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Posts posted by msg362

  1. I linked to the Chiang Mai forum and thought I'd get a list of recent postings. Maybe I did, but i can't follow them I'm sure they are of interest to the people concerned but i've no idea where they came from

    post-55921-077635800 1277342842_thumb.jp

    The big problem is that I can't find where to switch off. My 'control panel( my profile") seems not to have any link and on the general page there is no ' unwatch ' button

    Yes I'm sure it's there somewhere, please tell me!!

  2. Id like to know other opinions then msg and yabaaa ... has anyone else used similar devices.

    That's a good idea, I suspect some might be a con, but all I know is empirically mine works, I have no idea what else I can say, it's proof enough for me. If mine had not worked I would have agreed with Yaabaa.

  3. Yaabaa,

    What is your problem? you clearly think I am not telling the truth ; I am telling the truth,and I object to you implying I am not. That is why you have to believe me. I do not need to show you scientific reports. it works. You also seem to think I'm either stupid or deceived, I can assure you neither is true.

    I'll spell it out to you

    I have bought this thing, when a dog starts barking aggressively at me when riding my bike, I aim it at it ,press the button and the dogs turns and runs. It is effective. i've done that many times now and it means that I am confident of a degree of protection from some of the more aggressive dogs.. This is called empirical evidence and the video is evidence, you say it shows nothing, clearly untrue.

    Now since we cannot hear U/S sound, we wil not know if anything we have bought is working or not, that is why I suggested using a sound meter to test it.

    As far as the sound goes yes it might bethat U/S sound is no more effective than audible sound, but it does not have to be, as long as it works.

    For the rest of your references, yes I, accept they may not work against fleas etc, I'll not get upset over that.

    I raised this because someone had asked for advice on protecting herself from dogs and I am trying to help. You seem intent on ignoring anything I say

    I think there is nothing more to be gained by continuing this rather futile debate.. Mods can you lock this?

    Your'e correct nothing to be gained.....................from buying the dog dazer, no proof to back up any of the manufacturers claims whatsoever, I have ignored nothing you say you are making claims with NO proof, a U tube video is not proof BOTH of those videos are by the same person, you cant back up the claims and want the topic closed, that tells me a lot.......................good luck promoting your product even though many tests have proven ultrasound does not work including the U.S govt!

    Please you don't have to tell me like a 5 year old that "we" cant hear ultrasound sound. ACTUALLY some people mainly young children can hear frequencies over 20k

    You seem to think I am selling these. I am not at the implication is that I am lying. that's offensive I have no vested interest in these. Yes I know that some young people can hear high frequencies, but not everyone knows that, even adults, ( I suspect not many 5 year olds know that either!)

    I tell you again, it works,Do you want me to repeat myself yet again? I won't it's too boring. I don't care about manufacturers claims. I have no need to prove it to you, if you don't believe me do the other thing.

  4. You did of course check your source dint you??? then youll see both videos have been made by the same person!!

    Yaa Baa,

    I only sent one video but I saw several, please check your facts .

    As far as your girlfriends test went, maybe it was defective, maybe flat battery, who knows? but as you said to me ' that's no proof' ( that they do not work)

    I hesitate to do this as I'm sure sure are much cleverer and well read than me, but I'll go ahead anyway.

    Can I suggest you stop taking the tablets you are named after, and try meditation. I'd hope that then you would be less hyperactive and irritable. I'm not sure that it will have any effect on your belief that you are always right and that others that hold different views are somehow gullible, misguided or liars. Nor wil it , I suspect, have any effect on your impulse to use words like 'bleating'which clearly mean that you have prejudged me.

    Finally I'd point out I have no interest in whether you think they work or not, your opinion is of no value to me.

    I wish you well and hope you are better soon

  5. IPv6 has been around for awhile, but adoption among ISPs worldwide has been very slow. A typical IPv6 address consists of hexadecimal digits which looks something like this: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334. IPv4 on the other hand, uses the familiar dot-decimal notation: I don't know of any Thai ISP which offers full IPv6 connectivity.

    Click here to find out your IPv6 address.


    You can use IPv4 or IPv6 to access stuff on the Internet.

    If you use VPN on IPv4 and not on IPv6 then your identity will be protected only on the traffic through the VPN IPv4. The traffic on IPv6 will not be protected in any way.

    So ... if the website and the computer and the link in between them all support IPv6 then it may be IPv6 you are using instead of the IPV4 VPN and therefore your IP will be exposed and you identity can be looked up.

    I really wouldn't trust any of that stuff anyway... even if the link itself is protected, unless you are you are using free software only, you still run a huge shipload of proprietary software with no possibility for public review of the sources... so be careful and don't do anything stupid.


    Thanks for this, TOT is a IPv4 provider I've found out!. i'm using a Mac and only download from BBC iPlayer so I think I'm reasonably safe, but thanks again for your advice My VPN provider seems to be saying they have not or have stopped the v6

  6. IPv6 has been around for awhile, but adoption among ISPs worldwide has been very slow. A typical IPv6 address consists of hexadecimal digits which looks something like this: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334. IPv4 on the other hand, uses the familiar dot-decimal notation: I don't know of any Thai ISP which offers full IPv6 connectivity.

    Click here to find out your IPv6 address.


  7. Yaabaa,

    What is your problem? you clearly think I am not telling the truth ; I am telling the truth,and I object to you implying I am not. That is why you have to believe me. I do not need to show you scientific reports. it works. You also seem to think I'm either stupid or deceived, I can assure you neither is true.

    I'll spell it out to you

    I have bought this thing, when a dog starts barking aggressively at me when riding my bike, I aim it at it ,press the button and the dogs turns and runs. It is effective. i've done that many times now and it means that I am confident of a degree of protection from some of the more aggressive dogs.. This is called empirical evidence and the video is evidence, you say it shows nothing, clearly untrue.

    Now since we cannot hear U/S sound, we wil not know if anything we have bought is working or not, that is why I suggested using a sound meter to test it.

    As far as the sound goes yes it might bethat U/S sound is no more effective than audible sound, but it does not have to be, as long as it works.

    For the rest of your references, yes I, accept they may not work against fleas etc, I'll not get upset over that.

    I raised this because someone had asked for advice on protecting herself from dogs and I am trying to help. You seem intent on ignoring anything I say

    I think there is nothing more to be gained by continuing this rather futile debate.. Mods can you lock this?

  8. I'm going to order one. Thanks!

    If this is the same type of thing that stops cats/insects and dogs DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY, they dont work, reviews of one type here. Im sure you can find a million sites saying they do work but they are usually linked to the manufaturer.


    Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

    When I say 'They work' I mean the dog goes away. Cowchai Mai?

    Have you actually bought and tried one of these or are you simply going on what you see on the internet? I have one; I repeat it works. When you have bought and tried one then maybe we can have a meaningful discussion

    I have no idea why you are attempting to speak to me in Tingglish "Cowchai Mai" ? does a meaningful discussion mean I MUST agree with you and anyone who doesnt makes it not meangingful and it can only be meaningful if it includes a you tube video>

    Have I bought one? YES (well not actually me but my ex girlfriend did) does it work NO.

    Here try reading this source Ultrasonic Sound Emitters DON'T deter bats and dont start bleating on about it doesnt refer to dogs as it does, there is NO proof they work, a u tube video does not constituteproof and neither does "your trial"

    Go ahead and throw your money away on these useless devices if you want Im sure you could sell this stuff in Thailand easily and within a few days there would be no more dogs right???

    I like the section where one of the ultrasonic devices claims to get rid of fleas on dogs too hahahahahah........

    Ever heard of a "dog whistle" ???? all it does is get their attention the same as blowing a human whistle anywhere, does a whistle scare you off????

    Want to deter a dog in Thailand carry a stick and wave it, dog will run, want to waste your money..........go ahead :)

    Ultrasonic pest repellers

    Ultrasonic pest repellers are quite popular. The manufacturers claim that their devices produce ultrasonic noise so aversive to pests (including rats) that it drives the pests away. These devices are appealing to consumers because they are silent to human ears and don't involve traps or poison.

    Ultrasonic collars are supposed to drive fleas off dogs and cats. Ultrasonic devices are supposed to chase away rodent, bird, and insect pests. Ultrasonic emitters on cars are supposed warn large animals away from roads. Lastly, manufacturers frequntly claim that these devices are safe for pets. Are these claims true?

    Do ultrasonic pest repellers drive away pests?

    No. Controlled studies have shown that ultrasonic pest repellers are ineffective at driving away wild rats and other pests. Specifically, ultrasound is no more effective than audible sound (Bomford and O'Brien 1990).

    Ultrasonic collars do not drive fleas off of cats and dogs. Ultrasound does not drive away fleas or cause any change in flea activity patterns (Brown and Lewis 1991, Koehler et al. 1989). Ultrasonic cat collars have no effect on flea egg-laying, development of larvae, or flea mortality (Hinkel et al. 1990). Ultrasonic collars made no difference to the number of fleas on cats (Dryden et al. 1989).

    Ultrasound does not keep wild animals away from roads. Ultrasonic devices did nothing to alter the behavior of moose (Muzzi and Bisset 1990), mule deer (Romin and Dalton 1992), or kangaroos (Bender 2001).

    Ultrasonic devices are ineffective at repelling pests. Ultrasonic pest repellers do not repel cockroaches (Gold et al. 1984, Ballard et al. 1984), mosquitoes (Sylla and Kremsner 2000, Foster and Lutes 1985), white-tailed deer (Belant et al. 1998, Curtis et al. 1997), bats (Hurley and Fenton 1980), cats (Mills et al. 2000), starlings (Bomford 1990), pigeons (Griffiths 1988, Woronecki 1988), and many other bird species (Hamershock 1992).

    Ultrasonic pest repellers do little to repel unwanted rodents. Rodents may be driven away for a few minutes or a few days, but they tend to return to their nesting and feeding areas even in the presence of ultrasound (Pierce 1993, Timm 1994). Ultrasound has not been shown to drive rodents out of buildings or to cause above-normal levels of mortality (Timm 1994).

    It works . My experiment demonstrated it. The video shows it. You do not have to agree with me but you should at least believe what I write about the test. What more proof do you want? I'm not interested in deterring bats that operate in a totally different way, nor moose ,mule deer, cockroaches etc Is this bleating? i'm not a sheep. Maybe your girlfriend bought a different make from me.And for the other poster who questions whether i'm somehow associated with sellers, NO I AM NOT, I have no vested interest, merely trying to help people who have a problem.

    This is getting boring. The video shows it working, mine works, I don't need any more of this

  9. post-55921-074244200 1276873579_thumb.jp

    I use a VPN to watch BBC programmes and today my VPN provider sent a message about a flaw in IP v6/ IPv4. I have attached a screen grab.

    I have no idea what this means and no idea if TOT are using this or not

    Does anyone know?


  10. I'm going to order one. Thanks!

    If this is the same type of thing that stops cats/insects and dogs DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY, they dont work, reviews of one type here. Im sure you can find a million sites saying they do work but they are usually linked to the manufaturer.


    Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

    When I say 'They work' I mean the dog goes away. Cowchai Mai?

    Have you actually bought and tried one of these or are you simply going on what you see on the internet? I have one; I repeat it works. When you have bought and tried one then maybe we can have a meaningful discussion

  11. Rule nr 1

    Repeating yourself and shouting doesn't make your points more valid. :)

    Just test your own youtube link. I have clicked it twice it does not work. Yabaa his link debunking the thing does work.

    I need to repeat myself. Mine does work so my point is valid. As I said, since we can't hear them, maybe yours is defective. The video shows them working. So I will repeat myself so that you understand My Dazer works! I point it at an aggressive dog, press the button and instead of the dog growling at me, it turns around and goes.

    I've repeated the experiment about 12 times and each time it works.

    This makes it a Valid' experiment ( normally in science 3 replicates are enough)

    I repeat they work! Try this link

  12. I'm going to order one. Thanks!

    If this is the same type of thing that stops cats/insects and dogs DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY, they dont work, reviews of one type here. Im sure you can find a million sites saying they do work but they are usually linked to the manufaturer.


    Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

    try again!!!! They do work I've got one. The problem is that you can't hear if yours is working. Try using a sound meter, can be downloaded onto a smart phone.

    I'm not associated with a manufacturer and the video i posted shows them working . so please get your facts right before posting

  13. I'm going to order one. Thanks!

    If this is the same type of thing that stops cats/insects and dogs DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY, they dont work, reviews of one type here. Im sure you can find a million sites saying they do work but they are usually linked to the manufaturer.


    Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

    They do work, I've got one. The problem is that since you cannot hear them you do not know if they are working or not ( the frequency is too high)t. Use a sound meter ( can download onto a smart phone)

    i'm not linked to a manufacturer and the video I posted shows them working

    Get your facts right first . or maybe don't post?????

  14. A poster yesterday was asking how to deter dogs.

    i've got an ultrasonic deterrent that works well. Here is a link to a video showing it working

    I can only find UK or US suppliers ( It is made in the US I think) but here is more information

    post-55921-005172200 1276735984_thumb.jp

  15. OK folks, finally cracked it

    I ordered a Panny video camera from Singapore ( and the US will be the same)

    Cost:£2257 (GBP) at today's appalling rate that is about x47:about 104600 Baht


    a 'customs clearance charge' 1284 Baht

    Terminal charges 192.6 B

    Warehousing charge 66.34 B per day

    The Carrier ( UPS) has cleared it after I sent a copy of my passport and a photo of the video camera!!!

    Total charges delivered to Chiang Mai will be 12,545.60 Baht or about 12%

    This is 5% duty and 7% VAT.

    I know the numbers don't add up! The point is, I seem not to have got ripped off

    Should arrive on June 18th!

    It works! it's the same rate as quoted by customs in Chiang Mai, give or take a few thousand baht!

    post-55921-079252400 1276692173_thumb.jp

  16. Try the Thai Language centre on Ratchadamnoern road- 053 277 810, towards the Wat/ police station end, a yellow building just past the crossroads to Wat Chedi Luang, but on the main road on the left. Great 1-1 teaching or small groups, good teachers, great coffee. Very relaxed and wil adapt to your needs.

    I've been going for several years, recommended

  17. For the third day in a row, when I click on the 'best topics' list, first it expands which is fine, then when i click on any topic it takes me to the 'home page' in Thai Visa, bot the topic.

    I'm sure it worked fine on the first or second day of the new 'improved' version of the website and only started going wrong a few days ago ( Thursday I think).

    Mods seem to be aware of this, they responded to my first email, but nothing happens. Seems like Thai Visa have caught the Thai response disease! listen, smile, but do nothing!!

    Can they get their money back from the website developer?, probably not

  18. Just upgrading to a semi pro video camera that has XLR3 pin connectors ( 3 pin) but no 3.5mm jack plug connection. I've got a couple of microphones that have ? xlr connections but the cable ends in a standard jack plug. I assume they do not need phantom power.

    I also have a lapel microphone with a 3.5 mm pug.

    I need to get adaptors so that I can plug the mics into the connections on the video recorder.

    That is: female standard jack plug to XLR and 3.5 mm female jack plug into XLR.

    The only shop I know is Amorn, who didn't have any.

    Can anyone suggest where in Chiang Mai i might get them, or alternatively suggest someone who might make them up for me

    Thanks in advance

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