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Posts posted by dutch

  1. Here we go!!!!!!!

    Black against white.

    Gentlemen, I assume, you are really from a two party world (Rep's and Dem's)

    In my home country during election time we do have over 50 parties participating.End result MUST be a coalition otherwise there will never be a governement.May be,coming from that background,I can see things a little bit different.

    By the way besides TV5(france)-DW(german)-BBC(UK), I also look CNN and FOX.

    Try to collect more opinions and make up your mind.

  2. I hesitated for a while, if I would react.

    However I think the more opinions the better as long as we don't start trying to convince each other about who is right and who is wrong.

    400 yrs ago we ( my home country) were for 80 yrs in war with Spain.

    200 yrs ago were were occupied by France

    150 yrs ago Belgium split from Holland

    60 yrs ago we were in war with Germany

    During the 16th and 17th century we fought sea battles with Spain-Portugal and UK.

    We were a colonial power till 1963 and we still are, with the difference that these islands (Curacao-Antilles) don't want to split,after the disaster with Suriname.

    Why this intro?

    I think if we start to talk about the right or wrong existance of Israel,many historians will go back to the 1945-50's.Others will go with the biblean history and will go back e few 1000 years.

    Will this however solve the situation?

    Fact is that Israel (again right or wrong??) created by the UN, became from dessert to a indutrialized,highly educated nation. All countries around ,without exception , is trouble all over.Like it or not it is a fact.

    The Saoudies heavily supported by the USA ,could maintain their old fashioned regime till now.For how long more? Critical reports in USA show up now (after 9-11)

    What ever happened, it does not give any Arab/Muslem the right to the terrorist attacks as done and still planned. Mainstream terrorisme is middle east from origin.I know about IRA/ETA and so on but that is childplay compared to the world threat at the moment.

    Most of all I hate that it is done in the name of religon.I feel sorry for the youngsters who grew up in hate and think they will go to heaven.

    I learned in my life that it is not only black and white ,but there are a lot of shades of grey.!

    Hopefully the discussion will not become only black and white

  3. All depends on your way of living.Backpacker or 5 star hotel and everything in between.

    In principal Bali is expensive compared to other Indonesian regions.On the other hand it is the most beautiful part.

    I only want to warn you that very recently Indonesia changed its visa policy for many countries.No free entry anymore.!

    Please check with your local indonesian embassy or consul what is valid for you

  4. Jeff1

    Thank you for your loving comments.

    Yes I feel proud.

    It was during a chat ,talking about houses that I was requested to put it in the album and George helped a little bit with that.

    I already PM you some information and please feel free to ask the questions that may remain.


  5. Fully agree Pete.

    The only negative point so to say is the international school issue.

    Pak Chong is too far away to drive it on a daily base and I believe they were not looking for a board school.

    Another point is what do you expect from life.?

    A big expat community or do you want to go relatively local.

    Make up your mind and choose wisely.

  6. Many health insurance companies from Holland are sending their patients,who are on a waiting list,to u.o. Thailand. Costs fully paid included sometimes accompaning partner. However,this is only valid for patients who are insured with them for a reasonable time.

    What I read is, that you like to take an insurance at the border and than go visit the hospital next day??

    I doubt if there is any place on earth where it will work that way.


  7. Maurits48,

    I am a fellow countryman who moved 5 yrs ago to Indonesia and will (final) move this year to Thailand.

    Although the huminity over here is much higher than in Thailand I don't have any trouble at all with my (leather)sofas-furniture-fridge-washmachine-dryer-computer and so on.You know that selling in Holland will not bring you anything.Most probably you will have to pay for removal.

    As far as information concerned about international moving.

    There are lot of companies who will come to your house to have a look.make you an offer and inform you about all the aspects of this very important happening in your life. Only European people (dutch people) will understand why and how much we collect and try to keep with us.My container was 40ft and loaded. This company will also inform you with the latest information about duties and prohibited items , as it is there resposibility during the packing and thansport and import. You need a company with connections in Thailand, not only a correspondent .Look in your Yellow Pages.

    I paid 17.000,- dutch guilders door to door.inclusive packing (the action).No costs more what so ever!

    The visa issue and the retirement or supporting spouse information is available on this website as mentioned before.Read it carefully and than raise your questions.There aregood advises that you will receive,as did I.

    Why should your wife have a visa.? For bringing in household she only needs te be outside the country for minimum one year.(without too many ins and outs during that year.Custom clearance officer to decide!)All goods to be minimum 6 moths old.

  8. Hi Boogie,

    My future home town will be Nakorn Ratchasima.

    Know the place for more than 28 years.

    Within the next few months I will go for a short holiday.

    If you have any specific questions,please e-mail me and I will try to find the answers for you.

    I personally love the town and its people but that is obvious,otherwise I would not have choosen that place.

    For buying a house look at other threads;Not possible for Farang. :o

  9. Hi Bangkok Barry,

    A good story to come back to the thread again.

    Although we are very different from each other it looks very simular to mine situation,

    Also here the real solution is (according to my humble opinion) educational background,besides a healthy personal life view.

    You are going to break my record (27 years till now and still going strong) ?:o

  10. Accepted.I know you from our chat.

    I do have quite a strong opinion about this issue,which is in principal not the thread issue.

    I think we moving away from that.

    Muaythai was requesting experiences from mixed couples abroad.

    I spend (with my Thai wife) 5 years in Germany-2 years in France-5 years in Indonesia and 15 years in Holland. I think we do have some experience.

    Over the housewarming we will talk later OK? :o

  11. Pnu

    Pls don't bring me in to this high class thing! :o

    If you read my small contribution than you see that my point is the education.

    You cannot onlytalk about the weather.So to become friends there should be some level that connects.

    One of the closest friends of my wife (still at the moment) is a divorced,living on social welfare,highly educated philipinno woman in Holland, who cannot get a job because of her looks!

    Although we all (I think) would like to be treated equal.It is simply not like that in life.( I think that is the message of Penelope).Like it or not but look around and you will come to that conclusion.

  12. I know there is a point of truth P.

    My wife did not mixed up with others just because there are Thai (or Asian).She also would not have done that back home in Thailand.

    What she did was helping other ,not so fortunate Thai ladies, on their visits to Hospitals and social welfare offices.She not only interpretated, bout fought as a fury if there was any kind of maltreatment.

    But again they not became friends.If my wife visited their homes,none of their other friends were there (gambling and so on).There was respect.

    The rate of succes also highly depends on the character and level of the Thai woman involved.

    One thing is for sure;it is not easy.

    Note;the internet sugestion of Estrella is very important.

    At the moment my wife still contacting;a Philipino/a Argentinian/a Surinamian/a Dutch and a German lady.All old friends

  13. Muay Thai,

    I noticed that there is no reaction sofar from you.

    On the otherhand I do see reactions from people NOT in a relationship.

    This was the specific question from Muay Thai.

    So,even if everybody has an opinion, that is not what MT asked for.


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