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About happyaussie

  • Birthday 02/11/1968

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    Loei / Pattaya

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  1. Your lucky. Australian pensioners cannot reside outside Australia and collect the pension. We are already one of the highest taxed countries in the world. The government wants it's pensioners to stay put so they can continue collecting tax. The hypocracy is that Australias $220k+ pa politicians receive a full pension after 5 years, can continue working in other fields and reside anywhere. it sucks.
  2. No mention of driver being submit for a blood test or breathalizer. They bolt to avoid such tests. Not even sure buses or commercial vehicles have to pass an anual roadworthy. Even if there was 200bht would get any operator the green light. Gas buses should be banned. With tanks stored underneath they're nothing more than a ticking bomb. Whilst there is no regulation and drivers can dodge repercussions, such carnage will continue. So many beautiful lives lost unnecessarily.
  3. By chance can anyone suggest a good electrician in Wang Suphung / Loei?? We have two other houses I'd also like checked. Rats chewing through cables is a very strong possibility.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Other than my wife spending a night or two each month the house has been unoccupied for 4+ years and yes we have received and paid monthly bills. Around 1,000bht, even though unoccupied 2 fridges and the odd light. I work offshore so can't carry out the steps suggested. I'll get my wife to arrange a sparky, if such a thing exists. There would be 10+ years of records showing that consumption has not exceeded 2000bht. Then logic would show that a jump to 16,000bht for one month clearly shows an issue. And yes, I know logic rarely, if ever exists in Thailand. KhunLa thanks for the tip on leeching. We are rural and shall investigate.
  5. We have a house near Wang Suphung which for the past 15 years has run an electric bill of between 1000 to 2000 baht monthly. Depending on season A/C etc. Since we moved into another property, this house has been empty for 4 years. Last week we received a monthly electric bill for 16,000 baht. I nearly fell off my chair. My wife went to the PEA office and was told in no uncertain terms pay up or your power will be disconnected, which it was. I'm curious to know if anyone else has had this experience and whether there are any avenues I could pursue to rectify what is obviously an error or fault. I think we all know how non confrontational and easily intimidated most Thai country folk are. And someone in uniform, being aggressive would be intimidating. My other curiosity is that if we pay now what happens next month. Appreciate anyone's guidance. Thanks
  6. With the crackdowns on Gangs in Pattaya and the fact that Casper has "the look". It's also possible he's got the PR machine working and is gathering brownie points before the authorities come knocking. There are so many more deserving causes than Ched.
  7. Well at least the UK pays pensioners who reside overseas. To receive an Australian old age pension you must reside in Australia. This way the government gets it all back via Australia's ridiculous tax regime. Unless of course you're a retired politician, then you can do what you want. After decades of working hard and paying taxes, pensioners should be allowed the dignity of living where ever they want.
  8. Looking for some advice and guidance please. I would like my Thai wife to visit me in Australia for 6 months. And to avoid boredom, I was thinking she could do some work at my family business. It's also a way to earn some spending $$. The work would be cleaning in our hotel (accommodation) She's 49 and we've been legitimately married for 11 years. Is this possible, and how difficult would the process be? Alternatively, I'd bring her on a 3-month tourist visa? Is this difficult? Our company could be the sponsor. Appreciate anyone's advice. Thanks
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