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Everything posted by damian

  1. Just finished a road trip and stayed in 5 different hotels. Didn't affect my online reporting at all. I check in to hotels using my drivers license.
  2. Hmmm. Is a double cross to outweigh the mother of all double crosses unfolding? A real gotcha moment!
  3. What we need is a 'hub tracker'. Someone who can keep track of all the hub announcements and track their implementation progress and performance. Full time opportunity.
  4. Sorry to hear about this also. From my understanding the process is a simple injection. If so, I cannot understand why vets here cannot simply sell you the injection. Maybe becasue it is seen as aiding and abetting.
  5. Perhaps you haven't spoken with relatives/friends of those who were killed or injured responding to a call to arms from Tony. Next time you are speaking with the Thais you speak to perhaps ask their thoughts on Tony then vs Tony now and how they feel about such deaths and injuries.
  6. Enough of this monorail/light rail nonsense. Bus rapid transit with a high frequency coordinated figure 8 loop network is all that's needed. When this becomes over crowded, then and only then, consider fixed transit systems with higher capacity (noting that BRT capacities range around 5 to 10k passengers per hour per direction).
  7. It's sad that the only way to prompt an official response is through social media.
  8. Yep also worked fine for years even after trips out of the country. After last trip out got the dreaded 'rejected'. Called the local IO who sympathized with me to the point she did it for me and asked I come and collect it next time I was in town. Went the next day and thanked her but still wanted to know why it was rejected. She shuffled me off to the back room boys who said it was 'Bangkok' - software update causing the problem and to fill in the customer feedback form. Mate down the road had the same problem after a trip out of country.
  9. Dispicable behaviour. Were any netizens outraged?
  10. Worryingly, he and they are now under the protective shield of those that are born to rule. He has been given the mandate to be the new 'democratic' face of the army and elite who hope PTP can convince the masses to forget MFP using snake oil polices, monetary hand outs and a young pretty as the frontperson. It will be interesting to see if he can contain himself though. He has Hun Sen esque aspirations which may lead to his downfall again (the lingering les majeste case) if he strays from the agreed agenda.
  11. She's the expendable poster pretty. It's not her Thais need to be worried about.
  12. Correct. Happens in Aus often during very hot summers along with broken rails when they contract during winter.
  13. Correct. It's all in the 'tone' you use like whispering, talking forcefully, then yelling!
  14. Love that outdoor tub. I'd like to have one. Did you make the tub yourself or get it frome somewhere? About 1m x 3m? I think I would add a bench in mine.
  15. Gordons Gin and Tonic for me - handle pint glass, fresh lemon and lime (squeezed) slices and a million ice cubes.
  16. The military elite are cunning. They know they can't win the next election. Now that Thaksin is securely beholden to them under the return deal, they will use PTP as their new 'democratic progressive' face to garner the votes of the young. They will do this with a foundation of sound economic policies devised by Tony, youth and social media interactions provided by 'mini me' Paetongtarn and lipstick coated freebies for the rural masses courtesy of Yingluck (once she's back). They will attempt to sugar coat this with a 'father knows best' demeanour (because they can't help themselves) which hopefully the young will see through and reject anyway.
  17. Anti vowel I reckon. It's a thing these days you see. Blame it on texting.
  18. Then ask for a substantial budget to rebuild it.
  19. Now your'e asking for too much. They do have minties but no snakes. Mmmmm, cherry ripe alright.
  20. I'm still curious to know the content of the Hong Kong discussions bewteen T & T. If MFP are dissolved they will simply reincarnate as the 'X Forward Party' for the next election so what exactly have the 'rulers' achieved? It will be difficult (but not impossible) to ignore the people a second time. I thought the discussion could have been around accepting their fate and then joining forces with PT after reincarnation for the next election but the 'rulers' want MFP and their ilk gone forever so PT need to be careful. Either way the 'rulers' have the LM charge on Thaksin to prevent him from straying from the agenda. Who knows? It's murky isn't it!
  21. My bet is they sprayed it off white.
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