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Posts posted by oldcpu

  1. On 8/25/2021 at 1:01 PM, oldcpu said:

    I speculate (emphasis on 'speculation') that there may be a few day (week ? ) pause in vaccinations in Phuket ?  This morning my Thai wife took her 85+ year old aunt, to where she had an appointment for her second AZ jab (Karon Orchard) and there were no jabs being given.    My wife checked the "phuket must win" and the link for Thai people to check on their appointments was disabled (but it does still work for foreigners).  My wife then phoned the phone number on the appointment sheet, and learned her aunt's appointment for today, 25-August, had been delayed a week back to 1-September-2021.


    This Phuket News article explains what happened wrt the vaccination (2nd jab) of my Thai wife's aunt being delayed:

    apparently the staff who were to give the vaccination, had been called to help conduct proactive screening in various areas [across the island]. Because of the staff exposure to people infected with the virus, it was thus deemed necessary to quarantine  the officers and staff for 14 days.


    So it appears it was NOT a policy decision to delay the 2nd jab to increase AZ efficacy (by delaying jab) nor due to an AZ vaccine shortage of AZ vaccine doses that should currently be in Phuket - but rather it was a precaution due to the staff (who administer the vaccine) being exposed to the virus.


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  2. 2 hours ago, oldcpu said:

    I speculate (emphasis on 'speculation') that there may be a few day (week ? ) pause in vaccinations in Phuket ?  This morning my Thai wife took her 85+ year old aunt, to where she had an appointment for her second AZ jab (Karon Orchard) and there were no jabs being given.   

    Correction to my post ... This was at the Phuket Merlin and not Karon Orchard.

  3. 5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    And no mention of the number of tests performed.


    This can be difficult to find out, and I find when it is available, it tends to lag a bit other information provided.


    Here are some image/charts showing Phuket testing status as of 23-August (114,158 from 1-April start date? )  and 24-August (114,610 from 1-April start date?).  ie from 23-to-24-August there was 114,610 minus 114,158 = 452 ... ie 452 tests done in the one day.   I think this total of 452 tests does not include "New entrants (ATK+) proactively checked CI = 79 cases" where these who tested positive will be tested again - BUT I could have that WRONG as I don't fully understand this.


    For those of us expatriates who are very curious, it would be nice to see more detailed English language reporting by the English language news on # of tests conducted.




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  4. 3 hours ago, Guderian said:

    ... all the hospitals seem to insist on taking your BP before they will give you a vaccine. If they regard the reading as being unacceptably high, you're told to sit and wait for a while to relax and allow it to go down to normal. In theory, if it doesn't go down to whatever they regard as an acceptable level, then they will turn you away unvaccinated and tell you to come back. I've heard of this happening to a Thai lady, but not to any expats so far. But why bother if BP is such a major risk, surely it's best for people to get vaccinated against Covid regardless of how high their BP is.

    Sadly, this is never very simple.  My understanding is European experience has seen cases of people with pre-conditions, where high blood pressure was a symptom, had very serious side effect problems because of the vaccine jab, and the medical view is if they had waited for blood pressure to drop prior to jabbing, then the very serious side effects would not have happened. 


    When ever side effects are too serious, the press jumps all over the vaccination, and the entire vaccination drive can be halted, while there are investigations, and hundreds/thousands of vaccinations are delayed as a result of one case (giving a jab too soon after high blood pressure).  ....


    Hence the desire to lower blood pressure first.


    3 hours ago, Guderian said:


    You could even argue that people with abnormally high BP should have the waiting period for the second dose reduced (from 12 weeks in the case of AZ) to help give them maximum protection ASAP. Instead, they're refusing to vaccinate the group they now claim are among the most vulnerable. Ting tong, or what?

    Again , IMHO not so simple.  Studies have show the longer one waits for the 2nd jab of AZ (after the first jab) the more effective AZ is wrt preventing infection, more effective of reducing serious illness, and more effective in reducing risk of death.  That then suggests wait 12 to 16 weeks.


    .... Of course, the other side of the coin, while waiting for the 2nd jab of AZ, one can catch the virus and die.  That suggests get an earlier 2nd jab (8 weeks or sooner).


    .... So its not an easy call. 


    How long to wait ?  Those with high blood pressure will benefit from waiting, if they don't die first.   If they die first, the 2nd jab won't help.


    These are very surreal times.

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, GStewart70 said:


    Yeah imagine hating the country that has never apologised for unleashing a new virus that has killed, left long lasting effects, and destroyed the emotional and health lives of millions.

    Then add insult to injury when WHO are impedied from finding out what actually happened in Wuhan, in order to make sure it doesn't happen again.



    Indeed - so many then like to bad mouth anything Chinese - even if it saves lives.  

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  6. On 8/20/2021 at 3:57 PM, ChipButty said:

    I agree with you, I live in the south but when you drive around like I did last Sunday morning through Kata and Karon I have to ask who is making money because that looks deserted another couple of months and the jungle will take over

    I seriously doubt the jungle will take over.


    I just spent the weekend in Karon (I live in Panwa area but checked into a Karon hotel for the weekend to give them some business ).


    I agree shops on most streets in Kata/Karon are 95% closed.


    I note thou the beach at Kata was surprisingly active .. it reminded me of typical low season numbers on a very slow day.


    The very light traffic and relatively quiet beaches made it incredibly nice.  Fabulous. I do thou pity the locals as there is clearly not enough business to support them yet. Still, even the Sandbox trickle is better than none.



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  7. 21 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    Mind Boggling numbers of testing in Phuket.

    600 per Day for 20 Days on a population of over 400,000 +


    Well 600 per day, while too small a number of tests IMHO, it's an improvement over about 100/day in June and about 200/day in July.


    I too would like to see more testing as I believe it would help the government by giving them better information to support their decision making.


    I fear thou their budget could limit their quantity of future testing.

  8. 53 minutes ago, oldcpu said:

    I was actually making the point that the population was close to 500,000 people (the number of people have dropped since the exodus last year of people living in Phuket) and DaveC held a differnt view from me, saying the number much larger.  Eventually, after my looking more into this, I came around to his view, and noted my original estimates incorrect. 


    I note:  The numbers in Phuket news (link in my above post) don't exactly add up, which I guess is no surprise.  I don't think any one really knows the population of Phuket, given last years exodus of people leaving Phuket. ...   Still, I note according to that June-2021 Phuket news article, current estimates (where I assume this is people age-18 and older):
    * about 310,000 people registered in Phuket
    * about 100,000 people registered in other provinces who work in Phuket
    * about  74,000 migrant workers or expats
    which adds up to 484,000 people by my calculation.   This exceeds the 466,000 island population estimate the article also mentions.  However this is NOT all the people in Phuket.


    The article also notes about 107,000 children under age-18. So 107,000 + 484,000 = 591,000, ... or about 600,000 people in Phuket, including children.


    The article gives more numbers, confusing this further, but I now prefer to assume a population of 600,000 people in Phuket.


  9. 5 hours ago, Guderian said:

    The population of Phuket is around 400,000 and they have 101 cases.

    A mute point perhaps, but you have underestimated Phuket's current population.  I have been through this on another thread where like you I underestimated the population.   It's closer to 600,000 people which has a sizeable impact on your calculations.


    Edit: Here is a reference: 


  10. 12 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Not clear? It says 'fully vaccinated or a combination', and later mentions 'single dose J&J'. So pretty clear for others 2 doses are required.


    My Phuket resident friend re-entered Phuket today ... He has had only 1 AZ jab. ... So I think unclear is a polite way to describe this.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Compare the above to the robust large real world trials on AZ with the delta strain. 

    What many over look is in the current situation, Thailand can not today get enough AZ, nor get Moderna, nor get Pfizer ( aside from USA donations)..


    Sinovac which is available now can be given in 2 jabs in 3 weeks. It takes 10 to 12 weeks for AZ for 2 jabs.


    Better yet one can get Sinovac + one AZ mix in 3 weeks for efficacy almost as good as 2 AZ and better than only 1 AZ. ... And faster than 2 AZ. ... The obvious problem is minimal western recognition. But if one is not travelling then why risk one's life by waiting?


    If one waits for 2 Pfizier, or two Moderna, or even 2 AZ there is a risk of dying while waiting for the better vaccine. I know it must irritate the China haters, but despite it's low efficacy at preventing infections, Sinovac does save lives as it's efficacy for preventing death is good. Not as good as mRNA but still good.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Nojohndoe said:

    IMO it is extortionism. Pfizer's projected annual profit for this covid vaccine is 50 billion. Moderna  30 billion. And Moderna ,a Start Up Parent Company accepted US  Federal funding . Pfizer did not but demanded  guaranteed orders before commiting to development.

    And both have assisted in demeaning competition.


    Actually, Pfizer is cheaper than Moderna and arguably cheaper than Sinovac.

  13. 2 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    What are gabbling about?


    mRNA vaccines have been peer reviewed and audited by independent sources.

    So ? They have no idea as to any potential long term effects. No one does. What are you gabbing about?????? You need to read more. ???? Clearly you haven't read about concerns many have raised about mRNA. I personally think mRNA ok but many don't. 

  14. If you are fully vaccinated and a Phuket resident, my understanding is you should be able to leave and return.


    The article is not clear IMHO if one jab of AZ is nominally sufficient.


    If you wish to be more certain of reentry you could go to your subdistrict city hall and see if they will give you paperwork to allow reentry. I have a friend who recently did that.

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