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Posts posted by dutch

  1. Mario,

    You don't mention your nationality.(I suppose Dutch).

    This will increase the salary costs for your future employer(visa costs).

    You also not mention how fluent you are in the Thai language (can you also write and read?).

    What support can you expect from the Thai side of your family?

    Mario, you are young and have a good education.Many ex students will travel around for a while, after they finish their study.You like to find out about your other 50%.Just go for it.Prepare yourself (don't burn all the ships behind you).

    You always can go back if you are doing the the things correctly.

    If my son (he is like you, half Thai/half Dutch) would like to take the same step,I would fully support him.

  2. The first big crossing before entering Nakhon Ratchasima (coming from BKK).

    Left the new road to Khon Kaen,straight to city center and right to Zoo.

    On the right side of this road to the Zoo,you will find (mooban=area/district) kissada garden. I actually checked a house there a couple of years ago.

    It is about 6 km down the road.

    Wat nong blu does not sound familiar to me,but there are many small wat's in the neighbourhood.

  3. I explained my wife (Thai) about this website and she started to follw the several issues brought up in this forum.

    The last weeks she is looking several times a day.

    Now she is a member and has her own log in name.

    I did that to avoid the risk having her to put her comments under my name.(which I think would be basiscally wrong).I don't know if she posted already, but that is up to her.

    To answer your question: I believe it is great fun to her, to read about the several topics.One time she feels pity with the Farang and the other time she think they are completely stupid.I know this because every morning she is reading up loud the several interesting posts included her own comments. :D:D:D

    Just wait till she starts posting :D:o

  4. I believe (if I am not wrong) that in Holland the gay marriage is legalized.

    The discussion about this was not about religion (you always will have people to bring this up) but more about legal issus like;heritage-health insurance-pension-adoption.

    The start of this was a legal proces, in which a one partner of a gay couple (together for almost 40 years) was denied the heritage of his partner. The family of the dead partner took it all ,supported by the law. That law has changed now.

  5. Yohan,

    I like your message, but that is no surprise after visiting your website.

    You do have a fair and balanced judgement.

    I agree with you.The salary between 10.000 and 20.000 is quite normal.

    Also the behavior about taking care and be loyal sounds very familar.

    These are the people that you will meet and like if you go outside the tourist areas.

  6. I talked with several members in the chat room.

    With some of them I shared friendly information and depending on the place where they will settle down,we most probably (I hope) will meet some day.

    With IT,I will need further contact for satelite connection.

    Some members have interesting and nice background information.

    Many others are just sex minded /bar minded and so on.So not really any foundation for contact.

    I choose to live outside the usual places so automatically there will be less contact possible. :o

  7. Zendesinger,

    No it is not me!! :o:D:D

    I know the sayings about the "Dutch people" and I also know that it was true,however the young generation is acting different,

    Concerning the subject:

    I think I have to go with the lot of you and consider it rather cheap.

    Of course it depends on the personal circumstances but a Thai girl ,going with a foreigner,would expect a little bit more I quess.

    Minimum income requirements from government shows something from 25-60.000 /month isn't it?

    Anyhow if you both feel happy (which is clearly NOT the case) please continue.

  8. I agreed with the architect about a quite detailed building plan and budget.

    He took the brochures for sanitar-rooftiles-tiles-stones-fastenings-paint and so on ,in different qualities(price classes).He pointed out what he had choosen for the design which was included in the total price.

    Certain issues I want higher quality ,choose and pay the difference.

    (I had competitive prices in my book to compare)

    I went together with the architect to the several building centers to control and check.

    I build near Nakon Ratchasima (10 minutes driving distance)

  9. I am using already 5 years Bank of Asia (Korat location)

    Have my ATM card (printed a list of offices and ATM in Thailand to be prepared when on travel).

    Tranfer of money (each 3 months) from Holland within 2 days on my account.

    Control the account via internet without problems.

    Am in a doubt what will happen after ABN is selling their 80%!

    I am also looking for security in the future.We will need a 1,5 mil Thai Baht on our account and I don't want some bank crisis blow up this safety/quarantee money

  10. Couldn't agree more Ned,

    It seems that some people start a topic and than, not satisfied by the reactions,try to bring in more and more arguments that simply have nothing to do with the original topic or just being a caricature of reality.

    Half naked women,social status, dressing code,ridicule the sport and so on.

  11. Did you already contacted ###### as advised?

    He already gave me a price indication for my future installation.

    Some members do have very positive experience.

    Why go for the unknown if some of us do have the skills/possibilities/experience and willingness to do?

    If IT offers you lower as you indicated then he is trying to ripp me off :o

  12. Just out of curiosity.

    Why doesn't any new member fill in his location?

    I would say 99% .

    Sometimes it makes communication of understanding better,knowing where the person is located.

  13. I noticed that DrPP can speak for himself very well.

    My main reply is;

    You ask for reactions and the next time you complain about getting reactions :D

    At the same time I try to express my opinion that some reactions are somewhat tendentious.Just my opinion :o

  14. Tutsi,

    How many of your guys actually play golf?

    That was your question in the first post!

    Topic was;Do you play golf in Th....?

    Now you complain that some of us react :o

    I think not too many of us reacted,because of the tendentious reactions of some of the forum members .

    I think your reaction to Dr.PP is not correct.Why should he intervene?

  15. I sky dived in Holland.

    Although at that time I called in jumping.

    I was to be considered as a starter.I made about 40 jumps and my longest free fall was about 5-6 seconds.

    At that time it was quite expensive and having to choose between marrying my love (still married) and to continue I made my choice.

    I still remember the fantastic spirit umongst the jumpers.

    There was no difference in attitude between the 1000 times + jumpers and us poor starters.We were one sharing group.

    With that background I understand the previous reaction.

    I once noted a near accident ( a May West case jumpers know what I mean),and it was a shock on the landing strip. Fortunately his spare shute opened automatically by using a sentanial ( a must for starters in Holland).

    The jumper was sent home, because the automatic opener took over as he did not reacted timely.

  16. Bruno,

    Go to thaivisa.com and click 'residency"

    Down on that page you will find quote An alien with permanent residency status will be eligible to apply for Thai citizenship after 10 consecutive years under this classification.

    However if you click on THAI CITIZENSHIP in that same sentence you will find on another page;

    5 years and good knowledge of thai language.All further info you can read

    So it is possible.

    And in my case, my government allows to obtain without loosing my nationality :o

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