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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised at all, the Russian army has a long history of this kind of madness, dating back to (at least) WWII, when soldiers without weapons were ordered to advance and when they didn’t they were shot. That pretty much tells you how little the Russian army has evolved since then.
  2. I have no idea, the odds are probably hugely against them, but they’re going to have to try something to get rid of that fascist regime, otherwise a lot more lives are going to be lost or ruined.
  3. The cannon fodder revolting can also be called ‘revolution’ or ‘uprising’ and can (and hopefully will) end very badly for those in power who are sending all these men to the slaughter.
  4. I think Putin is a tiny little narcissist with a huge inferiority complex. I feel sorry for Russia that such a psychopath and the clique around him can screw up a country like they’re doing. So many lives devastated, both literally and figuratively. Russia could have been a completely different country, open and democratic and prospering, but instead the selfish elite chose to rob the country blind, tell the people nothing but lies and brutally suppress any kind of opposition. I really wonder what’s to become of such a sick country. But then again, I wonder the same about the USA, the way things are going there.
  5. They’re getting crazier by the day. But by all means, send the young to die and wipe out an entire generation. And feel the results for years to come as Russia tries to rebuild the economy and there are not nearly enough young people to fill all the vacancies. Do these pundits ever think things through? Or do they just utter every brain fart that pops up in their minds? My money is on the latter.
  6. Spot on. It’s always the ‘expendables’ who get caught, never the big fish.
  7. So much easier to go after all those dirty farangs than their own domestic thugs and mafia.
  8. How Russian soldiers ran a cleansing operation in Bucha. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/how-russian-soldiers-ran-a-cleansing-operation-in-bucha-ukraine This proves that what happened in Bucha was not ‘random’, but planned and strategic. All the more reason to have a war tribunal when this is over, to identify and punish those responsible for all the atrocities committed by the Russians.
  9. Don’t hold your breath. And if they do provide evidence it should be examined very thoroughly, because it will most likely be fabricated.
  10. It is public knowledge that many officials, all the way up to the top, make millions, if not billions of baht with their involvement in all kinds of trafficking, be it human, drugs or wildlife. There will be token arrests and ‘crackdowns’, but nothing will really change, because there is simply too much easy money at stake.
  11. The same Russia that said it only attacks military targets, that the hundreds of executed people found in Bucha were a ‘hoax’, that Ukraine was fighting with genetically modified super-soldiers, that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb, and so on and so forth. The list of lies, misinformation and deceit grows by the day and Russia is proving more and more that it simply can not be trusted in any way. That anyone continues to defend the despicable actions of this fascist state is beyond me.
  12. The Russian army can get the hell out of there by leaving all their sh*t behind and heading for the Russian border as fast as they can. I’m betting most of them wouldn’t hesitate one second. Just go east and you’ll get there soon enough, it can’t get any simpler than that. Job done.
  13. Of course it is no more than fair that we as Thai people can buy as much land and property as we want in (almost) any country in the world, while foreigners can not buy any land or property in Thailand. Remember, TIT, we don’t believe in equal opportunities for everybody.
  14. Oh dear, that must be so terrible for you and your friends and family, to be inconvenienced like that! How you must suffer, it’s just too horrible for words! Never mind the tens of thousands of people who died because of Russia’s brutal aggression and many war crimes, all those lives destroyed because a tiny fascist dictator had a hissy fit and can’t back down anymore. Wow, you’re really showing your true colors here, dude.
  15. There is one very simple way to stop this war: Russia can withdraw from Ukraine. That would end the war very quickly, wouldn’t it? I mean, Ukraine has no interest in invading Russia, and neither does NATO or the US. If Russia withdraws from Ukraine, it could all be over in a matter of days.
  16. Oleg Tinkov renounces Russian citizenship: “can’t be associated with a fascist country”. Wish there were more who had the guts to do this.
  17. Cracks starting to appear more and more in the ‘home front’.
  18. Have you been following the war at all? Russia is doing all of the escalating, for instance by raining dozens of kamikaze drones on Ukrainian civil targets every day. Ukraine is just defending itself and their territory, which is a legitimate reason to attack any invading army. Maybe you should think some more on who’s being stupid here.
  19. Anyone want to bet they will be up and running again by tomorrow, or next week at the latest?
  20. Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has confirmed that his private army is now also recruiting Russian convicts suffering from serious diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis C. The war must be going really well for Russia. No wonder they are resorting to terrorist actions like bombing power stations and such.
  21. Yeah, I forgot to mention that the Russians, as usual, didn’t offer a shred of evidence for that ridiculous accusation. But they are just throwing crazy stuff out there for their deranged base, domestic as well as international, who will swallow anything Putin or the Kremlin say, no matter how farfetched or bizarre.
  22. Russia accuses UK navy of blowing up Nord Stream. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-british-navy-personnel-blew-up-nord-stream-gas-pipelines-2022-10-29/
  23. So raining Iranian kamikaze drones on Ukrainian civil targets is okay, but when Ukraine sends drones to attack legitimate Russian military targets it’s not? Can’t have it both ways, Vlad, so either stop attacking Ukrainian civil targets, or quit b*tching when Ukraine strikes back.
  24. Except for those collaborating with the Orcs, Ukrainians will never bow down to the Russian oppressors.
  25. Looks like the good old UN is good for something after all…. Hope they keep documenting all the war crimes Russia is committing on a daily basis. And maybe some day there will be a UN tribunal where those responsible will be held accountable. I’m not holding my breath, but it’s nice to think it could happen.
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