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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Tucker Carlson, Fox News number one Putin fanboy and sleazeball, was praised on Russian TV for criticizing Zelensky’s clothes. https://www.newsweek.com/tucker-carlson-praised-russian-tv-criticized-zelensky-clothes-congress-1769147
  2. Apparently, Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz didn’t stand up and applaud either. And Marjorie Taylor Green and Josh Hawley didn’t even bother showing up. Disgraceful, to say the least.
  3. It’s astonishing, isn’t it, how some people can pinpoint the tiniest flaws and shortcomings in Dems, and are completely blind to (or choose to ignore) the much larger and much more disturbing flaws and shortcomings in Republicans. Talk about your double standard.
  4. Ever heard about spin? That’s rich, coming from you. (perhaps you should advise Herr Putin to deny the nonsense he told the world)
  5. You must be confusing Zelensky with your guy Putin.
  6. Putin to give “important and lengthy” speech at Defense Ministry board meeting - Kremlin. https://tass.com/politics/1553575 Expect a lot of war mongering rhetoric, rants against the depraved West which is out to either conquer or destroy Russia, threats to use nuclear missiles, lies, misinformation, and lots and lots of deranged propaganda. I’m willing to bet that’s more or less what this speech will entail.
  7. There are many more who need to be prosecuted and thrown in jail, I have no idea why the DOJ isn’t much more pro-active in these cases. There are 34 senators and representatives who were texting then White House chief of staff Mark Meadows on or around January 6 that he (or Trump) needed to do something to overturn the result of the 2020 election, and some came up with some very clear ideas and suggestions to do so. That in itself is more than enough to prosecute them for treason and/or sedition, IMO. Then there were countless people involved in the fake elector schemes in several states. Why are these people not charged yet, or in jail? Every last one of them knew what they were doing was highly illegal, yet they proceeded with it anyway. Those present in the so-called war room on and before January 6 at the Willard Hotel, with just one goal in mind: overturning the result of the 2020 election. Why are they still free? The DOJ really needs to get into gear and start going after ALL the culprits involved.
  8. Probably in Minsk, sitting at one end of the longest table in the world, social distancing himself some 30 feet from his comrades. Must be a b*tch to understand each other from so far away.
  9. So I’m guessing 90% of all Thai officials on Phuket (provincial, municipality, customs, police, and so on) are going to resign? Because that’s where most of the crime is located.
  10. Lukashenko, Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu all together in one location. Would be a good time to drop a bomb there, rid the world of four evil bast@rds.
  11. Russian soldiers were sent to the front with maps from the 1960’s and bad intel. They also looked for manuals for their weapons on Wikipedia: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/17/world/europe/russia-war-putin-facts.html
  12. Then what do you suggest we do once we run out of oil and gas? Start burning coal again?
  13. “control of those territories be decided after a ceasefire agreement.” That’s what the Sahrawi did with Morocco in Western Sahara in the 1980’s, agree to a ceasefire. Morocco has been tightening its grip over this territory ever since, throwing thousands of Sahrawi in jail just for speaking their mind, torturing them, sometimes even killing them. And the Sahrawi are still waiting for a definitive solution to this day. I’m just saying, do not trust the Russians! They have shown to be extremely brutal occupiers, and that there can never be peace by giving them what they want, because they will just come up with new demands.
  14. Your NOTHING BURGER will turn into a BIG WHOPPER soon enough, don’t you worry.
  15. The MAGA crowd is not interested in ‘the process’ or anything else, since they live in a fact free alternative reality, where Trump is a god, innocent and infallible, and the Dems are the devil incarnate.
  16. Another Russian oligarch falls down the stairs and dies. Like so many oligarchs before him, he obviously suffered from ‘Russian Staircase Cancer’, as American analist Eric Garland put it.
  17. McCarthy is one of Trumps most loyal - and totally spineless - sycophants, so of course Trump wants him to become Speaker of the House: Trump pulls the strings and the puppet McCarthy jumps.
  18. Imagine a whole stadium of people chanting “lock him up, lock him up”! Or better yet “lock them up, lock them up!” since Trump was by far not the only one engaging in criminal and/or seditious activities around January 6.
  19. This was your post that I replied to: ”When the facts are in your favor argue the facts...when it's the law argue the law...when neither pound on the table. How's your hand?” If you provide facts, I will discuss facts with you. But all you did was come with outrageous claims that the Dems are somehow Marxists and extreme left and everything that is wrong in the USA today is their fault. I’m sorry, but I can not take anyone seriously who comes up with such bogus claims and keeps defending the indefensible. Goodbye.
  20. The vaccin works, together with a few very basic health measures. Most red states, where less people are vaccinated, wore masks, did social distancing and hand sanitizing, have so far seen considerably higher covid death rates than blue states, where more people are vaccinated, wore masks, did social distancing and hand sanitizing.
  21. Russian military commander in Donetsk admits that Russia lacks the conventional means to win the war. So the moron thinks nuclear weapons are the only option left.
  22. “their lack of sophistication” Understatement of the year.
  23. A scathing indictment of the American education system. Or, as my dear departed mother - bless her heart - would say: “dumber than a bag of rocks”.
  24. With a lame and meaningless reply like that, I could ask you the same thing about your head.
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