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Posts posted by dutch

  1. Sorry for you Ned.

    I am neither loaded nor broken.

    Normally married in having community of property.(27 years already)

    Just like Pnu, my wife has full access to our accounts.

    May be the difference with so many other members is that I am talking about OUR accounts and not mine or hers!

    Obviously you will read more positive than negative reactions.Who wants to show their stupidity (or may be bad luck?)

  2. Thai embassy in Jakarta not want a Thai translation.

    They seemed a liitle bit offended ;"we can read english in Thailand "

    The English(official) translation of my Dutch marry certificate and the certification of that document by Dutch embassy would do.To please me they also put their certification on the translated wedding certificate.

    Than I got a copy of the registration( in 5 languages) at the town hall and have that certified by the Dutch embassy.They were looking at me if water was burning.

  3. Never use a language that the others don't understand.

    Obviously , my observation in your other post , is correct.

    Patronizing. :o

    Please don't call me BOY!

    You are in no position to talk to me like that.

    What ever your father did (the hotshot) has nothing to do with you.

    I will not react anymore on this style of communication.

    Have a good day

  4. If you post in this forum,everybody can react.

    Only for "US" living in Thailand sounds a little bit elite!

    I only want to inform you, that the way how the question was asked,would not give much to compare. Specially the fringe benefits.

    (I know these packages , working already over 20 years for a multinational.)

    Sorry for my second reaction but I found after re reading your answer, or more the way how you put it, that I did not like your patronizing style.

    Good look with the poll and your business in Thailand.

  5. When you were born , I was already visiting Thailand.

    To come back to your first post.

    It will give me an indication,because I am thinking of going to Thailand.

    I also like to compare the incomes with my pension,although I do have already a pretty good idea.

    I still believe that this poll will not become a success story.

    At least you started.! Related info about age and nationality is very important for good comparison.(not to forget the fringe benefits !!!!!!)

    Do you mind if I keep this info between me and the tax office :o

  6. It is now 70/30

    Total 35 votes.Not really representative I would say.

    During my 30 years of visiting Thailand and having contact with Western/Thai communities in many countries, I am convinced that the reality is the other way around.

    Nice to hear that I do have collegues in happiness.

    For the ones who married/gf a maid,sorry for you.

  7. Blue cat

    I said before ,I like the idea.

    May be instead of looking into a geographical divide,you may be should have looked at the visiting countries share. I know that Holland and (special) German do have a lot of tourists coming in.By the way Holland is for 95% covered with high speed glas fiber network, but you indicated that already more or less.

    The higher the visitors number , the more chances of future long stayers or retirees or marriages/gf.

    Any way thanks for starting the poll :o

  8. Thanks Steve,

    Logistic address noted.

    All the technical issues about requirements is known to me and as I said,no problem to fulfil either of them.

    Point 4 can be a good point. Do you mean that I am without a passport,while waiting for extension (spouse visa) for about 10 weeks?

    This can be important having my family in Holland and possibilities of cases of emergency!

    These are the decisive points that I am looking for!

  9. I know all the technical requirements for both of the visa.

    Absolutely no problem for me to fulfil any of them.

    Is there anybody who can give advise which one to choose and the reason why?

    f.e. Is it more easy to bring the container with household into Thailand as a retiree or as a returning Thai wife (with husband)? Practical things like that!

    Thanks ahead

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