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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Who said I pay tea money? But plenty of people do. And it’s so nice to see someone identify themselves as ‘genuine people’, whatever that may mean.
  2. Even if there were, they wouldn’t do anything, because Thai cops don’t give a rat’s @ss about traffic safety, they only see traffic as a source of income.
  3. Wow, looks like some of the worst bush tracks I have seen in Africa in the rainy season.
  4. Maybe add a few: Don’t drink and drive. Don’t text (or use your phone in any way) and drive. Pay attention to the road in front of you when you drive. For stick shift cars: the brake pedal is the middle one. For automatic cars: the brake pedal is the one on the left. Most importantly: you are not infinitely more important than everyone else on the road.
  5. Many Russians scrambling to get out of the country, rush on tickets out of Russia after Putin’s speech. Can’t say that I blame them for trying to escape Russia and not become cannon fodder for the Russian army in Ukraine.
  6. Yes, they sure are. Unfortunately for them, they live in a country with an evil dictator, supported by a clan of billionaire kleptocrats who don't give a hoot how they make their money.
  7. Quite right. Thailand would invite Satan himself for a nice vacation if he paid enough.
  8. Let’s get more of these Panzerhaubitze to the Ukraine army! And much more advanced weaponry in general, they make such a difference!
  9. The crazies are at it again. “Several state lawmakers belonging to Germany’s AfD party intend to visit Donbass in the coming days, one of them confirmed on Twitter on Monday, but called “fake news” the insinuations by a US-based think tank and Ukraine’s former ambassador to Berlin that they are agents of Russian propaganda.” To put things in perspective: the official AfD party line is that they are against sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, and many AfD politicians and party members have openly expressed their admiration for Putin. https://csmtimes.com/german-mps-to-visit-donbass
  10. I had a 5 year plan to become dictator of the world. Unfortunately that didn’t work out either….
  11. One of Russia's most popular singers, Alla Pugacheva, has called on the Russian authorities to declare her a "foreign agent", in solidarity with her strongly anti-war husband Maxim Galkin. She has been a big star for decades. She said the Kremlin's "illusory aims" in Ukraine "make our country a pariah and the lives of our citizens extremely difficult". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62948146
  12. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russian forces previously occupying much of Ukraine's Kharkiv region of employing the widespread use of torture. At least 10 torture sites had now been discovered in the liberated eastern region, Zelensky said in his evening video address on Saturday. Russia, of course, denies everything and calls it a smear campaign. https://www.anews.com.tr/world/2022/09/18/zelensky-accuses-russian-fascists-of-torture-in-kharkiv-region
  13. I totally agree. I just repeated what Putin used as an excuse (it's all Ukraine's fault) to continue with his war of terror that is doomed to fail. In the end, Putin is fully responsible for this senseless war, as well as for the countless war crimes being committed by the Russian army (and its allies, like the Wagner group and the pro-Russia militias in Donbass).
  14. He also said it’s all Ukraine’s fault it’s still going on, because Ukraine refuses to negotiate.
  15. Prison is way too good for people like Putin and his cronies. Just dump them on one of the uninhabited islands in between Siberia and the North Pole and let the polar bears take care of them….
  16. President Zelensky said on Friday many Ukrainians were buried at various sites in the newly-recaptured northeast including whole families and people who were tortured, likening the aftermath to Russia’s withdrawal from near Kyiv months ago. Zelensky: “Russia leaves only death and suffering. Murderers. Torturers.” https://www.anews.com.tr/world/2022/09/16/zelensky-alleges-torture-and-war-crimes-evidence-in-recaptured-northeast
  17. Not sure if I agree with you. Birds of a feather stick together. Just look at that Wagner group, I don’t think there’s a larger group of violent nutters and psycho’s in the world, and they seem to be doing quite well, so they apparently make it work somehow.
  18. Privateers were quite common in those days, it's one of the reasons how a small country like The Netherlands could become the most powerful nation on the planet for quite a while. But that was 400-500 years ago, times were a little different back then. Torturing prisoners to extract a confession was quite normal, for instance. Life was very cheap. Times have changed since then, however. The death penalty has been abolished in a lot of countries, torturing prisoners (or anyone else, for that matter) is frowned upon and going to war because a wannabe fascist dictator has delusions of grandeur is something most civilized countries strongly disapprove of. Apparently Putin doesn't care about all that, though, and wants to go back in time a couple of centuries. I feel sorry for Russia for having such an insane leader, and such a kleptocratic elite who care about nothing and no one, only about themselves, the size of their bank accounts and their giant ego.
  19. https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1652045/putin-news-russia-ukraine-wagner-group-prisoners-murderers-troops-defence-latest "Recruiters show interest in those convicted for murder and robbery. Those inmates in prison for drug and sex offences are normally not selected."
  20. I read somewhere that there are (at least) 5 million yaba addicts in Thailand. How are you going to win the war on drugs with 5 million yaba addicts alone? Because that’s not even counting all the other addicts hooked on hard stuff like heroine and such.
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