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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. This thread is getting weirder and weirder. Pizzas with mayonnaise. I've had many pizzas here and they've been as good as . . if not better . . than any overseas. Pizza Co is more than fine.

    Am I alone in thinking that the OP might be showing troll-like tendencies?

    Worried about people looking down on his cos he is white and has money? Now worried about bringing dogs in case people eat them . .


    You're not the only person Bendix. "Pullleeeeease is" right.

    The OP asked "do they break into yard to get the dog". C'monnn..Pulllease stop that. Noone is that naive.

    BTW, pizza with mayonnaise? it was probably made especially for the poster!

  2. Eva airline flies from EWR to Taipei for 1,173.00 (economy), 2782.00 (evergreen deluxe).... If you need to make reservation(s), I suggest booking it atleast a couple of months in advanced. Seems seats are limited and filled up rather quickly.

  3. Not sure where you all get those ideas. Yes if you marry a bargirl and you are twice her age chance is it's not love - but it doesn't have to be like that.

    We have been married for close to 15 years now, she own the house, our daughter will inherit, her family leave us alone, basically no problems :D

    :o Exactly! not much more to it than that. Common sense prevails everytime!

  4. Regarding the whole uni comparison, to equate to the Parks... if the unis didn't check national origin and charged according to the student's color, then that would be racist...

    but I would guess that somewhere in the mountain of paperwork required for uni registration, that aspect of nationality would be covered. They charge ALL non-residents the higher rate. It's a nationalist policy, not a racist one.

    As stated.... way back a dozen pages or so... to avoid the racist charge, check ID's of ALL park entrants... if Thai National, one rate... ALL others, another rate. Charge of racism drops.

    I bet you do realize that different races do have a lot of difference in mentality. So for the thais they simply don't take it as such a serious issue. So they are doing it as they are out of convenience. Not racism.

    And for those who think the dual-pricings in Unis and the national parks are different, WHY?

    Still no one can explain. Why does my wife holding a thai passport have to pay over 3000baht for a tourist visa to get in the UK? Was it not judged by her race? Don't talk about other things, answer my 2 questions first! If you can or if you are willing to be reasonable to discuss here.

    EXACTLY. They charge the hire fee to the Chinese, Africans, Eskimos, and all white (excluding people with Thai ID card). They are oppotunists...not racist

    That's part of the problem, they don't often charge the higher fee to Asians, as I've seen countless times when entering with Taiwanese, Filipinos, even witnessing Japanese getting charged the Thai National rate as long as they didn't say anything and handed over their 20 baht.

    For meemiathai:

    The difference between the Parks and uni WAS described in the very post above that you quoted.

    Give it another read.

    If we could all agree that once Thailand implements a truly non-racist policy of checking everyone's ID and charging accordingly... that then reality of the racist policy would end... we could put this thread to rest.

    Wish that was true. I'm 1/2 asian and I generally get charged the higher fee. To be honest, all the fees are minimal and its to upkeep the parks.

  5. Regarding the whole uni comparison, to equate to the Parks... if the unis didn't check national origin and charged according to the student's color, then that would be racist...

    but I would guess that somewhere in the mountain of paperwork required for uni registration, that aspect of nationality would be covered. They charge ALL non-residents the higher rate. It's a nationalist policy, not a racist one.

    As stated.... way back a dozen pages or so... to avoid the racist charge, check ID's of ALL park entrants... if Thai National, one rate... ALL others, another rate. Charge of racism drops.

    I bet you do realize that different races do have a lot of difference in mentality. So for the thais they simply don't take it as such a serious issue. So they are doing it as they are out of convenience. Not racism.

    And for those who think the dual-pricings in Unis and the national parks are different, WHY?

    Still no one can explain. Why does my wife holding a thai passport have to pay over 3000baht for a tourist visa to get in the UK? Was it not judged by her race? Don't talk about other things, answer my 2 questions first! If you can or if you are willing to be reasonable to discuss here.

    EXACTLY. They charge the hire fee to the Chinese, Africans, Eskimos, and all white (excluding people with Thai ID card). They are oppotunists...not racist

  6. :o

    At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
    I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

    I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :D

    OK, I get what you mean. But do you at least think it is not racism that it's about?

    If I looked Thai/Asian I the chances are that I would not be asked to pay a higher price.If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

    ummm well, the op paid the higher price and he's Thai :D . There goes your logic :D

    I bet if you looked asian you wouldnt be paying local price, unless the people at the gate are just morons

  7. At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist
    I guess those racist people here aren't going to tell us how this is different from national parks charging different prices.

    I'll type slow so you can grasp this principal.The difference to me is that I pay tax and look after a Thai family, yet places like National parks want to give me one up the jacksie . Can't you really see anything wrong with that? :o

    I paid the city, state and federal tax but when I go use a city park other than mine, I still have to pay higher entrance fee than the local residents. So whats the difference?

  8. Since you people are so keen at trying to fight racism(which yourselves try to associate everything with), why don't you go back to your own countries and ask your governments to let anyone in the world to be able to just walk into or move to live in your countries whenever they like? Aren't your countries racist?

    As for racism, don't tell me there is no racism in england. The few times I was in the UK, I noticed most black people were very nervous.

    Thai's can come and live in my country and pay what the locals pay, buy and OWN a house, buy land, get citizenship blah, blah, ad nauseum, and, furthermore, they let in tens of thousands of immigrants year in, year out from all four corners of the globe with the keys to a property and money in their sky rocket, so don't come out with crap like that.

    As for the last comment, when were you last in the UK, 1960 :D

    :D Thais could go to your country and pay 10X to go to school ... probably not be admitted in the first place ... etc etc etc .... get real! :D

    but wow ... 19 pages and people don't get the difference between nationalism and racism ..... or xenophobia and racism .... etc

    :D What ever are you on about? They're not paying 10X the locals, they'll pay the same and admissions criteria go for all.

    Probably little to do with either from where they're coming from... it's just plain being ripped-off and if you can't see that then you need to remove those rose-tinted glasses.

    When I was at uni overseas students paid far larger tuition fees than 'home' students. Dont know is that is still the case.

    At University of ILL and many others, the tuition more than doubled for non-residents. I guess all these Uni are a bunch of racist :o

  9. The spirits must be flowing freely. I think all the Ulysses was trying to say is a person who is attracted to pre pubescent persons is a pedophile and people who are attracted to post pubescent persons are not pedophiles.

    Different cultures put different ages on the legality of having sex with post pubescent persons. Different states in countries put different ages on what is legal or what is not legal.

    Me thinks it is the same as people who are homophobic. That is the ones who cry the loudest are in fact the ones who have those desires.

    or have Morals?

  10. <b>If one is attracted to a variety of females that have reached puberty, it means that one is what is referred to as a HETEROSEXUAL MAN. </b> :D


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Pedophilia, paedophilia, or pædophilia (see spelling differences), is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to pre-pubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

    another name for Hetrosexulman than would be PERVERT

    Hmmm someone without a decent grasp of english would be called NUMBNUTS

    That would be a blessing for him.. If his nuts were numb, he wouldn't have problems being attrated to a 15 yrs old. :o

  11. More time than not, If she looks 15 than she's relatively close to 15. There are no excuse one can provide other than for pure indulgence. Would you have sex with a 15 year old girl in your own country? If no, than why do it Thailand? IF YES, YOU'RE A PEDOPHILER, plain and simple.

    No, you are wrong. Pedophiles are only attracted to children who haven't reached puberty.

    Ephebophilia is when one attracted mostly to adolescents, but it isn't considered a sickness or abnormal.

    If one is attracted to a variety of females that have reached puberty, it means that one is what is referred to as a HETROSEXUAL MAN. :o


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Pedophilia, paedophilia, or pædophilia (see spelling differences), is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to pre-pubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

    another name for Hetrosexulman than would be PERVERT

  12. I am really getting to like this thread. Has any of you ever been a retail business owner in a seasonal tourist town? No, I thought not. Too many union leaders, and scores of other paid by the hour bloodsuckers on the backs of us capitalists and entrepreneurs types.

    In a seasonal tourist town anywhere in the world you raise the prices when the tourists are in town and lower them when they leave.

    And then there is my two Thai heroes WC Fields and P. T. Barnum who said, Never give a sucker an even break and there is a sucker born every minute.

    You didn’t know they were Thai did you. Well they must be. Western people would never think like that.

    Who's WC Fields and P.T. Barnum? must be before my time, but they make alot of sense

  13. wow ... people actually skip the National Parks in Thailand because they have to pay 200 baht?

    They sure do miss alot by being cheap!

    However I DO pass on going to for profit businesses that have pricing differences :D

    Not because its 200 baht, but because foreigners have to pay 10 times the local price.

    Everglades national Park is 10 usd for one car one week, that's fair, Thai national parks entrance fees are not, that's why I don't visit them.

    Any place in Thailand that does not give me satisfaction does not get my repeat business, that's a golden rule, and yes there are good places.

    Yup, they really gonna miss your business :o . The only person loosing out is you, so keep at it.

  14. Lol yes that's a manipulated picture...roflmaoooo . Never heard of buildings where it doesn't rain inside lol

    I have just an answer for you two guys.

    The Thai government and some greedy bastard just loves people like you. Glad to be farked . I bet they have a tshirt like that, somewhere at MBK.

    Amazing Thailand :o

    don't balme everyone else for your naivety. If you are excessively getting overcharged every where you go in Thailand, seems to me you are the one with a sticker on your forhead saying "screw me" :D:D:D

  15. Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo
    EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

    :D:D The Thai price is writen in Thai numerals ,they do this so that the tourist won't cause a fuss over the dual pricing........ :D

    You must be kidding? Every park, every temple, every event I've been to, the price is never written in Thai numerals. May be you had 1 too many Chang to see that eh'? :o

    Actually there is, just not at national parks

    OK I'll concede on that point ,anything for a fast Baht. :D

    So your saying it only applied to whites and not to anyone else?? not blacks or other asians??

    No it applies to anyone who doesn't look Thai...thats the whole problem.

    You mean like in this picture right? :D


    If you think a tourist wont be pissed off about this crap, think twice!

    Yup you got me there! that look like a legitimate sign. Written on a chalk board, sitting outside to endure the rain and the weather :D

    BTW, didn't you people noticed the OP is Thai? So how is it racial when it happens to a Thai?. Seems to me it happens to anyone with money!

  16. Why should being caught having sex with an underage person (Child) worry people who on another day go to great lengths to tell us they are in Thailand for the Culture/Climate/Food/Quality of Life etc?

    Sex with minors is a dispicable crime and I have zero sympathy with those caught or with any argument they might employ to mitigate their action.

    Here Here! This Chang is for you :o

    I can't agree more and I hope someday the Thai gov't will crack down and punish all who has zero conscience.

  17. Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo
    EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

    :D:D The Thai price is writen in Thai numerals ,they do this so that the tourist won't cause a fuss over the dual pricing........ :D

    You must be kidding? Every park, every temple, every event I've been to, the price is never written in Thai numerals. May be you had 1 too many Chang to see that eh'? :o

    Actually there is, just not at national parks

    OK I'll concede on that point ,anything for a fast Baht. :D

    So your saying it only applied to whites and not to anyone else?? not blacks or other asians??

    No it applies to anyone who doesn't look Thai...thats the whole problem.

  18. :D

    Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

    Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

    Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

    Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

    Oh really?

    Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

    Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

    Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

    So whats your point??

    Exactly what I said before.

    Like it, or not, most Thai people are racist. :D

    so you're saying that the reason Thai people charge white people more to get into the parks is because they want to see white people suffer and not for the monetary aspect? If that is what you are saying than Thai people are racist.

    Personally I think your statement is one of the most idiotic statement made here! :D

  19. i've tried using www.callingcards.com but they are apparently falsly advertising their rates. i've purchased two cards from them and so far their rates are off by 3 cents and 10 cents per minute.

    if anyone has any good leads on calling cards (preferably rechargeable) please let me know.




    If you are looking for rate to call from USA to Thailand, I suggest you try "www.onesuite.com". I think its $0.105/min, and their customer service are excellent as well.

  20. :o

    This is a subject I wonder about sometimes, but it is too delicate to bring up with either men or women. I'm a frequent and long time session fan, and I know lots of guys are similar, and 90% of women I've been with are similar (though this may just be because I'm attracted to sex pots), so these survey results seem unreal to me. I know that all men and women vary in their sexual appetites, and the chemistry between individuals also makes a huge difference, but sex for under 10 minutes as an average has only been reported to me once. Most people I meet can tell their stories of long and wild sessions. So to this day, I don't know what is really going on out there. I know what I prefer though - lots of long lasting passion. I think about it and how to foster it, and may try to write about that. Chi kung helps, as does chemistry, keeping fit, having a lover who excites you physically, being the empowered Daddy and she being also empowered an uninhibited, etc. It seems so powerful and big a part of life to give over only 10 minutes to. I really wonder.

    :D:D You don't really believe them do you?.

    Anyone bragging about their sexual logeivity generally last only minutes. These guys are also known as "minuteman". They need to hide their inability to prolong their sex drive so they resort to bragging.

  21. I am a multi-millionaire (dollars) with huge investments in stocks, bonds and real estate. I retired at 40 and live in Thailand for now; looking at Bali as possible relocation move.

    As much as you complaint about money, I highly doubt if that's the truth.

  22. I'm afraid that if life has bought you here for whatever reason, then live with the plusses and minuses or just go home whre everything is 100% to your liking.


    Yep, anything Thai made is &lt;deleted&gt;; just stay away from it. And you should expect a lot for a 2,000 baht chair. If you were talking about a computer, then yeah, tough titties, but 2k is not exactly pocket change.

    Didn't you people know by now, If you are living in Thailand, you are entitled to get anything of good quality for cheaper than everyone else in the world :o

    2000 baht = $50.00....If you are stressing over $50 than you really need to considered finding a new job or should have saved more for retirement.

    Spend the money if you want good quality product people.

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