this MP belongs to, hasn’t disavowed her yet, or condemned her actions, and seems to have no plans to do so. No wonder the German authorities and intelligence services consider AfD to be a right wing extremist threat to the country.
  11. *Deleted post edited out* You must not have been conscious during Trump’s four years as president. Or even after that, because every time he opens his mouth in public, or goes on truth social, he still goes on and on and on about the 2020 election being stolen from him. Oddly enough he never provides a shred of evidence for that claim. I wonder why that is….
  12. Who is so naive to believe anything coming out of the Kremlin or Putin’s mouth? Nearly everything coming out of there is demonstrably false, lies or misinformation. Either that, or just war mongering nonsense or threats.
  13. No one is above the law. Steve Bannon thought he was and ignored a subpoena, and now probably wishes he hadn’t. Hopefully Trump and his lawyers can get the same treatment, just like anyone else would be treated when they ignore a subpoena. It’s not rocket science, is it?
  14. Russian soldiers were forced to dig trenches in the most contaminated parts around the former Chernobyl nuclear plant, and they had no idea where they were or how dangerous it was for them to even be there, let alone dig trenches. It’s obvious that the Russian high command don’t give a toss if they have to sacrifice countless numbers of soldiers to achieve their goals.
  15. Larpers are people who engage in LARP: live action role playing, and they ‘fight’ with plastic weapons, like swords and such. As you have probably noticed, Pattaya Spotter is doing his darndest to downplay the danger of these right wing nutbags. As in the USA, however, German authorities and intelligence agencies are now identifying right wing extremism as the biggest threat to democracy.
  16. Wow, so they were a clear and present danger to democracy. Not. In the meantime, a bunch of right wing nutbags stormed the Capitol, with a view of hanging Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi and possibly a few others, and overturning the result of a fair election because their guy Trump had lost. And now these German right wing nutbags wanted to storm the parliament building and stage a coup. Spot the differences. Which group would you say is more dangerous, the far left (busy removing statues and gluing themselves to things), or the far right (busy stagings coups d’état)?
  17. Of course it was. And you know that how?
  18. They did find a huge cache of weapons at the prince’s residence, though, so it’s not as if they were dealing with boy scouts.
  19. I’d rather see him stay on for a while longer, so Democrats can keep winning elections.
  20. Yeah, maybe start doing some damage in Moscow and St. Petersburg as well, have the elite there cower in bomb shelters. Maybe that will speed up things a little.
  21. He’s created this image of being a big manly macho, but Putin is a freaking coward who couldn’t beat up a nun. His idea of a fair fight is if six of his goons hold his opponent down while he can beat him up. If his opponent accidentally gets in a shot he runs home to mama, crying that it’s not fair. Such a hypocrite crybaby.
  22. You sure you want to use that kind of ‘comparison’? In 2016, Trump narrowly won the election. Republicans think HRC is the worst of the worst. So what does that say about your guy Trump that HRC almost beat him? Using your comparison: Trump could not have been a real prize if HRC almost beat him. Well, seems like you got that right at least!
  23. I think it says a lot more about Republicans, that they’re willing to vote for any whackjob Republican candidate over an obviously much saner Democrat candidate.
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