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Posts posted by MobileContent

  1. He said the selection committees had to check the background of nominees during the initial stage of the selection process in line with standard procedures.

    The final NRC selection committee was not needed because the NCPO had a team of specialists and advisers to help them select the NRC, he said.

    Election Commission deputy secretary-general Boonyakiat Rakchartcharoen said the NCPO's decision would not affect the selection process as the junta had the authority to select the NRC.

    cheesy.gif Why not from the beginning they could have stopped having a selection committee at all. Millions wasted again.

  2. All stays by the same.

    BTW The General is in power since May and I have not seen one high profile arrest to clean up corruption. The BMA is still around in Bangkok and collecting their fees on a daily basis. The cops still run on lower Sukhumvit most of the roadside bars until early morning and the African's still sell drugs but moved to Soi 7 and here we comment to some kind of reforms.

    This is Thailand - Nothing will change.

  3. So they have an argument in a bar and no one sees anything? The barman, security staff, other patrons? A local gangster? No one knows who this is? Selling drugs? No one knows who sells drugs there? Did the police not interview everyone from that bar immediately while the island was in lock down?

    Local guy tries to chat up the girl, she rejects him, he gets angry,the guy steps in, local guy storms off, the girl follows to calm him down, shares a cigarette with him,the western guy sees she's gone and goes to look for her, finds the local guy raping her, intervenes and gets taken out by the local guy and his accomplice.

    All these full moon parties and the drugs that go with them should banned forthwith.

    Who could be involved in the drug trade there I wonder? You know, who would turn a blind eye for a share of the profits?

    Regardless, the perpetrator is long gone but will probably return after this is all forgotten which will be in a couple of weeks when the police come up with nothing and the media find something else to tittilate the public with.

    I would be very surprised if this gets solved but I hope it does.

    This case will not get solved. Don't be surprised if on the end they will find a scapegoat and he will be shot for resisting arrest.

    • Like 1
  4. I are having a nice nice dog BBQ tomorrow evening. This damn dog has eaten a rabbit of my boy yesterday. It's in fact the dog of our neighbor so I set the price of 3000 Baht for the rabbit. They can't pay it so we eat their dog. cheesy.gif

    Oh yes my granny killed two puppies last week because they chased her chickens. I say no worries if you want two more drop over tomorrow for dinner as we have 7 more puppies.clap2.gif

  5. I do wonder if this would also limit the chance of a Royingha being involved, as who were blamed earlier. Royingha I believe are more likely to have an Indian subcontinent heritage, not Mongoloid, like ethnic Thai/Chinese would have.

    +1 You are spot on. Looking at the photo I would almost assume a young Thai Chinese or a Chinese.

  6. He said the wife is wanting to use her money so your post makes no sense at all ?

    May I know where one can earn that much money? Knowing the average salary in BKK it's really complicated and also requires university degree (if she has) + years experience. Otherwise it's simply she sucked those money from him and now he calms own himself with 'her money' statement.

    She lives and works in the UK.

    Have you ever been in UK? Do you know how difficult is to find a job even if you extremly good in your subject... She is foreigner, her thai education (if any) is not counted at all... What she may find is 'call center', 'water in hotel', 'house keeping'... Unless she had years experience in Thai, in a western company (who can provide recommendation letter). So her fund sourse is uncler to me...

    Tens of Thousands from Eastern Europe and Asia made it to the UK and yes they make good money.

  7. To the OP my advise would be continue with your online business and find some consulting jobs on the sideline. If you are good in what you do online you will be surprised how many companies in Southeast Asia would be willing to hire you for big money,

    I have been doing it for 18 years already and have sold over 200 websites in the past plus around 160 mobile apps in the past 3 years.

    The online business always worked well for me but the sideline consulting really brings in the dosh.

    • Like 1
  8. I dont understand what the problem is .. I would say they got it the wrong way around.

    If you want to learn to speak Thai

    a) study for less than 5 months, you should study 5 hours a day - If you want to study the language over a longer period, lesson hours should be less, but you study at university and provide coursework / self study and assignments.

    I have been through Thai school because I wanted to learn to speak Thai, I studied 4 hours a day, and a further 2-3 hours homework. Within 5 months at 4 hours a day, you should be able to speak/read/write Thai to a pretty good level.

    But that wouldn't suit your long term holiday - would it ?

    If you flipped the scenario, if you were an immigrant in the States or UK, learning then English 2 hours a day isn't going to do anything for you. The language school would come under scrutiny of some education depart and the school closed down.

    Why would anyone want to learn Thai is beyond me ? unless you are married and living here ( where there are visas available to you ) or retired ( where there are available visas ) then the Thai ( along with Indonesian ) language has got to be the most useless language in the world.

    Actually not. I used Thai and Bahasa Malay/Indonesian for my degree in Southeast Asian Affairs and this was in 1996. Those 2/3 languages covers 60% of ASEAN and until now I am grateful that I learned those languages. I still remember my daily trips to AUA and later used Lingua School for one on one training at 300 Baht per hour for learning the Thai language.

    PS: I would like to add that I never had a problem in finding employment in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia or Thailand and I always got paid on a good package.

  9. Sorry to say but I think the OP is just plan stupid.

    First of all he works illegally in Thailand and only Buddha knows for how many months/years he has played that game. Now on the end he wants to leave Thailand gets bitten back by the snake heads that offered him the job. He has always known that he works illegal in this country so no pity from me. When he worked in the country illegal on a bloody tourist visa we never heard of him but when things get sour he explains that he is a good teacher and the children love him.

    Just leave the country and don't come back to Thailand.

    • Like 1
  10. You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

    Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

    They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

    The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

    Yes, she was REALLY studying and i totally agree with you that many people do use student visa just to stay. It was not her case. She loves Thailand, the people and wanted to speak the language fluently, read and write. She has been studying 3 hours per day, 20 days a month, during 8 months, and her goal was to get the Thai certificate diploma, which is a state exam. And what is a problem to take 2 months off to be back in her country when you have a re-entry permit?

    I think the immigration sets now a standard of being at a language school at least 8 hours a week. As she took off for two months she didn't qualified for it more.

  11. Have you tried to apply for the 60 day extension to visit your child?

    They refused your ED extension which is only one that can be done for most people.

    You don't have to have a non-o visa to get the 60 day extension you could make a border crossing and get a visa exempt entry and get the 60 day extension.

    That means, I can leave Thailand with my single entry ED Visa which is valid until 1.Oct and reenter on visa exempt based on this ED Visa?

    Where I have to apply for an visa exempt?

    Uwe, Visa Exempt means you leave the country and return back. You should get 30 days by crossing the border or fly out and return back.You can extent for 60 days at your local immigration.

  12. One step closer to the abyss.

    Still it's not selective - Thaksin may be being cut out of history but so is much of the army's past - kids are not taught about the military's only victories of the 20th Century, the air and ground attacks on Thais, mostly in the North and North East in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

    Good point - My lady even didn't know that their were communists in Sakon Nakhon.

  13. The 'used' condom holds all the evidence, assuming it wasn't used 3 months ago bah.gif .... don't lose it guys or throw it into the bin as beach garbage..... facepalm.gif

    That should have been the first thing to be analysed... so let's assume it is right now, and not the post-haste-mortem. coffee1.gif

    Possible is also that the used condom might have belonged to the British that was killed as well.

    If the Burmese really raped the victim I doubt they had a condom and they would have taken it with them.

  14. A typical failure of many Farangs in Thailand that ignore common sense and now you blame your lady. Let me guess you don't speak Thai or Isaan.

    Good on you. I always BlaMe the man in these situations. Signs are ignored-yet they still go through. And then blame the girl and the greedy family(usually mother)

    I know of farangs in my village that have been buying a house, car, more land, three motorcycles and they still say their wife loves them even if I told them their Mrs screws around with Somchai and Sompong. The farang is even at home when their Mrs goes out to get a bang from a younger guy.

    One American guy who is my friend he even writes down everything how his lady mistreats him but he still paid 5 month for the pickup in advance and bought the MIL a new Fino. He just returned to the US last week after having been locked up for 6 months without a TV or internet connection. Last week he cried when he returned to the US and told me he will try for the final time to bring the Mrs to the US but this time she has to work. She worked 3 months in 8 years and that says a lot.

  15. after time and time again i read about these guys who marry some numb nut from northern thailand who has the brain of a donkey and proberly about 20 years there junior nothing in common yet they still fall for it hand over there hard earned money because this young girl says i love you in the uk would you give money to your new wife family or girlfriend family would you marry a prostitute i dont think so so why do it in thailand then bring that poor soul here to the uk where every thing is diffrent they dont understand what on tv the way we are just to show her off to your mates down the puib look what i got this beauty on my arm she a lost sheep and wants mummy and daddy bck home its a diffrent world to our and rarely works out unless they are well educated and come from say bangkok where they had the fast city life and had an education and good job knowing about the world more but then why would that women want to leave thailand 1 reason she really love the guy she wants to be with not the money she can get

    What you say might be true of bargirls (some), but I didn't meet my ex-wife in a bar. I met her in her home city in Thailand where there are no 'falang beer bars'. I also find it rather warped that you appear to assume everyone who lives in Northern Thailand is a 'numb nut' and a 'prostitute'??? The population of Issan is over 21 millionbiggrin.png .

    I would imagine your post may be extremely offensive to many people and may be removed.

    Let me give you a hint Rob. Most Isaan ladies that chase farangs are not working in the bar but the results are the same and are even more conning.

    I know of at least 10 girls from the age of 20-50's that are looking for a farang BF/Hubby that can take care for them and the family. Your one fits 100% the profile. Only once in 24 years did I fall for one girl but I never married her.

    What you did is get yourself a bride by order. Come to Thailand, stay for a while and ship her over to the UK. I am sure one issue was great in the beginning. She banged you well and you feel in heaven and your big head stopped working.

    When I committed to my Isaan lady I wanted to be near her family, learn everything about her and the family, analyze the situation including their finances and how they deal with it and then I decided to make a commitment which took 18 months. My lassie and I are very close and we have a 20 months old son now.

    You broke every rule from the beginning. Paying 15k a month makes you a stupid farang from the beginning the relatiosnhip started. I have never paid my inlaws any money and they have always respected me. My Grandfather even once came and asked me to borrow him 2000 Baht to fix his roof and guess what, he came a week later back and wanted to return the money but I said to him keep it.

    Their are many Isaan families that have a high morale of integrity but your lady was in for the kill. May be you talked to the family that you do well and will take care of the daughter but all I can see is that you send 15k to her family but what did your lady get besides getting banged up for free or you through her some bones.

    A typical failure of many Farangs in Thailand that ignore common sense and now you blame your lady. Let me guess you don't speak Thai or Isaan.

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