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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. But ask Thais about their own history, first of all the years are often wrong and second it is a history in which Thailand never made anything wrong, they win all wars and every king was a big warhero who basically alone kicked out the Burmanese Army who was always 10 times bigger than the Thais, bla bla bla.....

    Would love to get a real history book....

    You've never read their history books and you're commenting on how wrong they are about their history?:o Why do you bother posting such stupid comments?

  2. completely remove your native lanuage from household, read thai cartoon magazine or other easy reading, than gradually increase the difficulty level, watch alot of Thai movies...etc. Doesn't hurt to take classes either.

    After 15+ years, I still have trouble now and than.

  3. Not aware of the mods n super mods....


    Congratulations Meadish Sweetball :D


    Ah well... you see the Super Mods have to wear their Y-Fronts on the outside and also a cape... whilst sat at the PC... normal mods don't.. :D

    totster :D

    Thats not a super mod totster that is just some strange perversion :D

    :D You beat me to it..

    anyway, Congrat Mr. sweetball..name kinda grosse though... Can I just call you Mr. Sweet?

    Everyone beat you to it.

    I think your congrats, while not misplaced, are certainly mistimed. This all happened last June. :D

    Meadish Sweetball (Mr Sweet) is probably thinking of retirement now. :D

    So Mr. Balls would be out of the question than?. Now that would be compliment!

  4. My wife have a distant relative who lives in the northern privince of Lumphun. She has been a nurse for the gov't hospital for 20 years and I think she's a head nurse. If not mistaken I believe her income is approx. 20000 bht/month or little less due to wage freeze for the last 5 years

  5. I was actually thinking of starting a thread related to this topic (the farang always paying, and the lack of thanks/ thank you). Every time the wife tells me we are having another family dinner I flash back to the “Friends” (Once the most popular sitcom on US TV) episode where Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel complain because when they all go out the bill is split six ways. In that the bill payment does not seem to be appropriate to the situation at hand.

    Some background to explain why they complain: Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel all had lower income levels than the other three (Ross, Monica, and Chandler). And even when they ordered cheaper items they still were expected to pay 1/6 of the bill each.

    Similar for me (only I generally end up paying the entire bill occasionally ½ the bill if my sister-in-laws BF happens to attend) during the family dinners. Situation exasperated the fact that I like pretty basic Thai food (which tends to be pretty cheap), and the rest of the family takes advantage of the fact that I will pick up the bill and order lobster, crab, and just about anything else on the menu that is expensive.

    So the farang is stuck with the bill – they not only choose the restaurant, but order food that they would never order if they had to pay for it. Top it off with no thanks and then asking for taxi money (I take the BTS or walk). Add to this the fact that having the dinner out was in no way shape or form my idea and things just don’t seem to add up. :D:D

    A lot of mention on here about the oldest or wealthiest pays the bill. I am certainly the wealthiest but by no stretch the oldest (actually closer to the youngest than I am to being the oldest). So should I give the oldest at the table the money so they can pay the bill? :o

    Sounds to me like you're married to a Taiwannese women and not T-H-A-I-L-A-N-D...-or-... may be its just another soap-opera you were watching and got confused with reality? :D

  6. A question....

    What is Abhisits background, parents???

    They must be very well connected as he lived his first 20 years in the UK and went to Eton (Old money) and Oxford.

    In the words of Sriracha John "Please refer to Post #24 for sources of volumes of information about his achievements and his stance on issues" :D

    ...in fact I did look at the link but it's in Thai and I do struggle to read Thai.

    I thought it was a simple enough question but thanks anyway for your gracious :o answer.

    :D Well, Gracious answer it was not, but, It had "No" malicious intent either :D . I merely passed on the info as it was given to me and thought it was a helpful tool.

    Btw, I can read Thai but struggled with it like any farang, so, you have company in that aspect

  7. A question....

    What is Abhisits background, parents???

    They must be very well connected as he lived his first 20 years in the UK and went to Eton (Old money) and Oxford.

    In the words of Sriracha John "Please refer to Post #24 for sources of volumes of information about his achievements and his stance on issues" :o

  8. Wasn't gonna comment on this topic.... but what's weird? I find it sad! This garment :D skirt, whatever you call it..... does not hang freely. It is stiff and unfeminine just like the wearer..... she is a disgrace! (sorry guys). Age will weary her. This Bambi obviously does not care for herself. Her body is not athletic and her face is not beautiful. Imagine her in another ten years?

    Beauty shines from within..... poor woman! :D

    You are right! .....Right after you rolled over after sex and smoked a cigarrette and tell her what a beautiful women she is inside and out :o

    Sorry.....didn't mean to be perverted...just joking :D

    If this women had any brain at all, she would be wearing this while in her own country. All she is doing is asking for trouble for herself and/or her husband..

  9. He reminds me of John Kerry, the candidate who ran against Bush.

    He looks the part, but has accomplished nothing and his entire campaign is based on hating the other candidate.

    The difference between all 3 are:

    George Bush ~ a bull shitter

    John Kerry ~ an exaggerator

    Abhisit Vejjajiva ~ soon we'll find out, from what I hear, He's honest hmmmm.we'll see

  10. You don't like him do you? :o

    It's okay you can be honest about your feelings on this issue. :D

    i do not 'dont like" him

    i just hate him

    for Tukky .. im soso with

    corruption u can find with any goverment

    Chaun Did

    Mark(Abhisit) did

    Tukky did

    all did /do the same .. more or less but corruption is corruption

    but who makes LOS improve/ thats a deal for me

    hope less for democrate.. no good /gut policies to fight with TRT right now

    if u wanna talk about it with me, trying in Thai .. im pidgin in eng!!

    ps.. i dont mean u TBB

    sorry i just fight with some friends today ... lol

    As far as I'm concern, It'll never get better unless Majesty Bhumibol get involved in politic. The people love and trust him, so, let him nominate a candidate.

    BTW, how can you be "soso" with a PM who is raping every breath out of this country?.

    Being away from Thailand so long, may be i'm not intouch as I thought I was :D

  11. What is this guy doing that threatens so many here?

    Are you embarassed, uncomfortable?

    Just the fact that he is a farang begging makes you feel bad?

    What about if you see a Cambodian/Chinaman/African/Afghani begging - is that OK?

    Never ok for a "CAPABLE" person of any race to beg others just because he's lazy

    Remember Thailand is a Buddhist country, aren't monks beggars?

    Don't all good Buddhist need beggars to give money to?

    no need for a rebuttled since its one of the stupidest comment.

  12. It all depends on whether you are a local hire or asked to move to Thailand. I personally think unless you are REALLY needed out here in Thailand by your current company then the figures above may be a little high.

    I mean benefits of 200,000 Baht+ per month before salary for a married employee is quite a high remuneration , unless they are at a very high or even Executive level.

    I dont see why any international company would need an expat who is not on the "high" level as such i would say usual expat deal, accomodation, vehicle, medical, flights etc should not even need negotiation - if they do then ask yourself is it worth it.

    On that basis a package of 200k per month is the minimum you should expect in my opinion and experience. Dont sell yourself short just to come here..


    I have spent much of my recent professional life recruiting and setting up expat teams so I am qualified to respond with a fair degree of accuracy ... the figures bandied about in previous posts is excessively high and those jobs are extremely difficult to get and are the big multi nationals .

    The hardship allowance calculation for up lift of home base salary is wrong .., you will be taxed as well , I recruit very few european senior staff because , the language problem is an issue , I can get Indian or Sri Lankan well qualified , Thai speaking management for 60 ,000 take home plus 6000 housing plus 1 return home and visa costs I have recently placed 20 of them some previously trained by my self in other countries . If I have specialist needs ( such as at the moment I hire a uk consultant for 5 weeks to train and teach ) The non European / non American expats I recruit are low maintainance and easy to manage .

    Why am I employed because I can get the above guys ,the above guys know me and trust me and will join my team . The picture painted was too rosey and not a reflection of many of the companies in Thailand .. Look at the web sites of Top Jobs , Jobs DB . I see them daily and know the picture here .. as previously stated ,soon I will have to move my self for pure cash reasons, I can command 50% more on the open market plus benefits . The Thais will just not pay . Luckily I love my job and have another 12 month challenge in front of me 70 hours a week (6 days aweek working )

    If a well qualified Engineer with experience need a recruiter to help him/her get a job than he's probably "not well qualified"

    keep in mind, in the us $45,000 (150,000 baht) is a starting salary for a recent graduate with little experience; so, for an seasoned Engineer coming from the states, 150,000 means absolutely nothing to the company

    Perhaps I did not make myself totaly clear I am not a recruiter /head hunter as such I am head of HRD in a Thai company ..I recruit/ interview / fix salary budgets for the company ...I assure you 150,000 for a Thai private company many are FAMILY companies it is a big deal . We are a labour intensive / low capital investment industry and world wide our industry employs a larger head count than any other, we are the clothing industry . My previous posting in Bangladesh we had in excess of 32,000 employees . with a service department of 42 nurses , 14 doctors , 2 dentists , 4 teachers , 3 pilots 4 flight crew , 20 people in protocol dept and in all of that 2 european plus 2 Yank expats only and I reduced that to 1 european ...,me . In Morocco from a start team of 30 uk expats in 1 year that was reduced to 4 plus 2 flexible 50% Uk /50% Morocco. Long term sustainable employment at the high levels is very difficult and the posts are few that was my point to build a life and move to live here the picture of salaries was to optimistic The big salaries are for people who have generally been asked for by specialist head hunters or recommendations and they are big money back home as well . Basically it is like the Rolls Royce if you need to ask the price it is too expensive .. if you need to ask about salaries you are not in the big league ..so the people asking advise need to ber answered realistically . Thailand is rarely the place to make your fortune ..the continuous by line on this forum is always never invest more than you are prepared to walk away from .. ie it is always a bit tenuous , knife edge or uncertain .

    So for the bankers , oil and gas rig guys , big bucks are all over .. for the teacher and the normal guy Thailand is not LOL the Land of Lolly .

    The poster who mentioned the expat figure head or trophy expat they exist but never only as that they must have depth and credability and professional , social , integrity that goes with the territory

    That might be true for the garment industry.

    My point is, if you're an engineer with head quater in the US, getting $45,000+ for relocating to the Thailand should be easily attainable. This information ofcourse is based on experienced.

    However, I do agree, If you're looking to be employed by a Thai company, than getting 150,000 would be a bit difficult.

  13. It all depends on whether you are a local hire or asked to move to Thailand. I personally think unless you are REALLY needed out here in Thailand by your current company then the figures above may be a little high.

    I mean benefits of 200,000 Baht+ per month before salary for a married employee is quite a high remuneration , unless they are at a very high or even Executive level.

    I dont see why any international company would need an expat who is not on the "high" level as such i would say usual expat deal, accomodation, vehicle, medical, flights etc should not even need negotiation - if they do then ask yourself is it worth it.

    On that basis a package of 200k per month is the minimum you should expect in my opinion and experience. Dont sell yourself short just to come here..


    I have spent much of my recent professional life recruiting and setting up expat teams so I am qualified to respond with a fair degree of accuracy ... the figures bandied about in previous posts is excessively high and those jobs are extremely difficult to get and are the big multi nationals .

    The hardship allowance calculation for up lift of home base salary is wrong .., you will be taxed as well , I recruit very few european senior staff because , the language problem is an issue , I can get Indian or Sri Lankan well qualified , Thai speaking management for 60 ,000 take home plus 6000 housing plus 1 return home and visa costs I have recently placed 20 of them some previously trained by my self in other countries . If I have specialist needs ( such as at the moment I hire a uk consultant for 5 weeks to train and teach ) The non European / non American expats I recruit are low maintainance and easy to manage .

    Why am I employed because I can get the above guys ,the above guys know me and trust me and will join my team . The picture painted was too rosey and not a reflection of many of the companies in Thailand .. Look at the web sites of Top Jobs , Jobs DB . I see them daily and know the picture here .. as previously stated ,soon I will have to move my self for pure cash reasons, I can command 50% more on the open market plus benefits . The Thais will just not pay . Luckily I love my job and have another 12 month challenge in front of me 70 hours a week (6 days aweek working )

    If a well qualified Engineer with experience need a recruiter to help him/her get a job than he's probably "not well qualified"

    keep in mind, in the us $45,000 (150,000 baht) is a starting salary for a recent graduate with little experience; so, for an seasoned Engineer coming from the states, 150,000 means absolutely nothing to the company

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