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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. Whats wrong with Bar girls? they have to make a living too.

    Would you also be asking the same question back in the old home land? what I mean by that is, If your frineds were to date or married a waitress or bartender back home would it be an issue with you? The answer is probably "NO", unless ofcourse, you're a stick-in-the-butt, and thats mighty shitty of you.

  2. This goes a few years back.

    My sife and I was at a watt in ayutthaya and noticed a few young mid 20's Americans that was taking pictures of themselves and some of the ancient buddhas. The problem is these clowns were making finger gestures while leaning on the buddhas, tried to climb and sit on the lap of the buddha and acting like a bunch of loud mouth idiots. Many locals asked them be respectful without success. These locals were giving them dirty looks and was speaking among themselves and was calling these idiots all kinds of name (in thai). Eventually, the police were asked to come and escort them to leave. The policeman was nice enough, except, I heard him say to another thai "au mun pai ying kong ja dee na (better to just shoot them)". I don't think he was serious but made me nervous for the morons just the same.

    My wife said to me that I should have told them to stop, but I told her, let them keep being stupid for they will pay the well deserved price sooner or later. If you lack respect for others than you deserved whatever yoiu get.

  3. I love the way you guys miss the point, He is in the UK, she is in Thailand telling him 'Her mother wants B40,000'. yeh right.

    Thats a good catch Lacoste'

    Unless Trevor suddenly changed his mind about low-class people than this is a TROLL. Geesshhh, see his previous posts.

    I don't know any Thai parents who asked their daughters b/f to pay downpayment to date her. Either you have a big sticker saying "SUCKER" tattoed on your forhead or you are just naive to the world. This is Thailand, not the land of OZ (not refering to aussie).

    Excuse me Trevor but this is your own great advice from a previous thread


  4. Aside from whether or not the esteemed General is in fact living a life of virtue (and I'm sure he is), thank goodness that college students from ABAC, of all places, are still seemingly the main source of poll data for government announcements. Are these the same college students who are allowed to decide what internet sites we can look at?

    ABAC, for those of you who don't know, is a private, Catholic "university" attended primarily by those with more money than wit- a rich bad boys'/bad girls' playground. The worst failure of all the students in all the years my current EP program has been in existence was finally consigned to go to ABAC (in disgrace).

    BTW Thank you for your kind observations on the standard of ABAC. I will be sure to pass it on to some of my fellow alumni next time I see them, namely the Central family, The Mall Group family, and about 25% of the business people I meet day to day. I am sure that your vast exposure to the Thai education system by virtue of teaching gives you ample ability to make sweeping statements about the nature of each university and their graduates.

    Even the Thai students will tell you that ABAC is a school for kids who couldn't make the grades at Mahidol, Chula, Thammasart... , and its especially for the rich spoiled kids who need to get pass school without worries.

    Sorry its the truth.

  5. Don't buy a puppy, don't offer money to the temple, don't admit guilt if you are sure that you didn't do it. Saving face has nothing to do with this issue. Stand your ground and be firm. There will not be any trouble(s), but they will gossip about you (for short period of times), and who cares if they do anyways?.

    I get along with my neighbors just fine by being straight and forward and not treat them much different than anyone else.

  6. I have seen two ghosts inThailand.

    Both were in my hotel room.

    One was a gaint and couldn't stand up inside so walked around crouched in half.

    The other ghost was a crazy baby which kept beating its' head against the wall.

    Apparently, old hotels are full of ghosts since if people die un-natural deaths their

    spirits "ghosts" hang aroung and have no where to go.

    Seen them with my own two eyes.

    To this day I won't stay in that hotel again.

    If you are afraid of ghosts;

    1. Always chose new hotels if you have an option.

    2. Another idea is to have katoeys with you as ghosts are afraid of katoeys.

    ummmm.......I thought you were straight, so, why are you with kateoy in the hotel room? . Nevermind..I don't wanna know.

  7. "Muu Baan Dek" is a terrific non-profit organization for children.

    Foundation for Children 95/24 Moo 6 Buddha Monthon 4 Sampran, Nakhon Pathom 73220 Siam (Thailand) Tel. +662-8141481-7 Fax 8140369 email: [email protected]

  8. I think it would be great, coz i sometimes get alittle excited when getting a rub around the groin area, sometimes they accidently rub your thing and when its a pretty girl you can get sort of embarrassed when people are around, Its happend to me a few times and it was kind of embarrasing, especially when it happend at a temple in bangkok.

    So I think it will work

    :D how exactly do they "accidentally" rub your thing? May be its so small she didn't see it :o

  9. Raped By The Police?

    How would you react if you were visited by Pattaya Police and you didn’t speak Thai? My older expat neighbor Peter received a police visit a few nights ago. He seemed to hint that it was over a disagreement with a girl and her fee. She had stayed with him only an hour but the girl wasn’t happy with the 500 baht payday. The police, arriving at midnight, wanted Peter to pay a 3000 baht fine OR go to the police station. Peter asked me what I would have done and gave me some options that he was considering. One option was to pay the demanded 3000 baht fee and make it all disappear but feel mugged. The other would be to ring the Tourist Police immediately who MAY have an English volunteer to help sort things out IF they would be available. The 3rd would be to go to the police station and keep the fingers crossed. I reasoned going to the police station wouldn’t be very good because they would have him over a barrel and the fine could stiffen. I think the Tourist Police would go whichever side the Police were swaying. So he paid the 3000 baht fine which I agreed was the safest way to go.

    Sadly, it still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that the police can waltz into his condo and mug a tourist for whatever they want (ie: 500 to 3000). Pretending you are an expat, the real question then is would you stand your ground or buckle? If Peter was a tourist, I would say pay the fee and go home and make more money but Peter’s a pensioner on a limited budget.

    He deserved it. Hopefully next time the Police will make him pay 6000 baht to teach him a hard lesson.

  10. When some <deleted> shouted out 'baksida' when I entered a shop today in the middle of Khon Kaen City so as to somehow impress his chums, I couldn't hold back and shouted out 'bak haam noi'. This reverses the impression on his friends makes him look like an idiot. 'Bak haam noi' means something like little boy and is as impolite as him saying baksida.

    :o:D Thats funny.

    May be you should have preceeded the "Bak haam noi" with the word "Ai", as in "Ai Bak haam noi"

  11. I have wondered the same myself. The ladyboys I see here are not in caberets, but are regular students in high school and college, etc. I think they may find it gives them some added appeal for "nailing" the Thai ladys. A few of them I know (Thai ladies) seem to find the ladyboys appealing. I think the ladies also rationalse that, if they have sex with a ladyboy, they are not having sex with a man, ie " I have no boyfriends" ladyboys don't count as boyfriends. Quite assinine reasoning. I think there is also a lot of hidden lesbianism here. The ladies wouldn't admit it if they were slapped in the face with the facts. To me, it is just another chapter in the amount of untruthfullness in social interactions here.

    utter and complete nonsense!

    Can't agree with you more

    Could it be as simple as Thai people in general are more open minded than the rest of the western societies?

  12. the guy charching barfines is a pimp. :D

    Cant change the fact no matter how you try to make it sound. :o

    You cannot run a business where your employees demand instant leave of absence from the workplace at the employers expense.

    The barfine plays no part in any transaction that occurs between punter and girl/lady/boy.

    It is merely to compensate the employer for loss of his salaried employees during working hours.

    Let me say this directly to Leftcross and Lacoste, you appear to be the most adamant on the pimp label in this entire thread.

    The minute you ever paid any money for sex in Thailand you guys crossed over a line that you cannot suddenly step back over and pretend you are squeaky clean anymore.

    I don't care if you are married now with kids and a model lifestyle, at some point in time you arrived in Thailand and you probably went with prostitutes.

    Most males reading and contributing to this thread would have to admit this.

    "Folks that live in Glass houses should not throw stones"

    BULL PUCKY! Lived in Thailand for over 15 years and NEVER touched or paid for a prostitute. That's a silly thing to say.

  13. Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

    I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

    like the translations that were provided to the comments in the article we are discussing?

    As for my comment being rubbish, if you deny that there anti farang sentiments in Bangkok, perhaps it is you who should takwe a good lok around

    Anti-farang? Utter rubbish is correct.

    Never felt any negativities toward me self in Bkk or anywhere in Thiland for that matter. May be its just you? It could be that you need to ask yourself "what did I do to offend these people"?.

    I agree with Don Z. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Lock their asses in jail to teach them a lesson.

  14. I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

    My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

    I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

    Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

    Any helpful advice out there?

    5000 baht a week for all the bills? :D and we also can assume thats to convered the housing, car, utilities, food and entertainment expenses? :D yeah, you're a walking ATM alright :o

    You should feel lucky the girl stayed with you on that type of funds.

    May be you need to review all the bills yourself and see if thats adequate. You might find that the funds you gave her were insuffcient as it is

  15. Futuristice electric vehicle pointless?

    Bicycles better?

    That's like saying the stairs are better than elevators.

    A bicycle is faster and cheaper to run. more environmentally friendly too (how do you think the electricity generated to charge you Segway is made? vs human power for the bike :D)

    If your lazy and you want electric power, then there are many electrically powered bicycles or even attachements for you existing bike you can use. None of them involves the expense of the Segway and are more pratically......the Segway is quite big and very heavy.

    Don't forget "the Prostate" factor :o Excessive bicycling has long been linked to enlarged prostate for men all over the world. :D

    IMO, thats a good reason to use the segway instead of a bike :D

  16. typically dowry are given back to the bride and groom after the wedding. Its a mere formality for many family in issan. I wouldn't worry so much about the dowry and the ATM concept. Give it some time before saying anything at all to her parents, and also, make sure you speak to your wife wife first before saying anything. Most Thai people are family first and so make sure they take good care of their family. Its something most western world has a difficult time understanding and accepting. Once you some to understand & accept this fact, you'll be much more happy and not worry so much about the ATM aspect. Not saying you should give everything you earned away ofcourse.

  17. Guess what faces I get when I tell I come from Austria.

    Ahh Australia....

    Yes yes same same but different....

    Now I either agree that Austria=Australia or I tell I am from Germany (Austria-Germany, same same but different).

    Actually I like to tell that I come from Iran or Russia, because that there are no further questions....

    But my wife get very upset if I do that......

    I must bite you a little bit....

    You have an American passport? There are also other countries in America than USA.....

    Actually, it used to be whenever someone asked me where I came from, my reply was always "USA", but since visiting Thailand, I found that most Thai's had a confused look when I said that and asked me where that was. Even replying "United States" brought that same look. Finally when I said "America", they understood. So I now get into the habit of saying I'm from America mainly because it's the only way the average Thai will understand.

    Actually, when I took Spanish, I was told that "Mexico" was originally named the Spanish equivalent to "United States of America", but because it's northern neighbor was more powerful, they had to change their name to "United Mexican States". I'm not sure if that's true or not. Anyways, their official name is still "Estados Unidos Mexicanos". So anyone just saying "United States" would technically be being ambiguous.

    Never had any problems with Thai people knowing the difference between Austria & Australia, or Not knowing the term United States. May be you guys need to developed some smart Thai friends and I'm not talking about the people in the Bars :o

  18. The punishment for forcing children into labour needs to be much harsher and implemented now.
    The parents could be fined up to Bt30,000 or jailed for three months.

    That's just not enough.

    I agree with Backpack Thailand first statement, "castrate the father and do whatever with the so called mother".

    Raising the fined of 30000 baht to stop child labor will do nothing. I think if you get caught, automatic 1 year in jail and kids get taken away from you.

    They really need to develop a better child's welfare department here in Thailand :o. F*** the Human Security Ministry department, obvously they didn't help much.

  19. Or try Franck (29 Sukhumvit 43, 0.2662.7967), a Frenchman who has a big slice of the local European-American-HiSoThai market. He's without a doubt the best men's hairdresser I have ever been to in Thailand (although he is far better known for women) and a heck of a nice fellow but, yes, expensive. B1200 or so.

    i wouldn't say the best for men, but he is good.

    It is when all you have to do is use a buffing wheel on OldA's head :o

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