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Everything posted by kinyara

  1. That's the pattern of Chinese tourism that many on this forum can't seem to comprehend. It just doesn't fit into their sweeping blinkered false narrative of zero-baht tour bus tourism they like to band about.
  2. I think The Sanctuary of Truth will be a struggle for him, on principle they shouldn't let him in.
  3. I've heard Chiang Mai is lovely at the moment.
  4. Picture holding yesterday's Bangkok Post or it didn't happen.
  5. " Who said the bars were not doing good " No-one that I know, it's business as usual for a Saturday night, nothing changes. Walk by any Aussie bar this afternoon and you'll be staggered how busy they are, boom times.
  6. Looks like TAT 3 - Asean Now Tourism Forecasters 0
  7. I would ignore all advice on this forum and just go and ask the helpful staff yourself. The misinformation and confusion spread on this forum is shocking these days. It's neither office specific or first hand to be useful.
  8. It doesn't, however it has been regularly reported that available airline capacity hasn't yet returned to pre-Covid levels, part of the reason airline prices have remained high. Another example as well as Condor, is BA restarting their London to Bangkok route this coming high season, albeit from Gatwick and not Heathrow. I suspect airlines like Condor and BA see additional demand associated with the extended visa free period or ease of extension being attractive for the snowbirds and others again
  9. But Chinese tourist dominated to a level way beyond Thailand, which given the dislike of Chinese tourists expressed on this forum would make it a non-starter for many I would have thought.
  10. Moan, moan, moan. Anyone that dislikes it just book somewhere else if it bothers you that much, no one is forcing you to go to Thailand after all.
  11. Have you tried doing the 90 day online, saves time and paper.
  12. Anyone living further away might be sensible and not risk the late afternoon scenario you describe. Come in mid-morning, submit paperwork and have a nice relaxing lunch or beer somewhere along the beachfront.
  13. A reflection of the slowdown in domestic tourism.
  14. Central visits definately fit into my " off-peak " make things easy for myself lifestyle. 11am weekday, ( non holidays ), if you have the freedom to choose your time.
  15. I used TikTok Visa Services on Chayapreuk, Jomtien for my last one and would use them again. Pick up and drop off from my condo for the 2 trips out to the driving licence centre was one of the benefits.
  16. Pick one with the highest floor and the lowest balcony railings. We thank you for your service.
  17. Any first hand views on how the Las Vegas Beer Bar Complex is doing now it's been up and running a few months ?
  18. The not so Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4.
  19. Legends Bar before you reach Hemingways is another good option. The Aussie owner is very customer friendly in showing requested Championship games, multiple screens.
  20. Are The Pattaya, ( Nightwish Group Soi 6 ) News, reporting on this incident ? I can't seem to see anything in their crime section.
  21. Did you file a TM30 on your return, I suspect not ? If not it casts doubt on what is being said on here as gospel regarding TM30 & TM47 online systems speaking to each other
  22. Is this now an either/or decision between manual and online ? If you choose not to do a TM30 because you return to the same address as your existing TM30 - like the poster you replied to I was also told not necessary by Jomtien Immigration - you will have to abandon the 90 day online reporting system going forward. Or is it just the 1st 90 day after return that has to be done in person without a new TM30, and then you can revert back to online 90's. It's not the paperwork for re-filing the same TM30 address that puts me off, just the volume of customers in that area of Jomtien Immigration.
  23. If you're expecting a solution I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
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