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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Russians fleeing to Kazachstan in big numbers: “almost 100,000 have crossed the border since the mobilization announcement.” https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/kazakhstan-struggles-accommodate-russians-fleeing-war-2022-09-27/
  2. That may be so, but what are they going to do? Russia has a huge (and usually very loyal) police force, not to mention all kinds of ‘special’ forces, secret police and whatnot. Just look at what’s happening in Iran. I’m betting that at least 75% of the people there are sick and tired of the ayatollah regime, but any form of dissent is drowned in blood. If there is to be a regime change in Russia (or Iran), it’s probably going to be a very bloody one.
  3. I see your point, but I’m not sure I agree. The genie seems to be out of the bottle in Russia, craziness is rampant and the pundits are trying to outdo each other in extremist and insane opinions and plans of action. Not sure if anyone can reign that in any time soon.
  4. He forgot to mention that the tuk-tuk and jetski maffia are also ready to start fleecing the tourists again.
  5. Tatyana Dotsenko, the wife of a 45-year-old man who was mobilized reveals shocking details about the mobilization. Her husband had called and told her that his entire group of over 1,000 men had received just one day of training and was then sent straight to the front. They had not had any kind of medical examination. https://dailyfrancenews.com/russia-desperately-tries-to-sell-its-war-design-for-ukraine-as-civilians-flee/
  6. It will be like Chamberlain all over again, after his return from Munich in 1938, saying he had brought peace with honor, and “I believe it is peace for our time”. The only question is: peace for how long? Because Putin and his cronies have made it clear they’re not going to stop with Ukraine, or parts of Ukraine. Give those guys an inch, and they will take a mile. Putin can never be trusted again, any peace deal he makes won’t be worth the paper it’s written on. You can not negotiate with a madman, history has proven that time and time again.
  7. Jeez, why do you think that is? Most people who would want to stay in Ukraine have either fled or been forcibly removed. And as I understand it, people are being ‘coerced’ (to put it mildly), or they are held somewhere where they can not vote: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-marches-farther-into-liberated-lands-separatist-calls-urgent-referendum-2022-09-19/ You also said you take no side. Don’t make me laugh….
  8. Uh-oh, important people are starting to get worried: Russian lawmakers express concern over Putin’s mobilization drive. https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/09/25/Russian-lawmakers-express-concern-over-Putin-s-mobilization-drive
  9. You forgot to mention badly equipped, with rusty rifles. There are videos on Twitter of Russian guys showing the weapon they received to go and fight with, and it’s ludicrous. Reminds me a little of what happened in WWII, when apparently only one in three Russian soldiers had a rifle/gun, but they were all forced to advance anyway, giving a whole new meaning to the term ‘cannon fodder’. And they had to advance no matter what, otherwise they would be executed by KGB officers coming right behind them.
  10. While you may not hold too much belief in CNN or BBC to tell the truth, here in the real world the Russians themselves are admitting that the war isn’t going all that dandy for them. Why do you think Putin is yanking 1.2 million men from their civilian lives and into the army? And sending most of them straight to the front line, without any military training?
  11. Four million Russians? No wonder they are losing the war, when so many of their best and finest (i.e. thugs and criminals) hightail it to Thailand.
  12. Apparently some of the conscripts still receive some sort of training first, but it seems that most of them are shipped off to the front right away and thrown to the lions.
  13. Go Ukraine, kick the Orcs out of your country, and make it hurt!
  14. Apparently Putin is going to try to do what Stalin did in WWII: throw massive numbers of soldiers into the battle and win just by sheer numbers. But the sentiment back then was completely different, as it was clear to all Russians that the very existence of Russia was at stake if they didn’t manage to defeat the Germans, so the willingness to fight and possibly die for the motherland was very high. This time around, it is all about the megalomania of Putin and his clique of fascists, and it’s quite obvious that the willingness to fight is not exactly there, as we witness many Russians fleeing their country so as not to become cannon fodder.
  15. Not just condemned, but brought before a court and sentenced to be put in prison in solitary confinement for the rest of their sorry lives.
  16. You can not believe in Karma and at the same time care about a country that’s been brutally invaded by Russia?
  17. Have you spent any time in Thailand at all? Myanmar? Laos? Vietnam? All countries with unelected regimes that don’t shy away from violence if necessary. As for the hypocrisy, again: have you spent any time in Thailand at all?
  18. Because maybe some day the shoe is on the other foot? What if China decided to invade Thailand? Wouldn’t it be nice if other countries came to your rescue?
  19. That’s how it works here: pick some unlucky guy (probably someone who refused to pay off those higher up in the chain) and go after him, to show the public that they are really doing something against corruption. But at the same there are thousands (if not tens of thousands) of other corrupt cops and government officials who are left untouched and they can enjoy the fruits of their corruption in peace.
  20. I wonder if this is an example of a ‘token bust’? Because I would be very surprised if he didn’t have a little something something stashed away somewhere safe for a rainy day. And by a little something something I mean enough to live on for a long time, so millions and millions of baht. It’s no wonder Thai men want to join the RTP: guys like this show that if you apply yourself and work hard at being the meanest and dirtiest of the mess that is the RTP, you can work your way up and become filthy rich. Joining the army and becoming a general is, of course, another way to go to reach that same goal.
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