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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Seriously? You are asking these questions while defending a country that invaded another sovereign nation?
  2. I don’t think they ‘just moved in’, probably had to pay some Phuket official(s) for ‘permission’ first.
  3. Why not ask the RTP? First of all, they know every drug dealer because they receive brown envelopes from them every month, and secondly, the RTP has been known to play an active role in the whole drugs trade themselves. So one phone call to the chief of police of every district or province should yield a wealth of information. Although somehow I suspect they won’t play ball, seeing as how that would kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
  4. Russia has been ‘stealing’ thousands of Ukrainian children. Using adoptions, Russia turns Ukrainian children into spoils of war: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/22/world/europe/ukraine-children-russia-adoptions.html
  5. I got something to probe that teacher with: how about a broomstick up his ***. Some people never learn, do they? Teachers are supposed to be role models, not sexual predators.
  6. More good news. Apparently there are several anti-war groups in Russia sabotaging the Russian war effort. One of those groups is called ‘Stop The Wagons’ and it looks like they have blown up the main railway link between Russia and Belarus. These must be very brave people, because I shudder to think what the Russians would do to them if they got caught.
  7. One of the dunces in this circus of freaks, Russian state duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, said that Ukraine becomes inviable as a country. https://tass.com/politics/1527369 Maybe he should take a closer look at his own country first before pointing fingers. The Russian economy is tanking big time, people are becoming increasingly frustrated with the way the country is being run, and there is growing dissent in (remote) provinces of Russia and a real danger of the country falling apart.
  8. I’m pretty sure by now that the Russians are capable of (and, more importantly, willing to) committing unspeakable acts of terrorism and war crimes, which would make the atrocities committed by them so far seem almost petty. Putin will literally stop at nothing to get his way, that much should be obvious by now.
  9. I know this is a quote that has been used to death, but I just can’t help myself: “stupid is as stupid does”. Bunch of morons signing their own death sentence because they had to post some video on TikTok. The mind boggles, but hopefully many more Orcs will make the same mistake and make themselves targets for the Ukrainian artillery, snipers, drones or whatever else can take them out.
  10. Over the eight months of war, Ukraine has been breaking the so-called world’s second-strongest army, and from now on Russia will only be a beggar, begging for help including from Iran. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3600266-zelensky-on-eight-months-of-war-ukraine-breaking-socalled-worlds-secondstrongest-army.html
  11. RT host Anton Krasovsky suspended for calls to drown, burn Ukrainian children. If what he said was too crazy even for RT, then you know you’ve really reached the twilight zone. If you read up on this guy a little bit, you will find out he’s seriously bat-sh*t crazy. Like many of his colleague Russian pundits have become. Apparently Krasovsky apologized, but I can’t find that anywhere, just him saying that he ‘got carried away’. Filthy piece of sub-human excrement. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/24/rt-host-suspended-for-calls-to-drown-burn-ukrainian-children-a79172
  12. This guy Shoigu really cracks me up. “The purpose of the provocation is to accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction in the Ukrainian theatre of operations and thereby launch a powerful anti-Russian campaign in the world aimed at undermining confidence in Moscow,” the RIA Novosti news agency said on Telegram. Aimed at undermining confidence in Moscow. Seriously? Confidence in Moscow? What confidence in Moscow? This guy is off his rocker. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/10/23/false-flag-russia-says-ukraine-plans-to-detonate-a-dirty-bomb
  13. He’s been calling defense ministers of European countries and USA, telling them that they are responsible for escalation of the war because they keep providing Ukraine with weapons. Go figure. Russian logic.
  14. If you think taking a dive off a cliff is economic progress, then Prayuth is right. But in the real world he’s not. The elite, including this government, is completely out of touch with reality.
  15. The video of this Russian POW paints a pretty grim and dismal picture of the state the Russian army is apparently in, and how badly they treat the new conscripts.
  16. No sh*t, Sherlock! The easiest proactive measure to curb road accidents would be to give the lazy RTP a swift kick in the butt and tell them to go and do their frigging job! Another easy one would be to have people take driving lessons and pass a driving test before they get a license.
  17. Exactly. RTP always get their panties in a bunch over stupid little things like this, while at the same time organized crime can do as they please. It probably doesn’t help that RTP is heavily involved in all kinds of rackets, including organized crime.
  18. “The army has nothing”, Russian conscript tells his girlfriend in a phone call. “We had to buy all our gear ourselves. I even had to paint my gun to cover the rust. Soon they’ll make us buy our own grenades.” Seems like the Russian army suffers some minor shortages here and there….. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/20/the-army-has-nothing-new-russian-conscripts-bemoan-lack-of-supplies
  19. ‘As the overal operational commander, general Sergei Surovikin’s announcement highlighting negative news about the ‘special military operation’ is highly unusual. It likely indicates that the Russian authorities are seriously considering a major withdrawal of their forces in the area west of the Dnipro river’.
  20. Read his post. BarraMarra didn’t call you a liar, he said that you can not negotiate with liars who can not be trusted, i.e. the Russian warmongers.
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