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Everything posted by damian

  1. Well I was wrong. I seriously thought he would end up as pm.
  2. The truly insulting thing about this story is that those who made it up believe that we will believe it. Yet still, some will gather at the hospital forecourt to hold vigil and present flowers and get well soon cards. Weapons grade pathetic.
  3. So first act of this play is in place. I reckon Settha will fail and Prawit will be nominated in the second act. Then Thaksin will be freed or pardoned and will stay out of politics as the third and final act. The real interesting part is whether Prawit will double cross Thaksin and keep him in jail!!! Cue the crime scene mystery music.
  4. Who would want to be a Thai politician. Predators around every corner. It would be like lying down in a room full of <add your favourite nasty> (tranatulas, scorpions, centipides, vipers etc.). Everythings fine until you move!
  5. Just read the headline not the .00005 point font saying it was Chiang Mai. My apologies.
  6. Kaloang Home Kitchen. Just north of Thewes ferry pier.
  7. Kaloang Home Kithchen Wat Thewet. Crappy location, Worst river view, weird waiters, best food. Been loving it for 25 odd years.
  8. My thinking is the same. Its part of the deal for his re-entry permit.
  9. It's not bizzare at all. It's been the plan all along and put in motion at the football in the UK. Tony wants to come home. Prawit is Tony's vehicle. Prawit wants to be PM. PT (Tony) is Prawit's vehicle.
  10. I'd like to know what MFP will get in return for their PT support.
  11. Compare the childlike bleatings of this piece of trash as he addresses the voters compared to Pitas mature and articulate interviews. Actually there is no comparison it's too off the charts!
  12. He should perhaps wait until PT announce the other members of their coalition of crooks.
  13. He has many to please and lots to manipulate. It's all too much for him.
  14. Yes and now we have a Thai businessmen and Thai politician as one in a candidate PM. We had one of these before.
  15. They're waiting for instructions from the (un) chosen one.
  16. Soon as the cameras were off she slipped into her leathers and jumped on her harley to meet up with the angles in Pattaya. Hasn't been seen for 5 years. Now on overstay.
  17. Again, 112 was just a small part of the reforms. The Elites used it to indoctrinate the masses into thinking that MFP hated the monarchy and therefore justify their lynching of Pita. It was the 3D reforms that they were truly scared of along with the large number of voters who agreed with them.
  18. I read this also. Its too good to be true. I smell a rat. I think this is part of the smoke and mirrors to placate the PT masses for when Settha doesnt get the votes and there is no choice for PT but to join up with Prawit and Anutin as per their plan from the footy match in the UK. The deal is Prawits power for Thanksins return. Thaksin to PT: Make it happen. Prawit to Anutin: Do as you're told. Of course I could be completely wrong and hope I am. In any case if it doesnt go the juntas way they have so many options up their filthy sleeves to keep them in power.
  19. There are more acts yet to play out. The shows not over. The oversized lady has not sang. Etc. We dont want a coup to end this prematurely. What would we do with all our popcorn.
  20. Love Voranai's work. I remember a great show on TV years ago that he had with another great journalist (forget his name) when they both worked for BP and the pair of them would sum up the daily political news in English and absolutely take the p*ss out of the politicians and their behaviour in a most sarcastic fashion. I guess thats why their show didnt last long.
  21. It is not about 112! Read bewteen the lines. This is what they want you to believe. It's all about MFP's 3D's. Thats what they are afraid of along with MFP's frightening poularity.
  22. They should use Malaysia's north south freeway as a reference design where you can do exactly that. No red lights, u-turns or service roads.
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