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Everything posted by kinyara

  1. On the basis there seemed to be many who were prepared to ring the bell to buy his girls drinks when they weren't even in the country during Covid, judging by his expansion I think it's reasonable to think he's done well enough when they actually turned up in person when travel resumed. It must take a bar attracting regular beers drinkers a lot of sales just to match the profit from one single bell ring for a round of ridiculously priced shots for the girls. It's the only business model that stacks up.
  2. The return of Mr Fiction. Why would we believe the OP's story when he clearly made up a story about being in the Kilkenny the other night when it's been closed for months ?
  3. The article is only about the Chinese market, it's badly written so a lot of posters have missed that rather important point. Chinese visitors were over 10 million in 2019, TAT's forecast was for 5 million this year, ( 50% ), however only 1.4 million arrived as of June.
  4. Looking at the country breakdown for June the pattern is very clear, the noticeable month on month increases are from the Asian region, which more than compensate for the low season fall off in Western markets. Unless you hang out at tourist attractions or venues popular with Asian tourists you're unlikely to notice.
  5. Given that, wouldn't you have expected to see a noticeable rise in popularity already ? It hasn't happened so far, it's only back to the previous level pre-Covid.
  6. I doubt it, due to their slow bureacratic system of government Vietnam are playing catch up to Thailand since foreign travel resumed. They haven't yet returned to their peak 45% of Thailand's numbers they were at in 2019. Vietnam also relies heavier on the Chinese market than Thailand so will feel the Chinese slowdown to a greater degree.
  7. Not seeing any significant war impact, more a case like other European countries of normal service resumed after Thailand fully reopens. The level and pattern of arrivals this year is pretty much the same as 2019 - average daily arrivals 2019 - 4,060 vs 2023 ( to June ) - 4,373 Jan - 202,759 Feb - 186,103 Mar - 177,805 Apr - 115,706 May - 58,467 Jun - 50,734
  8. Wow, I can't imagine flushing 7 years of my life down the toilet living in a place I didn't like. Were you incapable of taking your life and future into your own hands and relocating somewhere you liked ? What a waste, life is too short.
  9. Actually just checked and the official figures were actually released on July 21st, as I alluded to in previous posts June YTD arrivals were 12,914,691, so a monthly consistent figure of 2,221,201. A similar level of 2.1 million, not 3 million, expected to achieve the 15 million mentioned in the original post. I think that answers your original question.
  10. Jan - 2,144,948 Feb - 2,133,550 Mar - 2,219,040 Apr - 2,182,100 May - 2.013,852 As you can see unlike in the past April this year was higher and May only 100k lower than the traditional peak months of Jan and Feb, it reflects the recovering situation which as we know is still only 2/3's of the pre-covid peak. I haven't forgotten June is low season and I did say "circa" in recognising the potential drop, I just don't see it going all the way down to 1.3 million in June which is what it would have be if 12 million was correct. That is September 2022 level when the country was only gearing up after lifting all restrictions.
  11. No I haven't experienced any unfriendly or nasty encounters that would make me think about it. Due to technology advances my need to visit official type places like immigration, bank, City Hall, internet & phone provider etc have been pretty much eliminated from the equation, good service and interaction when I have. Anywhere else I'm visiting regularly is providing me a service like shopping. entertainment, laundry, hairdresser etc, and if I did experience it it would be once only and I'd take my business elsewhere, but not too Chiang Mai that would be a bit extreme.
  12. That is not an official number, the official figures are always released at the end of the following month not at the start. It follows a set calender of Government statistical data released. No idea where that figure came from but as you highlight yourself it doesn't fit in with the 15 million figure mentioned in relation to July and more obviously it would mean only 1.3 million arrived in June which is clealy unlikely given 2 million arriving every month so far. I'd expect both months will be circa 2 million meaning May YTD - 10.7m, June - circa 12.7m, July circa 14.7m.
  13. What documents did you need and is it still by appointment arranged by an earlier visit ? Thanks.
  14. The official numbers to end of May was 10.7m, I think you'll find when the official numbers to June are released at the end of the month they will be around 13 million.
  15. Correct, there is just over 2 million per month this year compared to just over 3.3 million per month in 2019. Shouldn't be a shock to anyone as this is the level the Tourism Authority expected this year. Number fudging is the siren call of those unable to accept the gradual recovery from ground zero of Thailand's tourism industry, and in reality utter nonsense within the bigger picture of some 70,000 tourists arriving daily.
  16. Well year to date May, 79% of Thailand's recovering tourist numbers didn't come from either China, Russia or the USA. As usual it's an overrly dramatic click-bait headline by the author rather than the reality already acknowledged by TAT numerous times so far this year, especially with respect to China.
  17. Canterbury Tales. There was a several page long thread on the same topic a few weeks ago, just go back a few pages and you'll find it.
  18. Appreciate the quick reply and good to hear it worked out for you. I'm used to the Apple Thai laptop prices being cheaper than the UK but when I checked on the Mac Mini it's even more discounted at just shy of 30%, which is a very attractive price for the spec on the 16GB/512GB model. Pretty sure my lower spec 2019 laptop which is 8GB/128GB cost me significantly more. I've got 2 previous Apple keyboards, an old wired one and a wireless one I can use - I prefer the wired but maybe the wireless might be a bit more responsive with the Mini, plus a decent Logitech mouse. Not having to buy the additional stuff is part of the attraction. Reading comments on my photography forums, users speak well on the reliability of their previous Mac Mini's. Thanks again. ????
  19. Can I ask if you went ahead and bought, and you are happy with the purchase ? Since I have all the external devices needed I was thinking of going for the Mini M2 16GB/512GB version myself, main usage would be not too demanding photo editing.
  20. I'd be surprised if they didn't achieve the low end of their 2023 forecast which was 24 million, they were already 700k over that 2 million average per month required to May.
  21. I think it is you that forgot to read the article. " The environment and climate in Thailand also pose concerns, with only 35% of respondents happy with the air quality "
  22. South Korea is currently and in the recent past Thailands 4th biggest market, arrivals to May were 82% of peak 2019 figures, seems like their attempts have been pretty successful.
  23. Good time to release this news, when the attention of the majority is focussed elsewhere.
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